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Final Fantasy Official Thread


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Originally Posted by flameboy

well my ff IV turned up today, convinced it is fake...came in an envelope with the box all folded up, having clearly always been in this state not just for packing, the box also just doesn't look real..I'm pretty sure its not even the right boxart and the quality is awful. Also the cart is the wrong colour!



Look inside the game cart, if it says Nintendo, it's real. If not, it's fake.


Pirates usually sell games with a small plastic box or a flat paper box. If it's a flat box, I'm guessing it's from Oseania.


Have played FFT for about ten hours and it's a great game, but several things annoy me. I should be able to undo movements, it really kills a lot of the tactical element if I cannot plan my attacks properly. I have to guess if I can kill that enemey with a combined attack, and if I can't and I move towards him, he may kill one of mine and turn the tide of battle. I have got game over a few times because I was unlucky. And why does every enemy has to be the same level as my highest leveled character and have counter? One attack per enemy plz.


Questions, how long do I have to carry with me the guest characters? I hate to kick out one of my own guys in every story battle. And can I stick with only five characters the entire game? I really don't want to train more than five, that's a lot of time I don't want to spend.


I have been switching between this and FFCC I just bought. Owned it before but never beat the final boss. I was way underleved. This time I plan to getting every artifact, although I'm getting really tired of running through the same dungeon dozen times. It's interesting how S-E chooses to make three more games of a game that lacks proper FF quality and probably flopped in sales.

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It's defintly fake...Really annoying as the guy had all positive feedback. But I think this could be more to do with what was on Watchdog the other day, as packaged with the game was a letter saying that positive feedback would only be left with me if I left him it first...even though paid as soon as I got it...

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It's defintly fake...Really annoying as the guy had all positive feedback. But I think this could be more to do with what was on Watchdog the other day, as packaged with the game was a letter saying that positive feedback would only be left with me if I left him it first...even though paid as soon as I got it...


Have you contacted the guy yet?

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It's defintly fake...Really annoying as the guy had all positive feedback. But I think this could be more to do with what was on Watchdog the other day, as packaged with the game was a letter saying that positive feedback would only be left with me if I left him it first...even though paid as soon as I got it...


If you give him a negative he will give a negative to you too no question asked. Ebay sellers are the worst people you could possible encounter. You should always consider buying from other sites first. VG+ has it for 20 CAD.



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If you give him a negative he will give a negative to you too no question asked. Ebay sellers are the worst people you could possible encounter. You should always consider buying from other sites first. VG+ has it for 20 CAD.




yeah will just have to be more careful...I've bought tons of GBA and DS games off ebay and this is the first time its happened.




To answer other questions have sent him a message citing my anger at what has happened and that I either want a refund or a legit copy sending.

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is 20th Anniversary of Final Fantasy today.


The Main series



[NES][PSX][WSC][GBA][PSP] Final Fantasy


JP: 12/18/1987

NA: 7/12/1990




[NES][PSX][WSC][GBA][PSP] Final Fantasy II


JP: 12/17/1988



[NES][NDS] Final Fantasy III


JP: 4/27/1990


[sNS][PSX][WSC][GBA][NDS] Final Fantasy IV


JP: 7/19/1991

NA: 11/23/1991



[sNS][PSX][GBA] Final Fantasy V


JP: 12/6/1992


[sNS][PSX][GBA] Final Fantasy VI


JP: 4/2/1994

NA: 10/11/1994



[PSX][PC] Final Fantasy VII


JP: 1/31/1997

NA: 9/7/1997

EU: 11/17/1997


[PSX][PC] Final Fantasy VIII


JP: 2/11/1999

NA: 9/7/1999

EU: 10/27/1999



[PSX] Final Fantasy IX


JP: 7/7/2000

NA: 11/14/2000

EU: 2/16/2001


[PS2] Final Fantasy X


JP: 7/19/2001

NA: 12/20/2001

EU: 5/29/2002



[PS2][PC][360] Final Fantasy XI


JP: 5/16/2002

NA: 5/23/2004



[PS2] Final Fantasy XII


JP: 3/16/2006

NA: 10/31/2006

EU: 2/23/2007


[PS3] Final Fantasy XIII






[sNS] Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

[PS2] Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

[PSP] Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

[PS2] Final Fantasy X-2

[NDS] Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

[PSP] Dissidia: Final Fantasy

[PS3] Final Fantasy Versus XIII


Other Spin-off Games (not full names)


(PSX)FFVII International

(PS2) FX International

(PS2) FFX-2 International

(PS2)FFXII International

(Mobile) Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode: FFVII

(Mobile)FFXIII Agito

(Mobile)FFIV The After: Return to the Moon

(Mobile)FFVII Snowboarding



(PSX)Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon 1

(PSX)Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon 2

(PSX)Chocobo Stallion

(PSX) Chocobo Racing

[PocketStation] Chocobo World (released with FFVIII)

[DS] Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales (DS)



The Tactics Series


[PSX] Final Fantasy Tactics

[GBA] Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

[NDS] Final Fantasy Tactics A2

[PSP] Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions


The Crystal Chronicles Series


[NGC] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

[NDS] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

[WII] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Little King and the Promised Land

