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Firefly Mafia - Game Thread


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I haven't come out with my role because I haven't needed to. I get the point about it being a process of elimination about people we don't know, but there are clearly better targets, namely Jayseven. Rez did say he was evil yesterday (and also confirmed me as good).


Vote: jayseven

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You and jayseven were switched when ReZ investigated you.


Now hold up. I know I'm good. I don't claim to know how Rez power or the target switcher works, but this is how I see it. When Rez reached me, he found out that I'm good, which is true. When he reached jayseven, he found out that he's evil. I'm very sure these things would not get mixed up, even after target switching. I'm led to believe that Rez's original target last night was Tales, and then got switched to me. The night before, Rez wanted to investigate me but ended up investigating jayseven instead.

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Just had a look back and it was night 6 that ReZ investigated Jayseven and found him evil. Night 7 he investigated me and found me to be good and last night he investigated Zell but ended up with Tales who was found to be good.


I find myself trusting Rez's ability (hard not to trust someone who confirms you as town lol) so I'm just going to act on that since I know for sure he's right about me. Change vote: Jayseven

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I guess Heroicjanitor knows who the business man is since he has been there before. Anything interesting about him?


Last night I got the same thing I did the first time, nothing revolutionary. It was the wrong house though so I didn't get to the businessman. Just the handsome man who "saves people from kills".


We have an investigator in Rez, and Diageo backs him up so much that I think his information is accurate. I know Tales is good anyway, and if The Peeps' character is evil we may as well go home. Vote: Jayseven

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oh hey wow, you're all fuckin' idiots.


I've been open about my role and my targets for days now. My investigation (that peeps got) says that ReZ is innocent, so I believe that -- but that does not dispel the fact that he could be a crap cop. From my point of view, I know I'm innocent -- and ReZ's magically gained power to say that I'm not, and that I silenced him, just contraticts this. Where's the evidence that I've silenced anyone else? I didn't silence him, so BLAH to that.


We have an investigator in ReZ, who did not start as an investigator, and this is backed up by his buddy diageo, who has not revealed anything about their partnership besides "we don't have a role but OH WAIT now rez has one".


I really do have to bring us back to my code-breaking in the first couple of days. I BROKE THE GAME with that shit. I spent HOURS decoding. If I'm evil then explain my actions. Explain the investigation I've done. So far none if my info has been wrong.


I'm supposedly evil based on ReZ's claims. Now, diageo initially stated it but both agree; they think I silenced rez, and they both think I'm evil. How, though, does this work when previous to me targetting ReZ (not to silence but to investigate, as I have profoundly stated my role is several times) he had no powers, and since then he suddenly has the ability to investigate anyone?


ReZ - go ahead, target me again. If I'm mafia then where are my cohorts defending me? Smeagol voted for jonnas, a mafia, yet I share his view that I'm innocent. Zell and heroicjanitor did not vote for jonnas, yet they vote for me. Look at the facts!


I'm town. I am an investigator, I have provided information throughout this game. Why the fuck would I do that if I was mafia? Why would Peeps get info from me about rez being good if I was mafia? I fucking thought rez was mafia! Why would I provide information contrary to what would save my fucking bacon! Just... just read the thread again. Gay off.

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We have an investigator in ReZ, who did not start as an investigator, and this is backed up by his buddy diageo, who has not revealed anything about their partnership besides "we don't have a role but OH WAIT now rez has one".


(Which is backed up by the write up)


I really do have to bring us back to my code-breaking in the first couple of days. I BROKE THE GAME with that shit. I spent HOURS decoding. If I'm evil then explain my actions. Explain the investigation I've done. So far none if my info has been wrong.


Well if you are mafia, I think it was an incredibly clever tactic. Pretend to "break" the code, when you already know it, and then pretend to have been targeted by it on night 2. Clever.


I'm supposedly evil based on ReZ's claims. Now, diageo initially stated it but both agree; they think I silenced rez, and they both think I'm evil. How, though, does this work when previous to me targetting ReZ (not to silence but to investigate, as I have profoundly stated my role is several times) he had no powers, and since then he suddenly has the ability to investigate anyone?


But the thing is, the PM that we got (unless it was pretty OTT-flavour text) stated that you saw my investigating you and this is what caused you

to attack me. If someone investigates you, they get silenced.


ReZ - go ahead, target me again. If I'm mafia then where are my cohorts defending me? Smeagol voted for jonnas, a mafia, yet I share his view that I'm innocent. Zell and heroicjanitor did not vote for jonnas, yet they vote for me. Look at the facts!


