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So i am worried i have hit a rut, i have basically been on a low calorie diet with hardly any exercise which has resulted in me losing the 4 Stone 4 pounds that i have since January.


Although for the last week and half i haven't lost any weight (which isn't normal for what i have been doing)... Think my motabalism may have grownd to a hault and entered 'starvation mode'.


started to consider a personal trainer... start up some good exercise and hopefully they could advice me on what to eat? But it's expensive and i dunno? Anyone had experience with PT's?

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No experience with personal trainers, but I think Raining does. Sounds like a good idea though, if you're not losing weight and you had not been doing exercise already. You'll probably kick-start your body into burning fat again if you do. =)



I've lost about 3 kg the last 9 or so days, due to a weird protein diet I'm following. Also done quite a bit of running last week, trying to improve myself. In a few days I went from only being able to run maximum 2 minutes at 8 km/h to 6 minutes at 8.5 with bursts of 10 or even 12 km/h. Which for me is fucking fast haha.


I want to be able to run 5km in half an hour at some point. Right now I can reach 4km in half an hour, but that is with lots of walking in between as I can't run for long periods yet. Guess that is one of my goals.

That and losing 6 more kilos. =P

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So i am worried i have hit a rut, i have basically been on a low calorie diet with hardly any exercise which has resulted in me losing the 4 Stone 4 pounds that i have since January.


Although for the last week and half i haven't lost any weight (which isn't normal for what i have been doing)... Think my motabalism may have grownd to a hault and entered 'starvation mode'.


started to consider a personal trainer... start up some good exercise and hopefully they could advice me on what to eat? But it's expensive and i dunno? Anyone had experience with PT's?


Plateaus are generally caused by


- not counting and measuring EVERYTHING you eat properly


a little bit of milk in tea, or a little bit of extra cereal in the morning, EVERYTHING has to be measured and counted.


- eating the same food all of the time every single day


Your body will get used to what you put in it and isn't designed to lose weight long term - so you have to trick it into doing it by eating different stuff. Different amounts of carbs/protein/fat every day when you can. Like for example, have a carby breakfast one day, then something not carby (eg toast one day, then fruit and yoghurt the next)


- eating the same amount of food every day


Eating different amounts of calories per day can actually kick you metabolism up a notch as its never the same each day and never gets settled into a rut...


Weigh in day: calories - 100

day 2: calories + 500

Day 3: cals + 100

Day 4: cals + 0

Day 5: cals - 200

Day 6: cals - 100

Day 7: cals - 200


You can obviously switch it around as you want, but the idea is to have the big + at the start of the week



- not eating enough


I can't stress enough how eating less is NOT losing more. People do the most ridiculous diets when all you need is a little bit of restraint. losing weight slowly is ALWAYS the way to do it and the way to keep it off.


- water retention/bowel movement


Sometimes these things just happen. If you drank a pint of water previous to weighing, or you have dodgy scales (wiifit ones are bollocks)


- not eating healthy


You could be eating your calories but saving them all for a crappy big fat dinner at night. That destroys your sugar levels and affects your metabolism.




Exercise is great for muscle growth and cardiovascular health (i wholeheartedly agree with doing it) but it won't neccesarily give you huge losses. I've been doing personal training for a year, and my body is used to the exercise, and I have to do what I do every week to lose at all...whereas I used to drop 4lb a week with no exercise. Personal training is really hardcore, and its also really expensive... but its the best way to get your body in shape. I pay about £15 for half hour sessions that I do once a week. If you are dedicated enough you can exercise yourself and still lose weight.


fyi; 2 week plateaus aren't uncommon and there's nothing wrong with you, you just need to adjust what you are eating slightly to wake up your metabolism a bit. I had a 4 week plateau because I was having a lot of health problems at the time (with excessive hypoglycemia) and it was horrid... but never forget how far you've come.... and the fact is you might not be losing but you sure as hell aren't going back to what you were.


I'm not trying to suggest you aren't dieting properly, because a lot of the time it is your body rejecting what you are doing. It's a real bloody fine art getting a diet right. Sometimes you feel like you can do no wrong one week, then on other weeks you put weight on just by smelling food, lol. Whatever you do, do NOT change to an unmanageable diet because you'll never stick to it.


It really annoys me that people assume a diet is "easy" and its just a case of eating less, but its really not... :)



If you want to exercise yourself, try c25k, its for all levels of fitness, and is great cardio and should fingers crossed help kick start you off with exercising :)


You should consider joining minimins.com.. its a weight loss forum and everyones lovely. There's a forum for just about every diet going (as well as an exercise forum, as i know it can be different for "overweight" people to exercise) and other people there may have suggestions to help. I know that without mini's, I wouldn't be where I am at the moment. (i'm hannata on there if you do join)

Edited by Raining_again
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I'd disagree with the not eating the same thing. I've been doing that and have lost over 5 stone, now what works for me won't work for everyone but so many of these so called rules that you must follow are bollocks.


