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Toriyama Returns To Dragon Ball


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Rich Johnston reports this morning that manga creator Akira Toriyama is going to write some new chapters of Dragon Ball (also known as Dragon Ball Z in the United States). Dragon Ball originally ran from 1984 to 1995 in Japan, and Viz Media published it in the U.S.


Johnston states the obvious: “Something that will make this event even more spectacular is a simultaneous fully translated worldwide launch of the new book.â€


The Viz folks were tweeting last week about a big announcement to come this week, and they have already done a simultaneous release with Rumiko Takahashi’s Rin-ne, so this indeed may be their big news. Stay tuned!


Good news or bad news?

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Ignoring the insanity vomited onto the thread by Flameboy...


This is excellent news. I cannot wait to read these to see how Toriyama's depictions of the characters has changed in recent years. You all know this is gonna be awesome so don't deny. Bleach and Naruto have nothing on Toriyama in his prime.

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What what what what what???




I'm welling up. This is awesome news, I really can't wait for this. So much so i'm gonna phone all my friends and wake them up and hear their bitching moans.


Christ this'll be awesome. I got way to excited for my own good there.


You all know this is gonna be awesome so don't deny. Bleach and Naruto have nothing on Toriyama in his prime.


Kishi and Kubo hold nothing against the mighty Toriyama!


Also, f*** GT

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Kishi and Kubo hold nothing against the mighty Toriyama!


Also, f*** GT


You ---->istockphoto_760147_punch_fists.jpg<---- Me


Hell yes GT sucked. Props to the music though, GT has an incredible soundtrack. The prologue and subtitle theme is by far the best of all the Dragon Ball animes.


My favourite Dragon Ball storyline is the end of the Saiyan arc right through to the explosion of Namek. There is so much adventure, creativity and action in that arc I don't think the series ever reached that height again. Freezer is the only truly evil villain in all of Dragon Ball. Namek also has some incredibly powerful emotion driving the story that the later arcs seemed to be missing in favour of all out action.


Krillin's death at the hands of Freezer is one of the most horrific and powerful moments in the entire series, from beginning to end. The look of horror on his face is unforgettable.


Not to say that creativity was missing in later stories, it just wasn't as engaging? Cell Saga started out great and dissolved into yet another tournament and Buu was just Toriyama going out having a blast.


Of note, Dragon Ball Kai has done an EXCELLENT job of bringing the character drama to the forefront. It delivers spectacularly. Highly recommended revisit for anyone dancing around the idea of a refresh of the show but afraid of killing the memory.

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Not to say that creativity was missing in later stories, it just wasn't as engaging? Cell Saga started out great and dissolved into yet another tournament and Buu was just Toriyama going out having a blast.


Which is why I love the Buu Saga the most. Also, 1st form Cell was creepy, but it was nothing compared to Thin Buu.


It was also the season where the Portuguese dubbers stopped caring about being serious, and made fun of the series more openly, which is exactly the route the series was taking at that point.


PT Pui Pui: "You will die here!"

PT Goku: "Heh, this guy has no idea we still have 60 episodes left."

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My favourite bits were the ones set on Earth/in cities, after SO LONG in space/deserts with the Freiza stuff. I loved the Android saga. And the random episodes that meant nothing, like the one (I love!) where Gohan is abused by his maths teacher. I loved. So needless. Considering he's like godly powerful. And Chi-Chi didn't even care.


*gasp* Just remembered Videl! C'mmon betch.

ALSO just remembered - my old username on forums, and my MAIN e-mail address (lol) is dodoriazarbon. I actually love. I never think about it now.





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You ---->istockphoto_760147_punch_fists.jpg<---- Me

Of note, Dragon Ball Kai has done an EXCELLENT job of bringing the character drama to the forefront. It delivers spectacularly. Highly recommended revisit for anyone dancing around the idea of a refresh of the show but afraid of killing the memory.


Awesome brofisting there. You're right about Kai though. They've handled it really well especially with the mood and setting at times.


I really want to watch them all again. I never finished Dragonball Z - got to the Buu saga, but only the start of it. It's been YEARS.


Not on DVD over here though...so pointless.


No plans at all for a DB/Z/GT over here along with One Piece. Mainly cause the license for those two are damn pricey to license. Last I read it was Toei asking for too much for it, I think it was around £/$500,000 for a season/set or something.

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A lot of the American Dragon Ball/Z DVDs are region free anyway. The Kai Blu-rays certainly are. I think it was the weird orange bricks that worked on our players though... and Funimation dicked around with the presentation on those A LOT.


Awesome Dragon Ball/Z/gt/KAI moments on YouTube anyone?



Awesome Kai sequence and music. Freezer is terrible.



Awesome animation sequences.



Just awesome.




I realise this is a thread about the Dragon Ball manga, but sometimes it just came together so well in animation. The music makes it.

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I think FUNimation are a bit sneaky making their DBZ DVDs/Blu-Ray region free, but all the other series aren't. Makes me want to see if One Piece is region free too. And those orange bricks are a bit bad. Dragon Boxes/Kai sets ftw!


I'll look for a couple of scenes from Kai that I liked.


Good thing with Kai, even though you know everythings gonna be fine with the characters and they got the DragonBalls to fix everything, you still get that sense of doom.

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I'd import the hell out of the US Dragon Boxes if they were region free and Kai wasn't there as a more definitive version of the story. They really have done such a great job with Kai it's actually totally forgivable the new animation sticks out like a sore thumb.


I like the sense of doom a lot too. It genuinely feels foreign and new, even though you've seen every frame of animation 100 times before. I think the solid presentation helps maintain that illusion of something new. Oh, and the hours and hours of filler they left on the cutting room floor. Almost makes me feel bad for the Koreans who slaved away on the removed animation sequences.


Insert songs are great too.



Dubbed is all I can find, but the original was exceptionally poignant.


The Kai dub is actually pretty great. Very accurate and faithful, which isn't something us Cartoon Network viewers can fully comprehend, right?


There's a really nice moment with Kaio-sama on his planet with the dead, especially when Piccolo realises he'll be revived as well. Piccolo undergoes such a big change in the series. His relationship with Gohan is really sweet.


*watches Scoop's vids*


I remember that! Vegeta hated not being able to go SS. IIRC he trains really hard off-screen and becomes one doesn't he?


It was his anger at not being able to keep up that led to his transformation, I believe. Vegeta was a really great character. It was immensely satisfying to witness his personality transform throughout the series. Pfft, and people say Dragon Ball had no character development.

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He goes off to train to become one but can't reach it. Then has a breakdown that he can't surpass Goku when he's the prince of all Saiyans and gives up, but then becomes one in the process.


Edit- Dammit got beaten :heh:


Nah, yours is better. Breakdown is a much better way to describe it, so awesome. I think my favourite Vegeta scene after his death on Namek is the bit with all the clouds after he realises he's outmatched against the Androids, even then as a Super Saiyan, the one thing he strived so hard to attain.


Also the way he flies off after the Cell battle. Extremely complex dude.

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