This is your best point, but I still don't buy it. There is too much evidence against it, from my point of view.


Vote : Jayseven

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ReZ you're putting far too much belief in me being such a clever mafia player and far too little in me just being a clever little codebreaker. This is an offense that goes beyond the mafia world :P Go back and re-read my first codebreaking attempt post; link[/url.



This is night 2, when I was poisoned - I did not fake it, similarly it is clear here that the cake was not intended for me, so that's one convoluted 'mafia plan' you're assuming. Similarly, my posts during the next day talk of rule changes for the code-talker, something backed up by others affected.


Night 4 they targetted me again, but clearly a doctor was on hand to sort that out immediately.


Maddog was the poisoner and he died last night.


I'm mentioning these things because it should at least give you doubt over your own claims of some ridiculously elaborate plot.


And regarding your 'information' on me being evil, what about heroic janitor's info on you being evil? remember?



His info on you is far sturdier than yours is on mine.


So why couldn't the same have happened to me?
See, it's happened to you twice, according to you. Far mroe suspicious than the once it has happened to me -- and you are the only one claiming I'm mafia. i know you're town because jonnas voted for you aeons ago. It is odd that diageo said he wasn't a woman then you say he's "hannah hicks", though.


I'm going to go back to my List Of People That Did Not Target Jonnas;







I know you want me gone because of your one bit of info which you yourself ought to admit is entirely possible to be wrong considering twice people accused you of being evil. You also say that the write-up backs up where you get a power but I cannot see it.


The night I supposedly 'silenced you' was teh night the frail man asked me questions.


But here it is said that you are the 'she'.

His n' her?


Going back to the list of people who didn't vote for jonnas;


ReZ (innocent, seeing as jonnas voted for him, the poison on first night was intended for him, despite twice being found evil)

Heroijan (removed a vote from jonnas)

Me (whatever you say is what I'm not)



Which is why I'm voting zell.


BUT FRANKLY look at your actions. You accuse me of being a silencer, attacker, even a killer when the only evidence in the write-ups is me writing notes. You've been after me for days now. Why not start investigating other people? What's stopped you? I sent a note about diageo proving his innocence, and I sent one on myself saying I'm innocent. I understand you thinking I could adjust my notes... but pray, how does that fit in with what you think of my role? What you think my role is is some mad, twisted insane role. It's just preposterous.



SO. The lover is telling the boyfriend what the boyfriend sees. Diageo is the one that goes and investigates, then gets home and his psychic lover tells him what he saw? ReZ being the suspicious lady according to diageo (but rez claims diageo is the lady...). You have to understand why there's constant suspicion on you guys.


Why not divulge your other investigation results from the last few nights?

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Why not divulge your other investigation results from the last few nights?


I already have....


And the only reason I'm being relentless is because I investigated you, I got that you were evil and you in defence silenced me....like...its clear. If you were made to look suspicious why did it make you silence me as well.



ALSO apologies if I said Diageo is the woman (I don't recall doing so) but I'm the chick, he's the dude. Hannah Hicks and James Ross.


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Again: jayseven's claims are all backed up (now) by my claims. Ever since he claimed to be the note maker, I knew exactly what went wrong, but I didn't want to come out myself, so I kept silent for the moment.


ReZ's story is just weird. He and Diageo didn't have an ability at first, then they get one as one of them dies, and now he has one, with both of them alive. Info that I don't find particularly trustworthy at the moment, unlike jayseven's notes, the ones that made it into the game that is.


Furthermore, Even after having 3 votes against him, Zell didn't care to explain what his role actually was.


ReZ & jayseven can argue what they want, I'm not going to change my vote (unless Zell himself gives me a compelling reason to do so).


Perhaps Diageo can shed some more light into this as well though, but he's gone untill.. Tonight? Which reminds me.

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Zell (5): Sméagol, jayseven, Tales, The Peeps

jayseven (3): Zell, heroicjanitor, ReZourceman


Majority is 5


The businessman visiting the planet had been out of the spotlight the whole time. The town had just noticed that he had been here the whole time and instantly took a disliking to him. Rich people must be evil.


Zell is dead. He was Terry Scott, a kind businessman. He was good.











The Peeps


7 players remain.


Night 9 begins now. Please send in your PMs.

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Retro-active breakdowns:


A spy headed off into town when he received an invitation he couldn’t refuse. After a very refreshing night he headed back home, not caring about what he had planned to do.


