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Battlestar Galactica mafia


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I'd like to put myself forward as captain. Whilst I don't have any useful information from last night. I am one of the people that was mentioned as being a president in the series yesterday, so yeah...VOTE FOR ME! :)


He's Apollo (aka Lee Adama). He should make a better president than the random person (who may be evil) we have now.

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Final voting count:


There are 17 active players.

Absolute majority is 9.



[No President] [1]: The Peeps / gmac

[The Peeps] [2]: jayseven jayswans jaya jayswimming / mr-paul

[Ellmeister] [6]: Ellmeister / Aqui1a / Present / heroicjanitor / Zell / Diageo

[Paj Meen Ah] [1]: Nintendohnut

[jayseven jayswans jaya jayswimming] [1]: Dannyboy-the-Dane

[Tales] [1]: Tales



[ReZourceman] [9]: The Peeps / Tales / heroicjanitor / jayseven jayswans jaya jayswimming / Ellmeister / Nintendohnut / Diageo / Dannyboy-the-Dane / gmac / mr-paul / Aqui1a

[Paj Meen Ah] [1]: ReZourceman


Majority for President vote has not been reached.

Majority for lynch vote has been reached.


[volunteer for executioner]: ReZourceman / The Peeps


End of turn [2] - dayphase


On the second day, the people were still undecided. Various candidates were presented, but none of them managed to reach a majority in votes.


The current President remains President for another turn.


At least, that is the official plan.


A new President was not on the minds of the people though. Someone needed to pay their crimes, someone needs to be executed. The people gather in front of the entrance of the fearsome woman's quarters. They barge in, and take her away to the airlock.

"Ordering people to assassinate unconfirmed Cylons is not the way we do things here on Galactica!" the angry mob shouts.

"I only did what I had to do. I have no regrets. Humanity will not survive without drastic measures."

She tries to reason with the people, but she knows it's futile. She hands a small item to a person within the crowd, then enters the airlock herself.

"I'll let myself out, thank you very much."

From within the airlock she pushes the button to close the inner doors, while quickly removing her arm before the doors close shut. The outer doors open. A few minutes later, the crew of the Pegasus could see the icy body of their Admiral floating along their ship.


Helena Cain is deceased. She was ruthless good, and she was the Admiral.

She was played by ReZourceman.


An idealistic man and a pragmatic man meet again. Later, the pragmatic man leaves with great elan.


At the intensive care, a dedicated woman was being cared for. She is unconscious..


Start of turn [2] - nightphase


[01] Aqui1a

[02] Present

[03] Dannyboy-the-Dane

[04] Diageo

[05] Ellmeister

[06] gmac

[07] heroicjanitor

[08] jayseven jayswans jaya jayswimming

[09] Jonnas

[10] MadDog

[11] mr-paul

[12] Nintendohnut

[13] Paj Meen Ah

[14] ReZourceman

[15] Tales

[16] The Peeps

[17] Zell


Black denotes active players.

Grey denotes dead players.

Red denotes inactive players.

A red X behind the name denotes a Warning Point.


[turn [0] - nightphase]

[turn [1] - dayphase]

[turn [1] - nightphase]

[turn [2] - dayphase]


Next dayphase deadline is 21-12-2010 00:00 CET (20-12-2010 23:00 UK).



Sending private messages in a minute.




When I sent him the role description, he replied with something along the lines of thinking it was great, and not wanting to die on the first turn. It wasn't soon after.. Perhaps he's so used to modding great games, he forgot how to play them? :D :p

Edited by Sméagol
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When I sent him the role description, he replied with something along the lines of thinking it was great, and not wanting to die on the first turn. It wasn't soon after.. Perhaps he's so used to modding great games, he forgot how to play them? :D :p




Not much you can do if you get tracked in that situation. I did try lying, bending the truth, and then telling the truth but to no avail. :p


Farewell my space friends.

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Not much you can do if you get tracked in that situation. I did try lying, bending the truth, and then telling the truth but to no avail. :p


Farewell my space friends.

Yes, but you are (or were rather) good! I think the truth from the start would've served you better ;). I was shaking my head and facepalming while reading your posts :p.



AAM please? :p

Ready to post, although I will be doublechecking things. Then I'll send out the necessary notifications.

