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Mass Effect 3


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So, they've announced a Mass Effect Trilogy pack for PC, 360 and PS3 - meaning that PlayStation owners can now play the series properly. Mass Effect 1 will be released on it's own as a download on PS3, too.


I was actually hoping that there would be a Trilogy pack at some point. However, I was hoping that it would come in a great packaging with a load of extra stuff and all the DLC - releasing it before all the DLC is out seems wrong. It should be a complete package.

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As it doesn't appear to be specified, I assume the collection doesn't come with any of the paid DLC for the games, never mind all of it.


I'm interested to see what the PS3 port of ME1 is like. The 360 version is pretty horrendous from a performance perspective so hopefully they've put some effort into updating things, but I suspect EA have spent as little money as possible on it.

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Just heard about the trilogy and I'm tempted too. Never played the series but I have a few other games I need to find the time to complete too. Still got MGSHD still shrinkwrapped begging to be played. :sad: How much of an issue is it without the DLC? And how much is the DLC?

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Two of the DLC missions for Mass Effect 2 (Lair of the Shadow Broker and Arrival) are important to the plot, but it's not like you won't understand what's going on in Mass Effect 3 if you skip them. Lair of the Shadow broker is one of my favorite missions in the game, though.


As long as you have From Ashes for Mass Effect 3, you're set. That's the one piece of DLC I'd really recommend not skipping.


But really, other than Pinnacle Station for the first game, most of the DLC has been pretty good, so it's worth getting if you end up enjoying the games.

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I would expect that you'll get the DLC for Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, along with From Ashes and the Extended Cut of Mass Effect 3.


(Speaking of From Ashes, I still find it amusing that it was announced over six months before the game's release as "Exclusive to the Collector's Edition", and nobody complained. Then when it was announced that the people who didn't buy the Collector's Edition could still get it, people were livid. It's kind of like the Bayonetta 2 situation.)

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More specifically, you can play the first game and be all, "What's this crap? The shooting's terrible, the cover system is unintuitive and driving between the same two flat-packed structures in the Mako is boring me to tears! How did anyone ever like this game?"


I think it's fair to say I've played the original more than most — I have every Achievement for it, which requires multiple playthroughs — but I really can't see the reception to it being that warm 5 years on. Not to say people shouldn't give it a shot, but it's a game that would benefit more from a remake than a re-release.

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It could be a reaction to the additions Leviathan makes to the canon, actually. It's a decent bit of DLC in terms of content, but it 'clears up' things that really should have remained a mystery for the series' own good.


I'm intrigued don't plan on buying it what is it?

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Personally my new fave character is the Turian havoc. That one has reach AND flexibility.


I wonder if one of the volus' handicaps is that he seems to have a massively diminished field of view compared to the other races.


EDIT: This dlc is fantastic btw. Collectors as an enemy are soo.....imposing, new weapons are very unique, classes are just so varied and fantastic.

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Loving the new DLC. Haven't gotten any of the new classes or any new weapons, which'll be even more difficult as I haven't played this online in awhile so downloaded the Earth DLC at the same time so there are the items/classes from there to get as well.


That being said, I'm enjoying playing my Asari CC (vanguard specced for Stasis bubble, no biotic charge) and my Justicar Adept (defensive/biotic explosion) builds with the 'hazards' for the 6 classic maps, which are a nice touch. Have only played the Sandstorm on Dagger and the core meltdown on Reactor but they change things up enough to keep those maps interesting.


And the Collectors are a brilliant addition. Definitely makes the DLC live up to the 'Retaliation' title as they're pretty strong even on Bronze. Had my first go against them on Silver earlier and only just managed to get to wave 10. Just too many Scions, Praetorians, and possessed captains to deal with (also didn't help that the randoms I was playing with set the reactor off while we were escorting the thing through there :nono:).


Still, really good fun and glad to be back playing the MP again.

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Have they decreased the difficulty of the Bronze? I remember that the bronze used to be challenging, but I tried it today and kicked arse with my Asari Vanguard - probably because I have a great set-up.


- I only have one very light SMG.

- Focus on Biotic charge, with the "fully recharge shields" side. I also chose the option to affect up to two nearby enemies (they stumble and can't move for a short amount of time)

- The other main power tree focusing on shield strength rather than weapon damage.


Because of this, even when there's the biggest enemy (atlas, pyro, etc) and other smaller ones nearby, my biotic charge cooldown is complete before they can fully drain my shields. It's quite insane just zooming around the levels like it.

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