Dazz being roleblocked by Dannyboy.


This wasn’t his house, but he was peckish. Two bowls of porridge sat on the table. He tasted the porridge in the large bowl, but it was too hot. He then tried the porridge in the smaller bowl. He fell asleep instantly. He work up the next morning feeling groggy.


I switched myself with ReZ. ReZ was intended to be the victim here, the result was I was sort of silenced.


A man was well sought after. Many people checked his house but all they found was a radio. Nobody had lived there since it was built. On their way home one of these people went out of their way to earn a bit of extra money. After they completed their task they found a scribbled note on the floor of their house.


Many people targeted Nintendohnut. The mafia killer probably among them. Jonnas targeted Nintendohnut. mr-paul received a note about Diageo (so jayseven targeted Diageo & mr-paul


Elsewhere, another man was checking himself out in the mirror and thought about how hot he looked.


Tales protecting himself.


An old man entered a house and was surprised at who he saw. He was going to have some fun tonight.


I'm thinking.. heroicjanitor had some "fun" with Dannyboy?



A handsome man spent the night checking himself in the mirror again. Another man came into his house to ask a few questions.


The protector protected himself again. heroicjanitor targets Tales. So Tales is the protector.


The young girl was playing with her teddy when the companion stepped over. "You look stressed. Why don't you follow me". The young girl followed the companion back to her house and they spent the night together.*


Dannyboy roleblocking Jonnas? Jonnas claims to have targeted Dannyboy as well. May have attempted to kill, but was roleblocked.


The man who was off-planet was looked for again today. The people still could not find him.


Nintendohnut targeted by several people.


The teenager was about to head out when a package arrived. She opened it, not knowing it was meant for someone else, and discovered that it was a lovely cake. She tried a bit and collapsed. She woke up the next morning feeling odd.


I switched jay & Dazz. The cake was meant for Dazz, but jay got silenced by MadDog.


Other stuff:

jayseven sent a note about mr-peeps to me, but says he was roleblocked, eventhough the write-up doesn't suggest that.



A man was once again checking himself in the mirror. He loved himself too much to stop. Suddenly, something outside caught his eye. He went out and found nothing. He then decided to look after someone else tonight.


Tales protected first himself, then someone else? And what is this about "something caught his eye"?


On his way to his new target's house he walked past two women having a conversation, he exchanged a few words and carried on. When he got to the house he discovered that he had followed the wrong directions. He decided to stay and look after the resident. Throughout all this, he did not notice someone watching him from the shadows.


I switched myself with Nintendohnut. I think this still is about the protector, which suggests he was protecting me, and was tracked while doing it. But his original target was Nintendohnut, why? And the 2 women must be involved with either me or the protector, or the tracker. The tracker must be Dazz, so he would know the protector targeted me (or Nintendohnut?)


After an older man asked him some questions, the young lover was ordered to take an item from a kind woman. He did so reluctantly - everyone on the planet needed some extra cash.


heroicjanitor has some info on Diageo. After that, Diageo was targeted by Nintendohnut.


The companion has chosen her client for the night. "I'm sorry, but I wont ever cheat on my boyfriend" came the reply. Confused, the companion went home and ate a nice lovely red apple. She fell asleep.


Dannyboy roleblocked ReZ. After that, she was killed by MadDog.


The next morning, the companion woke up dead.


Dannyboy-the-Dane is dead. He was the companion Amie Edling. He/She was good.


Other stuff:

jayseven targeted mr-paul (?) and me again, but the note would have ended up with Nintendohnut. Nintendohnut claims to have received such note.




The teenager was walking to her targets house when she bit into a biscuit and instantly collapsed to the floor. A young doctor was passing by and ran over to her. Using her advanced skills, she managed to create an antidote to the poison and cure the teenager. "You'll be fine, but you need to rest for tonight." said the Doctor. The teenager went back home and fell asleep.


jayseven was targeted by MadDog, but saved by Ellmeister.


The handsome man spent another night checking himself in the mirror.


Tales protecting himself.


The young woman had a long chat with a very charming man, while another man had a few questions to ask another young woman.


Dunno. Second bit: heroicjanitor has info on ReZ. His info suggest ReZ is evil. I think he's a dumb cop. Half-dumb cop? Although?



The gunshot echoed throughout the town.


Jonnas kills Dazz?


Dazz is dead. He was Alan Shephard, an awesome ex-spy who could track people and find out their targets. He was good.