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End of turn [2] - nightphase

The inquisitive woman is accompanied by her crew, and asks a watchful woman some questions.


A nervous man is making a housecall. He knocks on a door. There's no anwser. He knocks again.. Still no anwser. Finally, he lets himself in.

"Appointments don't seem to mean anything.." the nervous man mutters.

Then he finds the serious man, sleeping on the couch. The nervous man sighs.

"At least it'll make my job easier."

He takes a blood sample, and leaves.


The shady man, holding his travel crate in his hand, visits the pragmatic man in his quarters.

"So, I want to get to know everyone around her, and.." the shady man begins.

"I don't have time to talk, perhaps another time." the pragmatic man interrupts.

From the travel crate, a loud hiss can be heard. The shady man pauses for a moment.

"Perhaps. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

The shady man and his cat leave, but not before he steals a small item.


A loyal man has a nice chat with a doubtful woman and a watchful woman.

"I'm not the most qualified man for this job, but I'm doing my best.." the loyal man says with some doubt in his voice.

"You're doing great!" the doubtful woman replies.

"Yes, we will all do our best!" the watchful woman chimes in.

Both women leave enthousiastic.


While the watchful woman returns to her station, the doubtful woman has other plans. She's feeling mischievous, and is looking for trouble. At the other end of the corner she sees the anxious woman trying to get the attention of the shady man. She walks up to them, looks the anxious woman up and down angrily, and slaps her in the face. The shady man looks bewildered, and leaves the scene.

"You want a piece of me? Come get me!"

The anxious woman is seriously angered.

"Now you've done it!"

She punches the doubtful woman, and drags her into her raptor. The raptor takes off and leaves the hangar.

A couragous woman was just in time to witness their departure, but waving them off wasn't her intention. Out of nowhere a Centurion appears. He disregards the couragous woman, and runs towards the hangar exit, shooting a few potshots into space, eventhough it realises the raptor is too far to hit.

The couragous woman, initially too surprised at seeing a Centurion running after a raptor, comes back to her senses, ducks for cover, and shoots the Centurion with her sidearm. The Centurion, takes a few shots, but isn't seriously damaged. After failing its mission, it sees no use in staying, and makes a run for it. It isn't seen again that night.


After all the commotion in the hangar, a dog is running around. He's following a sexy woman. Of course, who wouldn't follow that ass her? The dog sits himself in front of her, looking at her with begging eyes, and his tongue hanging out.

"Hmm, you want something yummy?" the sexy woman asks playfully.

"You want this cookie?"

The dog wags his tail.

She gives the dog the cookie. He seems to enjoy it very much. He leaves content.



Fleet News Network:

5 minutes with a watchful woman


"So, watchful woman, what my viewers would like to know: what is your favourite colour?"

"Well, I really love black and white."

"So, grey it is?"

"No, black and white.. And green too."

"Hmm, ok. Tune in next time for 5 minutes with a stranger!"



Start of turn [3] - dayphase


[01] Aqui1a

[02] Cube

[03] Dannyboy-the-Dane

[04] Diageo

[05] Ellmeister

[06] gmac

[07] heroicjanitor

[08] jayseven

[09] Jonnas

[10] MadDog

[11] mr-paul

[12] Nintendohnut

[13] Paj Meen Ah

[14] ReZourceman

[15] Tales

[16] The Peeps

[17] Zell


Black denotes active players.

Grey denotes dead players.

Red denotes inactive players.

A red X behind the name denotes a Warning Point.


[turn [0] - nightphase]

[turn [1] - dayphase]

[turn [1] - nightphase]

[turn [2] - dayphase]

[turn [2] - nightphase]


Today is election day.


Next dayphase deadline is 23-12-2010 00:00 CET (22-12-2010 23:00 UK).



I doublechecked everything, I hope I don't need to triplecheck everything ;).

Notifications in a minute.



Activate (0): Automerge prevention

Great! I should give everyone that ability! ;)

Edited by Sméagol
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Although it may have been good for the fleet, Ellmeister did make the fleet kill a Colonial admiral.


Sorry, mixed up the games again. The Peeps had the information against Rez.


I know this probably won't convince anyone, but after last night I think I would be a great President for the fleet.

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