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The Gentlemen's Mafia - Game Thread


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Frankly, I haven't been following the discussion all too closely, I'm afraid, so I'm not fully aware of the accusations against the involved parties and how much merit they hold. That's why I haven't participated much.


Regarding Dohnut, it's a really good observation, but he really did sound like he was occupied in the real world, something which would explain his irregular behaviour. Unless it's an elaborate plot to explain his quietness. :heh:

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I'm reluctant to vote for Dohnut now with it so close to lynch and we haven't given him a chance to have his say. It may be worth looking at his activity on the general forum to see his last login. When you aren't involved in the discussion it can be hard to get into it.

Diageo seems rather paranoid but from reading other recent games that sounds like normal for him. I also think it's worth keeping an eye on MadDog, it is a tiny bit suspicious having a double vote and a night power too, but I think it is more likely that a town member would have both powers than a mafia leader.

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Right so this is what you get for not paying attention. Man, you guys are harsh.


I'll attempt to explain now why it is I'm not playing this game (or any other mafia game atm) very well. Basically I am on a course which lasts 8 hours a day, and then either a) do work all night to keep up with the crazy amount of stuff for my course or b) go to my girlfriend's house.


If a) is in force then I rarely check the thread or the internet in general, and attempt instead to ignore my computer as it will only distract me.


When b) is occurring, well it's weird. For some literally unknown reason to me my MacBook won't connect to her house's wireless internet (apparently it's a common problem with certain routers and you can fix it by fiddling with the router settings etc, but as it's not my house I don't want to ruin the internet for her whole family just so I can get online. ANYWAY). That means I can only access the internet on my ipod touch, and as you can imagine it's hard to read posts very thoroughly on there.


What I am endeavouring to suggest is that I am very rarely able to get online, and when I can I can't read the thread in the detail I would like to. I'm extremely flattered that y'all think I'm good at these games, but at the moment I can't contribute as much as would normally be able to. In a few weeks I have exams and I should be a little more free when they're over.


Anyway, for now. I hope you all understand my reasons a little more now. I am afraid I've become confused a couple of times and had to ask for clarification because, for example, going back two pages of thread on an ipod touch just to look up a post that someone may have made, is a lot less easy than on a computer. So when someone says 'well I said this two pages ago' I have to ask for clarification. Which is why am appearing a lot less intelligent :(


So yeah, I hope that explanation helps. Please feel free to check me out tonight etc. I will try my very very hardest to be on as much as I can and contribute to this game as much as possible. If anyone wants to know anything else please let me know, but right now I'm going to go do some more shorthand, which is horrible but I have another exam for that next week. So yay.


PS: I gots no info.


Also, Rez, you're picture of the two police men made me think of these dudes from Scott Pilgrim:




*Jumping hi-five*

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