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Mass Effect 3


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I will, not sure I should be but the NDA refers to the dashboard stuff only so it should be ok.


From what I can gather the single player level is the one shown at e3.


I'm in the dashboard beta which start soonish and which I cant talk about. Anyway the private demo was put up in the beta info section so I downloaded it.


The mission is the one shown at e3, the first mission I believe so if you've watched that then you should have an idea about what it is. I'll spoiler now




There are three game types.


ACTION MODE - For those who want to emphasize action and combat and minimize story. Action mode will set automatic replies in convo and a normal difficulty


STORY MODE - For those who want to emphasize story immersion and minimize combat pressure, story mode will set manually selectable replies in convo and a minimal combat difficulty


RPG MODE - For anyone who wants the real ME3 basically. :D


After choosing your name the options screen allows you change some setting such as difficulty, convo mode, auto level up etc and hide helmet which hides it in conversations.


lol this is defo a beta, lot of placeholder stuff and some missing textures in the opening.


Brief scrolling words intro to the world of ME. There is a kid playing with a toy ship on earth. Full dialogue by the looks of it. Off to Shepards hearing, no music or any other sound effects at the moment. The game is looking might fine. Some streaming issues which is to be expected.


lmao walking past a window a soldier was stuck in it. Get some sound effects now such as computer noise and people taling over the intercom.




Going through the hearing now. Wont say anything about it but damn. Full conversation choices in this demo from the looks of it, the placeholder dialogue the none important characters is funny.


Holy shit the Reapers are here. Earth is FUCKED.




Not sure why Shepard starts with his red line face.


This game is beautiful. As soon as you take control there is a giant reaping laying waster to everything. The controls feel smooth and aiming is even better. Some animation issues but thats to be expected with this beta.


I dont remember being able to roll forwards, backwards and side to side in ME2 so is that new or did I just never do that in ME2?


Fighting husks right now and melee stuff feels a little better than it did in ME2.


Trying to convince a kid to come with me whos scared but he ran off. Jesus the Reapers are huge. Great little set piece then which included a blown up ship and shocjwave taking out a platform I was on.


You can now take running leaps over gaps. Getting to fight side by side with Anderson is pretty cool and there is plenty of ammo available.


Just battled 4 husk which were quite fat but easy to take out, they fired stuff at you as opposed to regular husks that justs charge you. They're called Cannibals and they appear to take cover.


The gunplay feels so good. Alot quicker and smoother. The cover system appears to work the same as ME2 but its hard to tell becuase of some beta animation issues when leaping over things.


You have four weapon slots and you can assign any weapon to them by the looks of it. Just got the avenger assault rifle and it feels different to how it did in ME2, handles better.


Finally some music, awesome stuff. I was worried about the new composer but its great stuff so far.


I thought I was in a never ending battle then but you just had to use up all your ammo.


Normandy to the rescue.





End demo



That was a lovely suprise, had its issues such as placeholder textures and dialogue but man it felt good. The combat has been improved, weapons have some weight and there are some stunning visuals and cutscenes, the music was also brilliant. How the hell are we going to defeat the reapers? So many of them.




............WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA the demo is carrying on, more spoilers.




WREX BABY and Liara. ARGH And Garrus, just like old times.


In this mission you're rescuing the Krogan queen. More placeholder visuals but dialogue is there.


Feels weird that you're doing these types of missions when Earth is being fucked over. But its good so far plenty of dialogue/story.


OK its allowing me to level up.


OK it appears that for each thing you can upgrade you enter another screen which gives you a bunch of powers/perks to chooce from, a power tree if you will. Once you get so far down the skill tree you than HAVE to choose between to perks, once you purchase one the other is locked out. I have a pretty decent amount of points to use.


I can also upgrade Garrus and Liara, they also have the same skill trees within each thing you upgrade.


I'm having a look around and taking in the sights. Talking to Wrex, who wants to go in all guns blazing. You can get info from him regarding the mission.


lol Wrex mentions the Shadow Broker and Liara says hes probably busy :P


Get to meet some one from ME1, good to see old characters returning.


oooh big spoiler about what Shepard is upto, wont say anything.


Lets see some female Krogans. oooh I'm on the Salarian homeworld, I should listen better.


Just ran into Mordin, whos his usual quirky self. This mission seems slower paced compared to the opening mission, lots of story and talking.


Shit has just hit the fan, Cerberus has attacked.


I just picked up a weapon upgrade, I didnt know you could upgrade them. The roll function is really useful in avoiding gun fire.


Cerberus troopers can drop turrets, they also roll out of the way if in danger. They also drop smoke bomb to cover themselves.


Just found an aweome pistol that fire a type of explosive round, devestating. A bigish Cerberus mech has drop in for fun.


The rest of the demo is alot of combat and more spoilers so I wont post anymore.




Ok that really is the end of the demo



Man I was hyped before but now my hype is through the fucking roof. The combat has been improved and the new roll works really well.


The new skill tree system for powering up is also brilliant and seems alot more in depth than the other two games, you use you points to select a power you wish to upgrade like the other games but for each slot you upgrade you're taken to and skill tree with which you have to select a power such as increased damage etc and then after you have upgraded a power two or three times you have to pick between two powers and when you have selected one the other is locked out, so be wise with what upgrades you want. You can do this for not only Shepard but for your whole team.