[WII] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers



- FF Unlimited (Anime)

- FF Legend of the Crystals (Anime)

- FFVII Last Order (Anime)

- FFVII Advent Children (Movie)

- FF Spirits Within (Movie)

- FFX Eternal Calm (Short movie using game assets linking FFX to FFX-2; not included with either game)


<Honorable Mention for inclusion of FF characters, or namesake usage, and other reasons>

- FF Adventure (in name only, is a Mana game)

- FF Legend 1 (name only, is a SaGa game)

- FF Legend 2 (in name only, is a SaGa game)

- FF Legend 3 (in name only, is a SaGa game)

- Ehrgeiz (Characters)

- Itadaki Street series (Characters)

- Kingdom Hearts series (Characters)

- Mario Hoops 3 on 3 (Characters)

- Secret of Evermore (Characters)

- Super Mario RPG (Character)

- Vagrent Story (set in the Ivalice universe)

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  • 3 months later...

Well I took FF V from my sealed games pile and unwrapped it earlier this week. I'm about 8-9 hours in and it seems pretty good so far. I've done up to the fire crystal and I've just got the black chocobo and been to Jachol. Alot of the time I've put in so far has been levelling up lol. I'm a bit overwhelmed with the job system which has meant I've levelled each character up to level 4/5 in a few different jobs. I don't know if I'm wasting my time or not!


Oh, and I do like the way it shows you on the character profiles how much ABP you need to get to the next job level. Its a real slog getting ABP at the mo because its pretty much 1 point of it per battle, but its better than in FF III where you just have to guess!


Reviews I read a while ago gave me the impression that apart from the job system, this game is a bit useless. To me it seems good... it opened with the meteorite falling and the fact that its been a bit slow is probably my own fault for breaking between towns to level up the jobs. Plus, the crystals are shattering! :eek:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Not sure but I snapped it up along with Dragon Quest and Crystal Chronicles all at 9.99 each just this morning, cant say no to them prices.


exactly...Dragon Quest is pretty good..I got that last week at 9.99...cant wait to play CC what a bargain!

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Does Square-Enix have a problem with turn based combat? I'm loving Crisis Core but all these spin offs, prequels and sequels arnt having classic turned based combat! I like my turn base, since FFXII Ive been miffed by the idea of me walking around like a loonie in the middle of a battle. Plus If Im a tad late a choosing what I want to do the enemies will have an extra attack! For Example in Crisis Core you have to constantly look at your HP because it takes a long time to do anything about it, relative to the speed of 3 or 4 enemies attacking you or one giant SOLDIER beasty on a very hard mission(especially when his regular attacks take off 9/10 of my HP)


I love the American box art for tactics psp. Its the only one American Ive ever liked.


These play.com deals seem pretty sweet. There isnt a better deal, even in the US on the exchange rate. Revenant Wings is pretty new aswell.


I like the EU box art better for Ring of Fates but I think prefer the American Revenant Wings.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Well started Revenant Wings last night and actually enjoying it far more than I expected to. I quickly got bored of Rings of Fate boring hack and slash mechanics but this is far more my cup of tea. Defo worth the tenner it cost anyway.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Im waiting for the Euro release. I still havent finished TWEWY and I have Darksnowman telling me to go buy Etrian aswell! I clearly need more time, wonder if I should quit my job and live off the government for a while....


Haha, I personally disliked Etrian, but I'm always playing TWEWY, trying to get my pin mastery to atleast 80% before thursday, currently on 60%.

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Don't listen to him, Etrian Odyssey is really good! I haven't got TWEWY but its on my list of games to buy- preferably when its down in price. :p As for FF IV, I hadn't planned on importing because I've lots of other games going on at the minute, so I think I'll wait for the European release. On yer own Olympic G!

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Haha I guess I am on my own it seems!


Waiting for TWEWY to be cheaper in price? I would argue against that, but I did pay £5 for Shiren and thats an awesome game, and paying the highstreet price for TWEWY of £30 left me more than happy and its worth every penny I paid for it, so many unique elements and creations make it so worthwhile.


We seem to have gone off-topic, damn. Any way, I'm hoping VGP.ca dispatch it tonight so I should get it thursday-friday. Its suprising, this game hasnt even been leaked, its pretty much lunch time in the east side of the states right now and no ones gotten ahold of it at dumped it.

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Watched it there now, thanks for the link. What can I say but I'm hyped for it right now! Looks great but I'm a bit disappointed that the additional material that was left on the cutting room floor doesn't flesh things out as much as we were initially led to believe.

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Its suprising, this game hasnt even been leaked, its pretty much lunch time in the east side of the states right now and no ones gotten ahold of it at dumped it.


I've seen a leaked rip. :blank:


Played it and it's definately old school fun. 365 games delivered it srtaight away (with added postage costs = meh) but it seems they are now out of stock. The graphics are lovely though, yet it's definately a back-to-your-roots RPG. First cave boss (mist dweller) and I was whoop-assed. Levelling up from the off then. Glorious.

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