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Confess your sins


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How do you know it was a he?!


The first post, where the person says that he is a peeping tom. Also the fact that we have, like, three girls on the forum and the first post is all about spying on women.


My argument is that there is a number of people who can do so, and there is no record of any of them doing so, so in not clarifying such an aspect to what is supposed to be 'annonymous' I am providing any potential confessor with the truth. I do not see why the truth is at all a bad thing.


I point out that I, as an example of those who have access, should be considered trustworthy enough. I do not declare that I will endeavour to identify any confessions, merely that it is possible to do so. Some confessors may've been alarmed at such a realisation if they had previously admitted to a heinous act, and I believe they would be thankful that I admitted the ins-and-outs of how 'anonymity' works on this forum.


if you disagree that I am a good guy, or that we are familiar people, then that is a personal matter.


+ Like for ell's post.


You could have simply have said that you had the ability to check the person's IP (Which is pretty obvious in the first place...given the fact that you are a moderator). You didn't have to actually check it. That's different. That's being nosey. Obviously we'll disagree on that.


Anyway, the idea of this thread is interesting. Reminds me of Postsecret.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I checked it because I could. I'm sure I wasn't/won't be the only one. At least I'm decent enough to admit that I did so, which is surely more favourable than other potential outcomes?


If my behaviour was somehow actually negative, then please explain how. I've not outed anyone, I've not blackmailed anyone, and I've explained to people the risk of using the account to post 'annonymous' confessions. That's three plusses to me, I'd say.


Good morality isn't to just sit there and do nothing.

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At the very least if enough people use this, like J7 said the IPs aren't tied to each post. To us we can suspect everyone on the forum, he just has a narrower list of suspects and the more people that use it the more suspects.


Then again there are also probably logs one could use to match up log in times to post times. Anonymity is kinda like a car lock. It keeps the honest honest, but it doesn't really stop anyone.


I do think this is a neat idea in a way, but anything I'm willing to confess I'd just do it out in the open, otherwise...

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Diageo; the gap between the two things is hardly as massive as you think. It is in my nature as a mod to check all new members for their IPs. A relic of the days of recurrent trolling by previously banned members. If anything, the policing force are within their rights to know who they are policing.


Such a stupid fucking argument. It goes from an argument of the role very quickly to an assault on the character of the one who did the deed. It's insulting.

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I checked it because I could. I'm sure I wasn't/won't be the only one. At least I'm decent enough to admit that I did so, which is surely more favourable than other potential outcomes?


You could have admitted it using the confessNE profile... Wouldn't that be interesting.

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I would have absolutely no issue confessing anything on here with my own account, because that in itself is anonymous. Believe it or not, my bank statements do not contain the name D_prOdigy, and I do not have the appearance of a constipated Japanese man.


If I ever get to a point where anyone on this video game forum knows the real me in the slightest, that would be entirely my own fault.


There is not a single member on here who I do not hold in suspicion or contempt.


And that is the way it should be.


Given that, I accidentally kicked my dog yesterday and didn't apologize.

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I checked it because I could. I'm sure I wasn't/won't be the only one. At least I'm decent enough to admit that I did so, which is surely more favourable than other potential outcomes?


If my behaviour was somehow actually negative, then please explain how. I've not outed anyone, I've not blackmailed anyone, and I've explained to people the risk of using the account to post 'annonymous' confessions. That's three plusses to me, I'd say.


Good morality isn't to just sit there and do nothing.


The bold bit is exactly what the issue is. You checked it because you could. There was no reason or need for you to check it. None whatsoever, except for what I think is a selfish reason.


Also, the second paragraph is rubbish, man. You can't say "but I could have done this, I could have done that." That's not the point. We're not talking about what you could have done, but what you did. Also, coming out and admitting you've done it is perhaps worse, because now the person is aware of it.


I can't honestly see or understand how you think it's a good thing...or that there's some sort of positive to this or that it was your divine right to do it. There was simply no need.

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confessNE once spoke in first person, confessNE felt dirty.


I am totally in love with Captain Falcon.


He's like a god among men and you guys don't know how luck you are to have him on here - I want his babies.


And if any of you even think about stealing him from me, I'll hunt you down and give all your personal details to Rez!

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confessNE once spoke in first person, confessNE felt dirty.


I am totally in love with Captain Falcon.


He's like a god among men and you guys don't know how luck you are to have him on here - I want his babies.


And if any of you even think about stealing him from me, I'll hunt you down and give all your personal details to Rez!



Mcoy will not have this imposter tarnish his reputation. Mcoy dosen't need to confess anything because Mcoy is a higher being then god himself.

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confessNE once spoke in first person, confessNE felt dirty.


I am totally in love with Captain Falcon.


He's like a god among men and you guys don't know how luck you are to have him on here - I want his babies.