You can also upgrade all the weapons. During the second mission I found quite a few weapon upgrade that allowed you increase stability etc. Its really looking like a fantastic game.



lol looks like EA have realised they have messed up. Lucky I got through the entire thing. That demo went on for about an hour and 20 minutes.

Edited by bryanee
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  • 1 month later...

New trailer with the briefest piece of gameplay - nothing massively spoilery story-wise but best not watch if you're waiting to go in totally virgin, so to speak.



Those Thresher Maws aren't taking anyone's shit.

Edited by gaggle64
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I've been staying away from any and all news on this for months (Saw the E3 trailer but haven't taken in any info since around then) but watched that trailer and thought it was awesome.


It gave you more of a feeling that this isn't just a fight for humanity but for the entire universe, with the Thresher Maw nailing that Reaper which brought a massive grin to my face :D


Gah........ why can't March come sooner.

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  • 1 month later...

Demos = Free stuff.


EA really wants you to play its demos of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and Mass Effect 3, which is why it's running a cross promotion in which anyone who plays each demo can unlock exclusive content for both games. Playing the Reckoning demo - which is available from January 17th - unlocks two items for the full version of Mass Effect 3, both designed by Todd McFarlane, while playing the Mass Effect 3 demo when it releases, will unlock content for the full version of Reckoning.


Here's what you'll get in Mass Effect 3 for playing the Reckoning demo:


•Reckoner Knight Armour: This armour will maximize damage done in close-quarters combat while a beefed—up power cell feeds energy into weapon systems to increase projectile velocity.

•The Chakram Launcher: This weapon uses a fabricator to manufacture lightweight, explosive ammunition discs. This weapon is earned after completing the Reckoning demo and watching the trailer at the end.


And here's what you'll get in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, for playing the upcoming Mass Effect 3 demo:


•N7 Armour: Players can unlock special armour inspired by Commander Shepard's iconic N7 battle armour including Helm, Cuirass, Gauntlets, Chausses and Greaves.

•Onmiblade Daggers: A holographic blade stemming from Commander Shepard's Omni-Tool, the Omni-blade allows players to stab enemies in close combat. Once players install and play the Mass Effect 3 demo, they will unlock the daggers.

You'll also unlock some in-game rewards for Reckoning itself by playing the demo, granting you some added benefits, should you decide to pick up the full version of the RPG when it releases. Take a look:


•Twist of Fate Card: This card boosts the player's ice resistance and is immediately unlocked when he or she activates the Reckoning demo using his or her Origin account.

•Twinned Souls Chakram: A unique weapon that damages enemies while boosting player health and mana in Reckoning.

•The Infernal Helm: Unlocked after completing the Reckoning Tutorial Mode, this protective helmet increases players' fire damage throughout Amalur.


So, there you have it. Some pretty decent incentives to download those demos when they release. You'll be able to get your hands on the Reckoning demo on January 17th, and the Mass Effect 3 demo should be out soonafter, although a date has yet to be nailed down. The full version of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is out on February 7th, 2012 in North America and February 10th, 2012 in Europe, so conventional wisdom would suggest that the ME3 demo will be out before then, so you can unlock and use the demo's DLC.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Demo out on Feb 14th.


Watched something on Xbox Live earlier about it, shows how the Kinect works well with it, quite tempted to use it now.


Played the Reckoning demo earlier, actually enjoyed it. Will be getting that at some point I reckon.


Still, Mass Effect 3 freebies yay!

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I don't want to feel left out, but I don't want to experience the gameplay prior to the general release either, lest it takes away some of that new-awesome-game feeling.


First world problems...


Well, I am thinking of not playing the demo either, I know i'm going to get it day one so not sure there is much point? It may just increase my excitement a bit too much :p

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I've decided i'm avoiding the Mass Effect 3 demo. I'm sorry, but a game i'm very hypped up about already and wish for it to remain near-spoiler free (i know of the beginning sequence and thats about it). I want to play this with a clear mind and being able to work out whats going on and any spins as such.

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What didn't you like about the demo? I thought it was quite interesting actually.


As for the mass effect demo, I doubt they're going to put anything spoilery on and it'll only be played a month later when it comes out so I don't see understand this "don't want to ruin the surprise" chat.


Unless you've completely abstained from absolutely everything, I'd accept that.

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What didn't you like about the demo? I thought it was quite interesting actually.


As for the mass effect demo, I doubt they're going to put anything spoilery on and it'll only be played a month later when it comes out so I don't see understand this "don't want to ruin the surprise" chat.


It just felt quite...unimaginative. It's not bad, it just isn't that great.


Based on the (late) Mass Effect 2 demo and how they've done the demo for Reckoning, it really wouldn't surprise me if the demo was the start of the game. I also wonder if they'll do the thing where it saves your progress and you can carry on from the end of the demo when you do get a full game.


Also, for some people, the feeling of the game and gameplay aspects are things that people don't want spoiled.

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Also, for some people, the feeling of the game and gameplay aspects are things that people don't want spoiled.


Even though they'll be playing it about a month later?


Like myself.


I only played the ME2 demo to get a feel for the series before i purchased the original (and best). Like i said before, i'm not having this game spoiled. I've been looking forward to it since last summer.

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Played the Reckoning demo earlier, to be honest i didn't really think much of the game. Graphically, it looks like an early 360 title. Plays like it as well to be fair. But at least i unlocked the content for ME3.


I know this is the Mass Effect 3 thread.

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