Other stuff:

I switched myself with Nintendohnut.

jayseven targeted me and Diageo, so he would have been redirected to Nintendohnut, but he's untargettable. Diageo claims not having received info on me, which makes sense.



Dr Elise Lamb was one of the best doctors in the 'vese. After a robbery at the hospital on Ariel she worked at she decided to go out into the wilderness and travel to the border planets in an effort to save lives.


However, it seemed that she was the one who needed a doctor tonight.


She was the centre of attention and the entire town seemed to work around her. Dr. Lamb decided to work with a handsome man in escorting a frail man to a kind woman's house. She waited outside with the bodyguard while he went in to ask some questions. A shy teenager was watching her from across the street.


Ellmeister and Tales target the same person, heroicjanitor? heroicjanitor has info on mr-paul, jayseven was watching Ellmeister. mr-paul received the note on him.


The kind woman and the frail man left the house together, the man pleased with what the woman had told him. Before heading back, the woman spoke to a passing child.


mr-paul targeted Jonnas.


Satisfied with her work for the night, Dr. Lamb headed off to the cemetary for some extra work.


Nintendohnut targeted Ellmeister?




Nobody saw what had happened - one moment the beautiful doctor was walking along, the next she was no longer beautiful with her brain splattered across the floor.


Jonnas kills Ellmeister?


Ellmeister is dead. He was Dr. Elise Lamb. He was good.


Other stuff: I switched myself with Tales.



The frail man had a few questions to ask of the teenager.


heroicjanitor has info on jayseven.


The Scientist decided to use his extra-power formula tonight. He injected the deadly poison into a chocolate bar. He also grabbed an extra one as a snack later on. He snuck into the hacker's house and planted the poisoned chocolate bar. As he snuck out, he witnessed the hacker open it up. Confident that his plan had worked, he headed back home. A note was waiting for him.


I switched myself and MadDog.


The lovely ReZourceman has taught himself some new tricks.


jayseven targeted ReZourceman and me, but the info would have gone to MadDog. I guess Cube decided, as MadDog was about to die, to put the note directly into the write-up.


He shrugged, uninterested, and took a bite out of his chocolate bar.


"Wuh duh ma huh tah duh fong kwong duh wai shung"


It was the wrong one.




MadDog is dead. He was George Warren. He was Evil.



The frail man asked a man at a computer a few questions. On his way home he rooted through someones house - it was the wrong one and it contained nothing of value. He was being escorted by the man who idolosed himself.


Tales protects heroicjanitor, who investigates me. After that, heroic did something in either jayseven's house or Zell's house, Nintendohnut's last action. I guess the info on me must be good, as heroic never mentioned it.


The teenager found herself writing about herself. She left the note in the cargo bay of the ship nearby.


I switched jayseven and Zell, jayseven targeted Zell and The Peeps. The Peeps has received info on jayseven.


The lover shared his recent discoveries with her boyfriend.


ReZ did something to Diageo, so he has indeed some sort of power. ReZ claims to be some sort of investigator now.


Elsewhere, the town was completely silent.


? Strange.



The handsome man was planning on spending another night admiring himself in the mirror, but a message on his computer made him decide to head to the businessman's house.


I switched Zell and Tales, so instead of protecting himself, Tales protected Zell.


Meanwhile, the frail man was heading to the businessman's house, but discovered it was the wrong house when he heached it. As he has already spoken to the owner of this house, we went back home.


heroicjanitor sets out to investigate Zell, but unfortunately ends up investigating Tales again.


Later that night, the lover told her boyfriend about what he had seen at the businessman's house.


ReZ tells Diageo his info on Zell, which seems to bypass my power.


Another note was left in the cargo bay of the local transport ship.


Seems The Peeps got a note on ReZ.




Sméagol - hacker - target switcher

ReZourceman - female lover - investigator?

Diageo - male lover - nothing?

jayseven - female teenager - passes notes

Tales - handsome man - protector

heroicjanitor - frail man - investigator

The Peeps - ? - optional double vote

Zell - business man - ?



mr-paul - kind woman - investigator

Ellmeister - doctor - doctor

Jonnas - little girl - prevents redirecting on target

Dazz - spy - tracker

Dannyboy-the-Dane - companion - roleblocker

Nintendohnut - off-planet - ?

MadDog - poisoner - poisoner



heroic, could you (re)iterate the exact info you've collected during the game? I'd appreciate it.


Yes well, those last few posts weren't there last time I checked :rolleyes:.

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