And if any of you even think about stealing him from me, I'll hunt you down and give all your personal details to Rez!


Wow - talk about flattering :blush:

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The bold bit is exactly what the issue is. You checked it because you could. There was no reason or need for you to check it. None whatsoever, except for what I think is a selfish reason.


Also, the second paragraph is rubbish, man. You can't say "but I could have done this, I could have done that." That's not the point. We're not talking about what you could have done, but what you did. Also, coming out and admitting you've done it is perhaps worse, because now the person is aware of it.


I can't honestly see or understand how you think it's a good thing...or that there's some sort of positive to this or that it was your divine right to do it. There was simply no need.


You are a deontological man. The action is more important than the outcome. I can tell you now that I am not this nor a teleological man - one who believes the outcomes to be more important than the action -- I am one who is concerned with the reason - the food that fuels man's action. My reason was a nurturing and protecting one, and I don't see you disputing my reasoning at all - just that I did a 'bad' thing. Just because you may not have done a 'bad' thing does not mean that others wouldn't too. As an upholder of the law, which unfortunately is what I've been granted, I like to think that it is my duty to ensure all, including other mods and admins, are not harmed. I inferred from this that it was my role to check the IP, for several reasons, some of which I have listed. I do not see how my argument is in anyway invalid. You even go to say that 'admitting' it is worse! That I confess of my deed when I have no need whatsoever to do so, is worse?!


I tested the moral code to the fullest extent because that is the only way! I do not just mod you lot, I keep an eye on other admins/mods. Nobody is above the law, so therefore it is surely appropriate for me to know what other ads and mods have access to, in order to perhaps prevent future damages?


My point of me being a GOOD guy is that it is better a good guy comes out and says this than a BAD guy secretly sits there and checks IPs and doesn't say anything. If you are to separate actions and reactions then look simply at me saying "ads and mods can see IPs of posts" and decide yourself whether that was a bad thing to say on my part.


I am not talking about could either. I am talking about aught. And if the person is now aware of it then they now know they can trust me, because I do not mean them any harm and I have said nothing of it.


If you still cannot see any positives whatsoever then I understand. We all have been indoctrinated in one way or another, our philosophical approach to morality is pretty much cemented by adolescence. Just don't be so ignorant to other ideas. And don't go saying that I think it's my god-given right to do what I did. I exposed the truth. FFS.

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You are a deontological man. The action is more important than the outcome. I can tell you now that I am not this nor a teleological man - one who believes the outcomes to be more important than the action -- I am one who is concerned with the reason - the food that fuels man's action. My reason was a nurturing and protecting one, and I don't see you disputing my reasoning at all - just that I did a 'bad' thing. Just because you may not have done a 'bad' thing does not mean that others wouldn't too. As an upholder of the law, which unfortunately is what I've been granted, I like to think that it is my duty to ensure all, including other mods and admins, are not harmed. I inferred from this that it was my role to check the IP, for several reasons, some of which I have listed. I do not see how my argument is in anyway invalid. You even go to say that 'admitting' it is worse! That I confess of my deed when I have no need whatsoever to do so, is worse?!


I tested the moral code to the fullest extent because that is the only way! I do not just mod you lot, I keep an eye on other admins/mods. Nobody is above the law, so therefore it is surely appropriate for me to know what other ads and mods have access to, in order to perhaps prevent future damages?


My point of me being a GOOD guy is that it is better a good guy comes out and says this than a BAD guy secretly sits there and checks IPs and doesn't say anything. If you are to separate actions and reactions then look simply at me saying "ads and mods can see IPs of posts" and decide yourself whether that was a bad thing to say on my part.


I am not talking about could either. I am talking about aught. And if the person is now aware of it then they now know they can trust me, because I do not mean them any harm and I have said nothing of it.


If you still cannot see any positives whatsoever then I understand. We all have been indoctrinated in one way or another, our philosophical approach to morality is pretty much cemented by adolescence. Just don't be so ignorant to other ideas. And don't go saying that I think it's my god-given right to do what I did. I exposed the truth. FFS.


Seriously, lol. And I never use that word. Suddenly this has become for the greater forum good. One more time, we'll just check what you initially posted, shall we?


Lawl. I totally checked the IP of confessNE and... TOTALLY SURPRISED. Never looking at them in the same light again.


Yes, it totally wasn't for your own selfish reason. ;)


You don't have to bullshit me. Just simply admit that you got it wrong. You can use as many big words as you like, but it doesn't change anything. It was a harmless thread, that posed no danger whatsoever to anybody. You didn't have to check it at all, there was simply no reason to and it wasn't part of your duty. Just read your first post again and see how it sounds. In fact, if it was your duty, why didn't you just post them a friendly PM to let them know that IPs could be checked? Simple, because you wanted to gloat about it to the rest of the forum that you knew who it was, you and you alone.


