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This. Maybe why it still feels shitty and unfinished to me. Why isn't there an obvious button to press to see conversation? So easy but not there.


Again I reiterate Twitter's ethos. People complain when sites try and do everything (e.g. facebook) but when a site stays simple... :heh:



In terms of celebrity twitterers I think my favourite is Andrew Dost because it is so him. Kind of off-kilter weirdness, its entertaining. Plus he tweets/retweets me sometimes so we're good :p

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Why isn't there an obvious button to press to see conversation? So easy but not there.


Can't this be done? Maybe via Tweetdeck or something then...?


I'd almost rather I wasn't able to see the conversations. It'd be less annoying.


At the very least, there is an option to not view things that people @reply to others who you aren't following. I use this and it keeps me from seeing a whole lot of irrelevant faff/ one side of conversations... I presume.

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On 'New Twitter' if you click a tweet it shows the last few between people. And as I say - http://www.bettween.com


And darksnowman that was introduced fairly recently as people complained about seeing lots of tweets to random people they don't care about. Like on Facebook. If Dan were to say something to Paj it would come up on my feed because I know them both. If Dan were to confess his undying love for whatever girl he has his sights on at the moment I wouldn't because I don't know her.

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And darksnowman that was introduced fairly recently as people complained about seeing lots of tweets to random people they don't care about.


Really? Whoa, I could have sworn I ticked that option soon after joining Twitter. I've rarely used the website and only had a nosey through the options back in the early days of my membership. Weird one but I'll let you have it. :heh:

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If Dan were to say something to Paj it would come up on my feed because I know them both. If Dan were to confess his undying love for whatever girl he has his sights on at the moment I wouldn't because I don't know her.


Actully thats down to the secuity of the the girl. You can set your status to everyone or friend of friends and you'll beable to see his message on her status & all of her stuff depends on the setting she has it on.


(That is for facebook anyway)

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Of course not. Its about socialising. Who would socialise with you? ;)




In all seriousness though, I'm highly sociable, I just do it when I'm actually with people... how bout that? Serious, I don't get what kind of interesting lives you people lead that you have to share everything about it immediately. : peace:

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In all seriousness though, I'm highly sociable, I just do it when I'm actually with people... how bout that? Serious, I don't get what kind of interesting lives you people lead that you have to share everything about it immediately. : peace:


Its a fantastic way to keep in touch with people close and far, and still enjoy their personality, their life and your shared sense of humour.


I don't see how that is hard to understand.

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I keep in touch with people close to me by actually being with them. And the ones far away I use skype to talk to. Contact works better in real time, I think.

It's not that I don't get social netwoking, it's just that I think it's mostly an excuse to try and boost social portagonism. The ones that really matter would still be there without social networks, and the ones that don't matter... don't matter, so what purpose does it really serve other than acting as a tool for narcisism and for spying the lives of others. By all means use it, but have no illusions about it, it merely preys on the lowest common denominator idea that people never abandon the high school gossip mentality.


Who you are is who you are, and social networks are 85% about who you'd like to be, instead of who you are.

Rest assured, I do know for a fact you're part of those other 15%, you're a genuine article. You seem to be 100% satisfied with who you are! So all that blabbering wasn't aimed specifically at you, worry not.

Set up a timer clock... just look at the amount of time you waste with it.

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I keep in touch with people close to me by actually being with them. And the ones far away I use skype to talk to. Contact works better in real time, I think.

It's not that I don't get social netwoking, it's just that I think it's mostly an excuse to try and boost social portagonism.


You're way over thinking it IMHO.


Not everyone Skypes, its easier to mass say on FB "I won an award" or whatever piece of news you want to share. Blah bhalalala.Not gonna pretend I know what protorganisiom means though.

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You're way over thinking it IMHO.


Not everyone Skypes, its easier to mass say on FB "I won an award" or whatever piece of news you want to share. Blah bhalalala.Not gonna pretend I know what protorganisiom means though.


Exactly. I get so bored of people who criticize facebook. It's just the most straightforward and common method of social communication. It can be used for narcistic reasons, it can be used as a timewaster, but ultimately it's up to the user, and narcism isn't promoted by facebook, you can hide people from news feed and it automatically only shows you stuff from people you talk to / whatever.


And I find it equally narcissistic when people claim to be too good / busy / whatever to 'have time' for facebook.


(also, I had to google portagonism, I'm pretty sure it's not a word)

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You're way over thinking it IMHO.


Not everyone Skypes, its easier to mass say on FB "I won an award" or whatever piece of news you want to share. Blah bhalalala.Not gonna pretend I know what protorganisiom means though.


I don't really share news, and everyone I know is either on Skype or MSN, do I don't really see anything in it for me.


Also,apparently the word doesn't even exist in this context in english, lol! And I spelt it wrong - it's protagonism.

It's basically relevance, you know? as in social relevance, how much "status" you have how known you are, etc etc.


Exactly. I get so bored of people who criticize facebook. It's just the most straightforward and common method of social communication. It can be used for narcistic reasons, it can be used as a timewaster, but ultimately it's up to the user, and narcism isn't promoted by facebook, you can hide people from news feed and it automatically only shows you stuff from people you talk to / whatever.


And I find it equally narcissistic when people claim to be too good / busy / whatever to 'have time' for facebook.


(also, I had to google portagonism, I'm pretty sure it's not a word)


The mot straightforward and common method of social communication is actually being with someone,dan. After that, it's a phone. And then, yes... after that it's facebook/Internet in general.


And I'm not claiming to be too good / busy / whatever to have time for facebook. I just think it's boring as fuck and never use mine... because there's neve anything good going on on it. It's just a bunch people competing for appeal and joining stupid groups. Guess what? Nobody cares.

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The mot straightforward and common method of social communication is actually being with someone,dan. After that, it's a phone. And then, yes... after that it's facebook/Internet in general.


And I'm not claiming to be too good / busy / whatever to have time for facebook. I just think it's boring as fuck and never use mine... because there's neve anything good going on on it. It's just a bunch people competing for appeal and joining stupid groups. Guess what? Nobody cares.


I didn't mean you, I'm just giving the point that there's an equal amount of narcism on and off facebook.


Anyway, I'm just saying that your problem with facebook clearly isn't the website itself but the people you have added on it. You could say that about most websites; this forum, for example is preferable to most basically because of the people on it rather than the website itself.

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For organising things too, it saves time. Events are tres useful. Since texting is so annoying an unsatisfying. And hurts my fingers since I'm ALWAYS the one organising things, and my phone has to manually add a new person to a text every time, so lots of scrolling with my sore thumb.


Basically Facebook is good.

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