As for exercise, i've never been near a gym. There's no better exercise you can do than running and anyone can (barring physical disability of course). As Eunuh is doing, you have to start of slow.


No experience with personal trainers, but I think Raining does. Sounds like a good idea though, if you're not losing weight and you had not been doing exercise already. You'll probably kick-start your body into burning fat again if you do. =)



I've lost about 3 kg the last 9 or so days, due to a weird protein diet I'm following. Also done quite a bit of running last week, trying to improve myself. In a few days I went from only being able to run maximum 2 minutes at 8 km/h to 6 minutes at 8.5 with bursts of 10 or even 12 km/h. Which for me is fucking fast haha.


I want to be able to run 5km in half an hour at some point. Right now I can reach 4km in half an hour, but that is with lots of walking in between as I can't run for long periods yet. Guess that is one of my goals.

That and losing 6 more kilos. =P



It's amazing how quickly your body can improve itself, literally after a couple of runs you can feel the difference. I started off just doing 15 minutes a few times a week, I now run for 3 hours a week, 1 hour at a time. That equates to 25 miles (40km) a week. Even after that I'm not tired, it just becomes a bit boring running for too long. According to my iPod, the fastest i've clocked for 10km is 46.33 minutes.

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I'd disagree with the not eating the same thing. I've been doing that and have lost over 5 stone, now what works for me won't work for everyone but so many of these so called rules that you must follow are bollocks.







You're totally making no sense... You rubbish my suggestion yet you also agree that the standard (aka what you are doing) won't work for everyone?! I never rubbished eating normally because I know it works for a lot of people and not once did I suggest one should change to variable calories for the hell of it.


Nothing that I suggested is dangerous or unhealthy. I've done most of the stuff on the list and so have a lot of people I know.. with great success. For the purpose of getting out of a plateau its worth examining what you are eating and trying something different.

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You're totally making no sense... You rubbish my suggestion yet you also agree that the standard (aka what you are doing) won't work for everyone?! I never rubbished eating normally because I know it works for a lot of people and not once did I suggest one should change to variable calories for the hell of it.


Nothing that I suggested is dangerous or unhealthy. I've done most of the stuff on the list and so have a lot of people I know.. with great success. For the purpose of getting out of a plateau its worth examining what you are eating and trying something different.


I'm not rubbishing anything at all, just not agreeing. Yes I stated what i'm doing won't work for everyone but that goes for everything else you posted, it might work for one person, it might not for another.


I didn't comment on whether anything was dangerous or unhealthy, merely that doing what you say doesn't work has worked very well for me and for others I know.

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Well it took me longer to reply then i said i would! :p


Thanks for the replys anyway.


I have been on a low calorie diet which has worked so far but yeah it sounds like my metabalism grounded to a halt. On thursday i had some extra calories, had some bread with lunch (i had been avoiding carb stuff except for breakfast) and a mcFlurry from mcdonolds with my tea and i weighed myself today and it reckons i have now lost 3 pounds after not losing anything at all past 2 weeks! lol.


I'm going to have to do different experiements with my body now, i think starting a proper exercise routine might help as i have just been losing weight on dieting so far. Apparantly weight training can be good as well as cardio for burning calories over a period of time. And also increase my eating slightly, just little things like having 2 slices of bread rather than just ham/chicken with lettuce etc so my body actually has something to burn when working out!


I wish it was just easy and i could carry on what i had been doing to continue shifting the weight!!!!!

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Yeah I've done the same.. it nearly always works. But it can be a dangerous tactic, as long as you can stick to that ONE mcflurry or ONE naughty meal it genuinely does reap rewards. And as well as that you are still having a treat once a week, or fortnight, so I find it helps stay on it when you've got that to look forward to. :) Nobody gets fat by having a curry once a week, or by having one mcflurry, its everything else :p


I've changed my diet completely. Come to a complete halt with eating normal food. So I've gone keto VLCD shake diet. I've exhausted every possible option and I was eating very healthy and grinding myself to dust in the gym :( My dermatologist said it would be near on impossible for me to lose weight while on this drug that I'm on.. think I underestimated exactly how bad it would be. My GP basically implied that I wasn't doing my diet correctly, without any knowledge of what I was eating. (fucking arsehole) So I'm gonna have a chat with my dermy about it next time I'm in and let her know i'm on a VLCD too. I didn't really want to go down this route, but without my meds I could very potentially be hospitalised and even die. So stuck between one shitty situation and another. To be honest a shake diet is really really the least of my worries at the moment. I've no fear of regaining my weight because I now have a very healthy attitude towards food now, and I love the gym. :)

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Mike, I havent read everything on this page but to sum up my experiance if you were quite a big guy just eating healthy will make you loose weight, but once you do that for so long and loose so much you have to start exercising for it to come off.