Seriously, the attempts you have made to "cover" yourself are laughable. I respect you, and you know that. But I would respect you more if you just hold your hands up, admit you were in the wrong and that was that. No harm has come to anyone, which is good.


Anyway, my confession which I'm going to post as me: I watched Doom whilst on MSN to ViPeR whilst he watched it. Thing is, I don't have a TV aerial in my room so I had to search for an ITV live stream in order to watch it. I actually went out of my way to watch that crap. And it was rubbish. It's a sin to watch that film. :(

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... Again, with the initiation of it all.


You focus on the words I use, not the intention behind them. You focus on the words I use, not the meaning behind them. You assume that the meaning of the words is nothing more than a selfish act - that is, that my post amounts to nothing more than a desription of self-serving enjoyment. You overlook several things, primarily the "greater good" service. You overlook the clarity I added to the "anonymity" aspect. You overlook subtlety. You are unaware that ther are multiple facets to each poster's style. You assume that all my posts are unthought and immediate. You assume that I had not thought through the consequences. You are unable to reply or retaliate to my actual points.


You see 'good' as ignorance. You see 'bad' as succumbing to temptation. You will see my previous sentance as a quotable one, and not even think that I have more words to back it up with. Judging by your assertion that the action, not the intention, reasion or reaction, is of primary importance, and you overlook the importance of honesty. If anything, you deem honesty worse than the deed itself. You refuse to refute any form of clarification to any of these points, and you refuse to read my words without instinctively searching for the counterarguement. You believe in the heirarchy, you trust in your superiors. You believe that the self comes first, and that anyone who succumbs to temptation is irredeemably wrong.


I believe mostly opposite. If the point of this thread is confession, ergo (which is a short, but clever word, btw) the thread is about absolution and admittance of guilt. I spoke truthfully, I carified the nature of the OP's proposed ideas, and surely I proved that while one should be careful of the proposed anonymity, that I myself am watchful and alert for the forum.


Your concern is with the fact that I went and checked the IP. You believe I did this merely for myself. There is no action one takes that isn't selfish in one way or another, but fortunately for everyone here I have very recently expressed how this very forum is in such close proximity to my heart that it practically pumps the blood around my body. I take your negativity of my actions extremely personally because I take it to be a distrust of my character. I use longer words because this is my SERIOUS VOICE that is only unleashed in times needy. My ultimate point is that, while "explioting" it, I pointed out the warning zones to people submitting confessions.


Not once have I mentioned how this user account could just be used for bullshitting.



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I looked at the ip address, and now I'm not man enough to admit that I was wrong.




If that's you Jay, then all is forgiven. That is pretty hilarious. :heh:


But we have no way of telling without checking the IP!?!?! Whatever will we do?


... Again, with the initiation of it all.


You focus on the words I use, not the intention behind them. You focus on the words I use, not the meaning behind them. You assume that the meaning of the words is nothing more than a selfish act - that is, that my post amounts to nothing more than a desription of self-serving enjoyment. You overlook several things, primarily the "greater good" service. You overlook the clarity I added to the "anonymity" aspect. You overlook subtlety. You are unaware that ther are multiple facets to each poster's style. You assume that all my posts are unthought and immediate. You assume that I had not thought through the consequences. You are unable to reply or retaliate to my actual points.


You see 'good' as ignorance. You see 'bad' as succumbing to temptation. You will see my previous sentance as a quotable one, and not even think that I have more words to back it up with. Judging by your assertion that the action, not the intention, reasion or reaction, is of primary importance, and you overlook the importance of honesty. If anything, you deem honesty worse than the deed itself. You refuse to refute any form of clarification to any of these points, and you refuse to read my words without instinctively searching for the counterarguement. You believe in the heirarchy, you trust in your superiors. You believe that the self comes first, and that anyone who succumbs to temptation is irredeemably wrong.


I believe mostly opposite. If the point of this thread is confession, ergo (which is a short, but clever word, btw) the thread is about absolution and admittance of guilt. I spoke truthfully, I carified the nature of the OP's proposed ideas, and surely I proved that while one should be careful of the proposed anonymity, that I myself am watchful and alert for the forum.


Your concern is with the fact that I went and checked the IP. You believe I did this merely for myself. There is no action one takes that isn't selfish in one way or another, but fortunately for everyone here I have very recently expressed how this very forum is in such close proximity to my heart that it practically pumps the blood around my body. I take your negativity of my actions extremely personally because I take it to be a distrust of my character. I use longer words because this is my SERIOUS VOICE that is only unleashed in times needy. My ultimate point is that, while "explioting" it, I pointed out the warning zones to people submitting confessions.


Not once have I mentioned how this user account could just be used for bullshitting.




I think that about covers the answer to that one don't you? ;)


And just in case anyone wants it, here's the link :p

Edited by Captain Falcon
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