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The Gentlemen's Mafia - Game Thread


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(Cube and I aren't affiliated. If we were I personally wouldn't have a problem admitting it. Well...unless we did have a different win condition that wasn't beneficial to the town. SOo yeah. But we aren't) :p


Evidence that I'm town is hugely plentiful. Chair targeting me, me being roleblocked by evil people, me having my targets confirmed and nothing bad happening to them etc etc etc.

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The mafia already know that Cube somehow knew their target because he said so. They know he could potentially do it again so the danger was there from the first post. It's not unreasonable for the town to ask why they should trust the information.


It wasn't information, it was speculation. I targeted Rummy last night but due to being blinded on the first night I couldn't do anything.

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I think we've found everything that we can today.


Vote: gmac.


The final vote was cast

Vote Standings


gmac (9): MadDog, Tales, The Peeps, Diageo, Marcamillian, Rummy, ReZ, Cube



Majority has been reached




The nine Gentlemen, along with mr-paul, surrounded gmac.


"So it is you the one who has been filling this honourable house with the perverse stench of sex"


"Male-on-male, which is worse!"


To these accusations, gmac merely responded "Vous n'êtes pas satisfaits...?"


Broadcast Yourself


gmac grabbed a perfume bottle, and sprinkled its scent into the air "Admettez, votre societé envie notre liberté, notres plaisirs. J'ai donnet un morceau délicieux, et je pense que vous l'appréciez!"


The Gentlemen were hypnotized by the alluring scent, the unintelligible, yet captivating, words.


"*soupir* Trés desolé. Je laisserai votre petite, joyeuse, fête..."


gmac simply walked towards the gate. He expected to simply leave...


However, the gatekeeper had returned from London, and he held a bag full of souvenirs. "That was a splendid trick, GeeMaque! However, I have come prepared for any sort of treachery!"


The gatekeeper reached for his bag, and grabbed a small flask of cologne.




"Wii, dear boy!"


The gatekeeper sprinkled some of ReZ's foul cologne onto gmac, breaking the mysterious spell. The Gentlemen, now fully aware of their surroundings, realized.

"The frog has shamed us!"


"I cannot believe we were tricked by that filthy, primitive language!"


"At him!"


Livid, the Gentlemen mauled gmac's body. Even after he was already dead, they continued. The Black Mask that he was holding almost went unnoticed...


gmac is dead. He was the Frenchman, Pierre Rochefort. Using his French, exotic, seduction skills, he lured respectable men into a world of Lust. He was Evil.


The British hatred for the French is a truly fearsome thing...





















-The Peeps



Send me your PMs

Night 6 starts now


P.S.: I apologize for any French mistakes I may have done

Edited by Jonnas
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