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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"


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I like it! Especially the other designs of the different colours/types.




Love the water splash off the tongue on the water type, the flame off the tongue on the fire type, Poison cloud around the tongue on the poison type etc etc.


really cool idea, especially as there appear to be more different form pokemon now adays.

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Right. I'm going to be doing two more evolutions. I WAS thinking Quilfish, Shuckle, Delibird but then that's all Johto Pokemon. Any other suggestions?


Also... baby Pokemon are alright but who really wants a baby Shuckle? Baby Pokemon are only good if the evolved form is rare and exciting. Opinions? Suggestions?

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Qwilfish is shit, could do with one. I think Shuckel and Delibird are cool as is.


Pinsir? To match with Scizor.


These suggests seem popular.


Can you do a pair of Eeveelutions too? I understand if not though. But realistically, do, because I'm intrigued. I'll judge you by which types you choose.


Hmm yeah. My main problem is Eevveelutions are like the ONLY think Fakemon artists seem to do. I'd probably do a Ghost and a Steel type. I'll see. :)


I'd still love a Sableye or Mawille evolution..


Yeah I agree, Sableye could do with something extra.


100% Qwilfish and Pinsir.


The latter possibly bug/dark, (has that happened before?)


Nope. It hasn't.

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I will fix the typo under its name later.




BLOG: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/tagged/qwilmace

dA: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/072-Qwilmace-203168017


Qwilmace evolves from the Johto Pokémon, Qwilfish, when trained with the “Anchor” item held, which increases the weight of a Pokemon and gives them the “Sturdy” Ability.


Qwilmace is incredibly poisonous but a bad swimmer. When threatened, it inflates to twice it size and uses its heavy tail to anchor itself in the sea bed, so that it doesn’t drift away. Their tail is also used a powerful weapon.

Edited by Hamishmash
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I'm really pleased with this one.




BLOG: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/tagged/swatheart

dA: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/073-Swatheart-203439717


Swatheart is the evolved form of Sableye.


Swatheart can live for millennia in hibernation in dark caverns. When they wake up they often find crystals have formed around their limbs.


If they have been living in caves for this long, they are so used to the dim light that in normal sunlight they are blind. However their other senses are so heightened that this disability is unnoticeable.

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Amazing! :D Though I do think the shiny colours could do with being more different.


I've never really GOT shiney pokemon... I only included them after someone told me I was being blasphemous for not. :P


Only just spotted this topic and I must say i'm very impressed! You've got the pokemon vibe spot on. : peace:


I actually wish some of these were true pokemon *disappointment*


Welcome to my world! I was looking through an online Pokedex wondering where some of my evolutions were. :P

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