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I have only watched 5 episodes from Season 1, but Christ it's good. It has the perfect 50s/60s American setting and all the neat references of literature and dramatic irony you secretly demand, plus the characters are just so dang interesting. In fact, I'm not sure whether it was intended this way but the fact that there's not really any loveable characters makes the show feel overly oppressive.


I guess there's Peggy, and to an extent Mrs. Draper, that sort of house some form of hope for humanity, but then again the fact that there aren't many nice people is what makes it so entertaining.


Verbal symbols (memes? bit of a buzzword atm) are awesome also, it's chock-full of them. There's been some truly fantastic scenes, ones that don't consist of much, but ones which subtly give the characters a lot of depth.


Generally awesome so far, and in places quite touching.




"Who is Donald Draper?"

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We're all about three seasons ahead of you.


That's the same with everything tbf. I'm sure you can all remember what happened in the first 5 episodes of the first season. Right? RIGHT?


Oxygen - I wouldn't say it's good taste, more just 'what's rating highly' and if it ticks criteria for something I'd enjoy then sobeit. TV and film... It's becoming a greater priority for me, and games are taking a backseat. I mean, c'mon, games have been shit this year. It's the same every year really.

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Heh I actually started watching this three days ago or something with mom. We currently only have the first 6 episodes on dvd though (watched 5 of them), so will need to get the rest of the season soon. =P


Mom actually already watched season 1-3 with my aunt while they were on holiday in Spain recently, but she's decided to watch it again. And she still seems surprised when certain things happen... I think she fell asleep lots when watching it the first time, she's weird like that. =P

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yeah I'm nearly done with season 4 so discussing the show with you now would be dangerous stuff.


It's amazing though. Peggy 4 lyf. I've also taken a strange liking to Pete. He's my kind of bastard.


I think that's because Pete is basically a metaphor for a life of hardship, i.e. one that every man out there leads.




So I finished Season 1. Holy shit, that topped The Wire for me. Seriously incredible. You can't come away from it without feeling hopelessly sentimental, but it's just such a drug. Man...


There's TV, and then there's TV. The 11th episode is the closest thing to PURE MAGNIFICENCE as you'll get. The show makes you think a lot.


I love it.

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  • 1 month later...

Half way through season 3 and it's kept up the same incredible standard. It's too interesting for it's own good, I don't know how it does it but damn! Fantastic acting is obviously one thing.


I have a minor criticism, which almost isn't worth mentioning but it's the only 0.001% bad thing I can say about it (apart from the odd actor change of Bobby Draper which matters for shit seeing as he isn't really in it) is that there's lots of scenes where Don appears to be reflecting on the things people say to him, whether it's direct or indirect, about his life and how he could be a better person, but he doesn't choose to act on it or his behaviours in following scenes don't reflect his thoughts or values. Blargle!


But yeah, there's been a few 'lol's this season, and I have to say - Peter Campbell is the most interesting person to watch, he's played extraordinarily well.


Where that guy gets his foot run over... Holy shit that was funny. The aftermath particularly was awesome, where Joan makes a quip to Don about how you can be on top of the world and then have your foot runover by a secretary. Then shortly afterwards it's announced by the takeover company that they'll have to do a quick redraft of the head positions which could boost Don upwards a position.



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  • 4 years later...

Big bump, but did anyone see the finale?


Everything wrapped up nicely, maybe a little too nicely in some cases. Kind of like they wanted a happy ending for most of the characters like Peggy/Stan, Roger and Pete. Loved the final scene though where they inferred that Don went back to advertising after his time at the hippie commune and was responsible for the "Teach the World to Sing" Coca Cola advert.


Great end to an excellent series.


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Big bump, but did anyone see the finale?


Everything wrapped up nicely, maybe a little too nicely in some cases. Kind of like they wanted a happy ending for most of the characters like Peggy/Stan, Roger and Pete. Loved the final scene though where they inferred that Don went back to advertising after his time at the hippie commune and was responsible for the "Teach the World to Sing" Coca Cola advert.


Great end to an excellent series.


I think ultimately I had the same thoughts as you about the finale. I was surprised abut how neatly Weiner wrapped it all up and was to an extent a bit bummed that they went down the 'life goes on' route with a montage over music.. it seems quite commonplace as a way of ending (TV Hulk Friday Night Lights finished similarly, and I think so did the Wire?)


But I lovved the Coke ad at the end. I feel like the question of 'what constitutes art' and how much meaning can you derive from life in commercial work has always been one of the central themes of the show and it kind of leaves those questions it open ended. In the sense that you can view it as a kind of cynical capitalist packaging of the counterculture, or you can see it as using advertising as a vessel for a moment of real meaning / emotion / understanding. Fab ending.


Regardless of the finale though, I really thought the show stayed strong until the end. How do you rate it in the hall of great TV Shows now that it's wrapped up? Will Peggy's Octopus porn be replacing the BB teddy bear as your avatar any time soon, for example?



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