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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"


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I've never really GOT shiney pokemon... I only included them after someone told me I was being blasphemous for not. :P


Well, they ARE a pretty established part of the Pokéworld by now, so it does make sense to include them. But I'd say your shinies would benefit from having their colours differ more from the regular colours. :)

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Baby Miltank would be good BUT has to have a cross evo...Male Evolves into Tauros, Female into Miltank, has to be done.


Though I have seen a Baby Tropius around before Here


Anyway, I've been looking at these from the start, have to say I Bloody love every single one of them, can't really say which is my favorite, too many of them, though the Piñata has an awesome concept


I've done my own Pokes before, not as good as your's but I like them Here, Here Evo



Also, I love the little figurines, would love to have a collection.

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Baby Miltank would be good BUT has to have a cross evo...Male Evolves into Tauros, Female into Miltank, has to be done.


Though I have seen a Baby Tropius around before Here


Anyway, I've been looking at these from the start, have to say I Bloody love every single one of them, can't really say which is my favorite, too many of them, though the Piñata has an awesome concept


I've done my own Pokes before, not as good as your's but I like them Here, Here Evo



Also, I love the little figurines, would love to have a collection.


I actually, genuinely love your first one. I find it hilarious and want to do my own take on it... am I allowed to?


Also it doesn't bother me if a Tropius baby has been done. I only did a Sableye evo because I thought I could better all the ones I'd already seen. I try not to look at other Fakemon... cos then I can't get their ideas out of my head. But I do like that baby!

Edited by Hamishmash
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Sure, would be cool to see it actually drawn by someone with skill ^^


Name: Luvius

Classification: Sea Dog Pokemon

Type: Ghost/Water


Flavour Text: LuviusÂ, the given name from experts and enthusiast alike, only a handful of people have even claimed to have seen this Pokemon when sailing the seas. Cruise ships, cargo ships and many others have been blown to pieces, survivors, and only a very small number, and barley able to talk due to shock, when they do they all claim to have seen a black ship with a lone captain on it and no crew, but before they can get a good look at it, the ship disappears into nothingness, not even the most profound professors and experts in the world know where this Pokemon comes from, all they know is even if a myth, there is a new Pokemon out in the seas ready to be discovered


Origins:Like all Pokemon Luvius are born into the world, alive, full of happiness and not a care in the world, but behind this unknown species there is a sinister, more vengeful evil that makes this story more chilling, unknown to any explorers a species of what is known to be wolf like Pokemon are gathered in small numbers, one mighty leader, male sits infront of his many mates and cubs, all awaiting their turn to grow older and take their place as rightful leader of the pack after one lucky winner had defeated his brothers to gain the crown of leadership. But what happens before this, when the cubs are born is what Luvius has become the vengeful Pokemon that it is, when born the leader of the pack sense each of the new male, seeing their future knowledge and Potential, all strong willed fighters are moved to a special cave near the seas so they can grow and train ready to take their rightful place as leader. The ones the leader sees as weak and mongrel like are without any hesitation cast into the ocean to drown to their deaths, but what takes place when the cubs are on their last breath is a ghostly transformation into what you see now. Luvius takes it upon himself to seek vengeance on his pack, sailing the seas of the world in hops to find where this flock moves onto next, destroying anything or anyone in its way.



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If you don't mind, I think I might take elements of the design and make something quite different with it... I'd probably give it a different name and info, but you'd get as much credit as you wish (you might not want any if you hate it :P) I just love the idea of a pirate pokemon with a canon arm...

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