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Job search (Thread rip)


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Oh you actually accepted it. Wow. Mental. What is it? How long was your uni course? I thought you only started it just fairly recently.


Teaching English as foreign language to kids, in Olomouc - yes, anyone is welcome to sleep on my floor... :indeed: I was studying Civil Engineering, but it was a 5 year course, and, to be honest, after two I got bored. I was good at it (2.1), I just found it so, so unrewarding. I'll probably do teaching for a couple of years and then return to Uni, but doing something I prefer - I won't be pigeon holed by my A levels once I'm 21.


P.S. The beer in the Czech Rep. is actually cheaper than water. I shit you not.

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Was told we would be contacted back "later today" yesterday. I didn't have a personal reference with me so I emailed the chick back with that info, and she replied saying "Blah blah, I'll be in touch"


Haven't heard back. Its just weird. She acted as if we basically all had it. I don't actually even care though, I would call to chase them up but I so don't want to do the job after finding out the hours.


Its just strange. Like....A) It was a dead cert. B) Did I not get it? Can I not even get a job that you are guaranteed to get?


She may still call I guess, but I actually don't care either way. I doubt I'd last very long in the job anyway.


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^ Yeah that sounds a bit wierd really, it's not as if it's a job they really have to think about the applicants! And a personal reference shouldn't make any difference.


Yeah I've only been back at my old job 1 week and I've already had enough.

The ONLY thing that gets me up at 4am is that I need money and there are a couple of nice girls there!

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Was told we would be contacted back "later today" yesterday. I didn't have a personal reference with me so I emailed the chick back with that info, and she replied saying "Blah blah, I'll be in touch"


Haven't heard back. Its just weird. She acted as if we basically all had it. I don't actually even care though, I would call to chase them up but I so don't want to do the job after finding out the hours.


Its just strange. Like....A) It was a dead cert. B) Did I not get it? Can I not even get a job that you are guaranteed to get?


She may still call I guess, but I actually don't care either way. I doubt I'd last very long in the job anyway.



Now, this sounds so familiar. Oh wait, it does because i've had the exact happen to me a month or two ago.


2 jobs really and both were in places i've been before. I thought i'm guaranteed to get either one, as i just finished up on a temporary contract with one so they know how i work, and the other because i was made redundant from there a year earlier.


It seems the jobs you are guaranteed to get, don't ever seem to be guaranteed.

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Just try not to get so invested in every job ReZ, so many places just dont bother getting back to you at all its rediculous. Also if you are gonna call to see whats happening id at least wait until the day after they said they'd get in touch. Enthusiasm is one thing but you dont wanna come across as pestering them.

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Had to go to the job centre today for one of them meetings they make you have at the 3 month stage. It was crap, i was there for 20 minutes only to be told what i already know.


I was also informed that i would have to attend a course in Chepstow on the 10th December, called "Real job help" or something like that. It was explained to me that this would help me more in finding work, by working on interview techniques, application form filling in, telephone skills and all that. So i told the advisor to not bother wasting her time calling them, because it is a waste of my time and effort to even attend. I don't need help in those areas at all.


I mean why send me on a course which will not benefit me at all, the A4E course(s) and the FJF thing i have been on didn't help me, so what would be different with this one.


And again, they didn't check my job book. Because the reason this time was that as i had a months worth (and more) to check, they couldn't be bothered.

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Had my first 'back to work' session. All obv. stuff. Was interesting to see other people doling it up. One labourer pissed off with the system - contractors tend not to care about CVs or how good your telephone manner is. It's all word-of-mouth for him, he said. Harshness.


Volunteering is the way forwards!

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Warehouse peeps finally got back to me. I don't think theres a job in the warehouse now (all filled) but at the thing they did mention putting....


...Stickers on DVDs or something across the road. So pretty terrible, but luckily the hours aren't as atrocious, and its also fairly good starting time for me (Wednesday) 6am - 2pm.


So it'll probably be the most horrible job in the world, but I'll actually have some money coming in so my debt will hopefully reduce a bit.


Win, I think. Although she's gonna contact me back to confirm I've actually got it etc.

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Warehouse peeps finally got back to me. I don't think theres a job in the warehouse now (all filled) but at the thing they did mention putting....


...Stickers on DVDs or something across the road. So pretty terrible, but luckily the hours aren't as atrocious, and its also fairly good starting time for me (Wednesday) 6am - 2pm.


So it'll probably be the most horrible job in the world, but I'll actually have some money coming in so my debt will hopefully reduce a bit.


Win, I think. Although she's gonna contact me back to confirm I've actually got it etc.


Putting stickers on DVD's. Hey, at least you can ful-fill the £7 BISH.

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Interesting thread this. Purely as I'm a careers adviser and dealing with unemployment is a pivotal part of my role.

The crux of my work is motivational interviewing wrapped in a client centred procedure.


A lot of people don't really see the value of the role of a careers adviser possibly stemming from connexions or school/college experiences but good info advice and guidance can be vital in assessing where you can go next and what your options are.


A lot of people just jump into the river of life and get swept away in the current not recognising opportunities or diversions. Only when they hear the waterfall (or fall off it) do they look back at the opportunities they now see that passed them by. Recognising your skills, personal qualities and areas of development. Can usually get you back on track to achieve your dreams and to take te right path.


We live in a complex world with a wealth of information and opportunity. I would ask that we invest in ourselves more, make plans, set goals both long terms and short and you can escape the pitfalls many people fall into.



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Warehouse peeps finally got back to me. I don't think theres a job in the warehouse now (all filled) but at the thing they did mention putting....


...Stickers on DVDs or something across the road. So pretty terrible, but luckily the hours aren't as atrocious, and its also fairly good starting time for me (Wednesday) 6am - 2pm.


So it'll probably be the most horrible job in the world, but I'll actually have some money coming in so my debt will hopefully reduce a bit.


Win, I think. Although she's gonna contact me back to confirm I've actually got it etc.


No call yet....?


WTFing hell.

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Interesting thread this. Purely as I'm a careers adviser and dealing with unemployment is a pivotal part of my role.

The crux of my work is motivational interviewing wrapped in a client centred procedure.


A lot of people don't really see the value of the role of a careers adviser possibly stemming from connexions or school/college experiences but good info advice and guidance can be vital in assessing where you can go next and what your options are.


A lot of people just jump into the river of life and get swept away in the current not recognising opportunities or diversions. Only when they hear the waterfall (or fall off it) do they look back at the opportunities they now see that passed them by. Recognising your skills, personal qualities and areas of development. Can usually get you back on track to achieve your dreams and to take te right path.


We live in a complex world with a wealth of information and opportunity. I would ask that we invest in ourselves more, make plans, set goals both long terms and short and you can escape the pitfalls many people fall into.




The reason most people don't go with career advisers is because they'd rather talk about water and such instead of things that actually matter, ie finding me a decent job!





Joking aside.. yeah this is a pointless post.

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The reason most people don't go with career advisers is because they'd rather talk about water and such instead of things that actually matter, ie finding me a decent job!


Define 'decent'. Most people would say 'well-paid' or one that uses your skills.

Majority of folk look at money or just 'any job' which usually results in short term happiness and never really brings long term happiness. A job can define who we are and how we live our lives, treat others or how we see the world.


What do you (in an ideal world) want to be/do?

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