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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"


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Russian Doll Pokemon??




I love the concept of it...


Technically as it loses HP it could also lose one 'shell' per every fifth of HP, would be amazing to see the animation of it going from full HP to Zero.

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Cringe. Wish I never existed.




I invented two Pokemon the other day jsut from doodles. One is a bear (could be any creature though) that is like...a balloon, or rubbery. First time it evolves, a hole develops, and gas now leaks out of one part (and it becomes Poison type as well as normal), then in it's final evolution, it's popped completely and it just a cloud, with it's "skin", empty and being supported by it's cloud-self.


And also one that's a living laser. Though reminded me of Rotom.



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I think we all invented Pokémon at one point in our lives. I once drew a Dugtrio evolution that was Earth/Fighting, had 6 arms and 6 legs, and looked like a weird, multi-limbed Yeti.


Ah, memories.


Well, I did draw some sketches as well when I was younger...so easy to make up comedy stuff based on the original designs and their sometimes ridiculous descriptions xD


Here's a sample, made real by my devart friend:




Yeah, real classy xD


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Well, I did draw some sketches as well when I was younger...so easy to make up comedy stuff based on the original designs and their sometimes ridiculous descriptions xD


Here's a sample, made real by my devart friend:




Yeah, real classy xD

A man after my own heart.

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Yeah it's got an evolution (which is even weirder!)


It's meant to be a Piniata, but with chilli-peppers in it rather than sweets.







deviantART: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/063-Pepiata-064-Polokia-202156794



Pepiata resembles a piñata, so in its native region it was often chased and beaten by children. Although, when its hollow tummy was unzipped and the children dived for the colourful treats which spilled out and gobbled them - they would get a nasty surprise. For Pepiata is filled with red-hot chilli-peppers.


Because its stomach is constantly full of chillis, Pepiata’s tongue is constantly burnt. It’s unique “Burnt Tongue” attack is similar to “Lick” but always burns the opponent.



Polokia evolves from Pepiata when it eats the White Chilli.


Polokia’s breath can set fire to wood. Its tongue is so used to eating chilli-peppers, Polokia can even drink lava.

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