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Game of Thrones


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Yeah I could do. I really meant I won't be reading ahead - by which I'd spoil years of what looks to be one of my favourite TV shows of all time so far. Of course, the counter argument is that I'm spoiling the books by watching the series first, but hey ho. One of them has to come first and I have other books to read ;)

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I love this series, when I first watched it, i werent sure about it, but i'm glad i gave it ago, I really recommend it to everyone whos in to folklore and general fantasy medievil type programs, I might even consider buying the books, fuck it I will get the books next week :D

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I have not read the series yet but one of my best friends as well as my Dad keeps on telling me to watch it all of the time. However, I'm just going to totally ignore them and read the books first! :p


Nah, I was debating on whether to watch the series first or read the books first but after about a week or two, I decided to get the books. Apparently, the books are brilliant and since Game of Thrones is HBO (I think), I gather that it'll be a quality series.

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Well i must say that i am a little disappointed at how predictably the last episode finished. I am however really looking forward to the next season.


I think i will buy the books though and read them first!


On the contrary, I was expecting it to be very different. Or at least more 'omg!'


As it stands, it feels like an epilogue to the drama of episode 9, which is actually fine. Waiting for season 2 is going to be frankly brutal.

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Apparently, the books are brilliant and since Game of Thrones is HBO (I think), I gather that it'll be a quality series
I've heard that the game of throne book is actully quite acurrect to the series shown so far and yeah HBO did a brlilliant adaption to the series.


Episode 10 ended with an awsome gliff hanger,


I wonder what will happen with arya when they find out shes not what she claims to be, I kinda feel sorry for her how everyone thinks shes a boy lol. I must admit I seen it play a bigger role because of what happend in one of the previous ep's lol.


Edited by Siro
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Well i must say that i am a little disappointed at how predictably the last episode finished. I am however really looking forward to the next season.


Do you mean D? Or the episode as a whole? Either way, you have no idea, trust me... :heh:


I wonder what will happen with arya when they find out shes not what she claims to be, I kinda feel sorry for her how everyone thinks shes a boy lol. I must admit I seen it play a bigger role because of what happend in one of the previous ep's lol.


The night's watchmen knows exactly who she is. Ned himself directed him towards her minutes before he ate a tasty sandwich at the end of ep 9.

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Watched the last two episodes back-to-back last night. Episode 9 was jaw-dropping. 10, not so much (and kinda predictable as said).


I can't see Jeofrey living long. Too hot headed, too rash and too eager to violence. He'll make enemies quickly and lose his head soon after. Maybe Tyrion will reel him in? Though I think it's more likely that Tyrion's head will wind up on a pike, giving Tywin all of the excuse he needs to remove the "Baratheon" boy from the thrown and take the crown for himself.


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For the peeps who have read the books and watched the series; is 'A Game of Thrones' a necessary read if I want to plough on ahead with the series? Are there plot lines/characters missing from the TV show that would make reading A Clash of Kings confusing? I'm not keen on reading A Game of Thrones if the series covered everything important and significant.

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The series sticks quite closely, you could probably start on clash of kings without any significant problems. But much of the universe's mythos and story is explained in the first one... I think you should read it anyway, it ain't that hard, to be honest...


Does the first tv series effectively end at the stage the first book does. As in, could I read the first book and not pick up any spoilers for the next series?

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Does the first tv series effectively end at the stage the first book does. As in, could I read the first book and not pick up any spoilers for the next series?


For the most part, yes. There'll be some very small spoilers regarding the whole "how the universe works" aspect, and some characters will have slightly different arcs, but mostly... it's fine.

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  • 7 months later...

I forgot to set up my Sky Plus for this when it first showed so missed the pilot and after that didn't bother watching on Sky as I had missed the start.


So finally got round to watching it these last few days.


Damn it was AWESOME.


Loved all the characters and was never really sure where it was going to go.


Was really confused at the start with the Queen and Jamie having an affair as I was certain I'd heard they were brother and sister but I thought but surely that can't be if they are having an affair :heh:


How the hell is that prick of a false King of theirs not seriously disabled or something :heh: Man I hated that kid, was so looking forward to seeing him cry and beg before getting his head chopped off by one of the Starks or eating by one of the Wolves.


The final ep though I was a bit disappointed with... for one because I didn't get to see the kid get so much as cut never mind killed :heh: And also cause for such an epic show it's season finale didn't feel very epic at all. I mean in the previous episode Eddard shockingly dies (damn no Sean Bean in season 2...BBBOOOO) yet almost nothing happens then in the next and final episode.


I thought it was building up for the Starks advancing on and attacking Kings Landing (hopfully with the bastard prick of a false king getting his smug little face smashed in and eaten by a wolf).


Also what was the point of the whole Dothraki side story.... again was expecting it to build up to a big invasion/battle. Ronan... I mean Jasan Momoa was awesome and even got me fired up with his big speech about putting his son on the Iron Chair. Then he just dies... not on the battlefield but by a stupid little infected wound that was made worse by a fraking witch that Dany "saved". Though I guess it was just all build up for the hatching of the dragon eggs and Dany's odd power to not be burned (also man did I love it when her brother died, that was awesome)... but man that was a long ass build up.



The ending felt more like a mid-season break episode rather than a season finale, but I guess with season 2 due due to start in April. Since I only just seen season 1 I guess I can just consider this a mid season break haha. Can't wait now for April :D

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