When I just started my weight loss I could just eat healthy and loose around 3lb per week. The past week I've ate great and also been to the gym 4 times and only just made it to 2lb.


Also, you really don't need a personal trainner. Just join a gym and I'm sure one of the staff will help you draw out a plan you can use for the next 6 weeks or so. Also the golden exercise rule is that if you're not soaking in sweat you're not working hard enough.


Hope that helps.

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Mike, I havent read everything on this page but to sum up my experiance if you were quite a big guy just eating healthy will make you loose weight, but once you do that for so long and loose so much you have to start exercising for it to come off.


When I just started my weight loss I could just eat healthy and loose around 3lb per week. The past week I've ate great and also been to the gym 4 times and only just made it to 2lb.


Also, you really don't need a personal trainner. Just join a gym and I'm sure one of the staff will help you draw out a plan you can use for the next 6 weeks or so. Also the golden exercise rule is that if you're not soaking in sweat you're not working hard enough.


Hope that helps.


Tar mate, yeah well to sum it up for me i have lost just over 4 stone since january by just eating less but with the odd calorific meal here and there but past 2 weeks it just stopped...


And so you can all see in picture form this was me in in October and January:









And this was me a few days ago:




Edited by Mike1988uk
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I recommend the "Follow ReZ" Diet! Just ask him where he is and you'll see him in a minute. By the time you'll get there he'll be gone!


Phone him up and find his new location, go there and find him missing!




You may even need to buy a new belt along the way. That's how effective this diet is.

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I recommend the "Follow ReZ" Diet! Just ask him where he is and you'll see him in a minute. By the time you'll get there he'll be gone!


Phone him up and find his new location, go there and find him missing!




You may even need to buy a new belt along the way. That's how effective this diet is.


Sounds fun! ;)


I'm all for effective diets!! :p

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So yeah i go the gym today to try and start exercising more as advised... have a shower at the end, get in my car, still warm so turn on my air con and my car passenger footwell starts to fill with water!


Now my car is in for repair... i am going to have to get a lift from my gf for work tomoz and for her to pick me up and then paying for a courtasy car the rest of the week (well depends how long they take it fix it).


I think someone is trying to tell me something about going to exercise..... :p

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So...errr...how do you lose weight? :p


I want to do this.


Mainly cos I want to eat more healthy.


I've been working in the cinema and I've actually grown tired as of today of the stuff people are stuffing their faces with like Hot Dogs. I've grown sick at the sight of this things plus recently or more often or on an increase I've been getting bigger meals at say mcdonalds.


Used to be like 6 chicken nuggets but my appetite bumps it up to like 9, large meal + a burger, wtf?


So yeah, I've grown tired of my grotesque nature of eating unnecessarily. I guess the first thing is cutting out the snacks?


In the interim at home the meals I get are proper good actual meals but in between I eat crap even when I don't need or not really hungry.


One good thing is I really don't eat chocolate ever. When I was younger I used to have one bar a day but kicked that habit in early.


I want to have a better diet basically and lose weight as well. I'm not "fat" but not comfortable with my weight as such. I'm not that fussed but since going to Uni I've put on more than I would've wanted to.


It doesn't help that first year it got to the stage of KFC for lunch and dinner at some point which was horrid in the end.


Second year much better but still lacking the balance and the greenry.


I just want to know what to do/how to begin? I would be very grateful. :)

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5 days into TFR..... 10.75lbs down.


I'm so hungry the cat is looking tasty..


I'm not sure how my body is capable of such losses when it wasn't shifting on a food diet at all... frustrating much.


Well done on the the loss there... never tried cat though... ;)


But it does sound very frustrating for you, that diet your on at the moment though must be pretty hardcore!


So...errr...how do you lose weight? :p


We are more than happy to try and help in here!


You have summed it up quite well yourself, cutting out bad snacks is a big start and watching how often you eat the big meals such as mcdonolds etc


A body needs calories to 'live' and will naturally burn during the day to survive, approximatly a man they should consume 2500 a day and a women 2000 (there are various sites when claim to give a more occurate figure based on height, current weight and activity level).


To lose weight you need to have less calories than your body burns = weight loss. Eat less, eat good stuff and exercise!


It does various to each individual as Raining, myself and i am sure others have found. I lost 4 stone 4 pounds by just dieting and limiting how much i had to eat.... but i have a lot of weight to shift so that was 'easier' ( bloody hard work though!!) but have now found i need to start exercising and vary my diet.


I have no idea how much you actually want to lose but for yourself it could be as 'simple' as when you eat the snacks which are shitty, replace them with something 'better', fruit, go ahead bar etc.


It's early in the morning and i am about to go out to work and tired so i don't really know if i have answered your question or if this makes any sence, lol! Feel free to ask some specific questions if you want and when i am back from work i shall try my best to answer!

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