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New Year's Resolutions


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WTF else am I gonna do whilst I'm on the treadmill......


Drink wine like everyone else does.


I don't really have any resolutions. I just haven't even considered it at all. I usually get around to thinking about it in January at some point.

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My resolutions are basically the same as last year:


-Lose weight (basically, go on Wii Fit for two hours every day...no problem. I want to get down to 15st or something)

-Review every movie I see (I achieved this last year, wasn't that hard)

-Find a nice girlfriend (I want to find someone who's older than me, more mature yet still has fun)


Those are my main three ones! :p

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Pretty much, Dan.


Self control is a limited resource, clustering all the things that will require a serious focus of will into the turn of the new year is just begging for failure.


Here's the research to which Dan might be alluding:





The more shit you saddle your brain with, the more likely it is to short circuit and bail on everything



Yeah that's the one I think. It's interesting work- especially with regards to diets and so on where people are desperate to loose weight and end up on guilt trips, mashing down a dirty great chocolate elcairé on the sofa.

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Don't need to lose weight, don't want to give up drinking or smoking. I think I'm just going to try and be better with my money, I buy way too many games on release, and then end up hardly playing them. So I'm going to cut down on buying games, and those I do buy I'll wait till they're cheap, and I'll work on finishing all the games I gave up on in the last year, which is loads.

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