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good stuff thread.

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After the shit day I had yesterday which I posted in the bad stuff thread, something very strange happened tonight that lifted my spirits a bit.


One of my brothers came running up into my room after he got home from work, there was a dog hanging around outside our house when he arrived and nearly followed him inside. His girlfriend stayed outside to keep an eye on it as it clearly had gotten lost.


Came outside and the thing was hyperactive so we tried and finally managed it to get it inside so we can check the collar and everything. White dog with a pink collar and the same size as ours which we had to have put down yesterday.


Although it's all just coincidence, returning him to the owner and having a chat with him just left me feeling pretty good. It was just so bizarre and my mother's just glad she wasn't there as she's into the whole fate thing and admitted she probably would have just have broken down heh.


The face of my father pulling up from work with me walking a dog out of the house was just priceless.

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Had an amazing night last night. Went to the annual reunion for classical students at my old gymnasium and later went with a couple of them out on the town for a few hours, which were spent just chatting at a bar and enjoying life, after which we went to the amazing burger place in town before heading home. Now I'm back home in my apartment and about to pop in a Blu-ray with a tray of cookies. Life is fucking good.


Oh, and my old Latin teacher, recalling my love for The Matrix, asked me if I wanted to write an article for a classical magazine about the influence of Plato on The Matrix! Epic win! :D

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Finally finished all my exams yesterday, went out last night and then had a marvellous day of doing absolutely fuck all today. Basically just played on Pokemon Soul Silver, listened to Pink Floyd and done the obligatory internet stuff - Facebook, this place, football scores etc


Shame I have loads of stuff to do tomorrow and then my second term begins on monday =/

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Sold my first iPhone case!




Well shit son, I'm not surprised you managed to sell that. I don't even have an iPhone and I want one :heh: Nice work.

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I love that one, make some for s2?


I'm guessing s2 isn't some sort of iPhone? (phones aren't my forte) RedBubble only do iPhone cases at the moment, otherwise I would.


Edit: If you want the full size image to upload to here and make your own, just let me know.

Edited by Goafer

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The sale in my shop has been a (very small) success, yay. Nothing amazing, but I finally sold a few earrings/rings/cards that otherwise would just sit here gathering dust. =P


Hoping I'll get a few more orders, but doubt it's gonna happen. Only manage to sell to family and friends it seems haha.

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Yeah Goafer, I want one of those. You got more on the line? (It looks like something out of Bioshock)

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Yeah Goafer, I want one of those. You got more on the line? (It looks like something out of Bioshock)


It's the Vault-Tec logo from Fallout. I'll probably make a few more designs soon, I go through phases of designing stuff, then doing nothing for months. They'll be on my RedBubble page when they're done.

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It's the samsung s2, unfortunately Orange don't really do good deals on them when you have a cheaper contract, so I'm after the s2, which means boring cases.

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It's the Vault-Tec logo from Fallout. I'll probably make a few more designs soon, I go through phases of designing stuff, then doing nothing for months. They'll be on my RedBubble page when they're done.




Although Bethesda have only just gotten the rights recently to sell Fallout IP merch.

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It's the samsung s2, unfortunately Orange don't really do good deals on them when you have a cheaper contract, so I'm after the s2, which means boring cases.


You can get plain hard cases for the S2. With a bit of arts and crafts and some tenacity you could make your own.

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For phone cases, see Otterbox. You get what you pay for essentially, the best of the best.



A couple of pics of their SII case.






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A boring case essentially then?


Sorry, no I am sure they are awesome and they look kind of neat and uniform, but find I want one that's more funky than security.


I did however, find some cool ones on my hunt :D.

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... but find I want one that's more funky than security.


You did see the link I posted to a place where you could design your own right?


This one.

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You did see the link I posted to a place where you could design your own right?


This one.


I did indeed, unfortunately, I'm not really that creative.

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I did indeed, unfortunately, I'm not really that creative.





Don't pretend it's not exactly what you want.

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Although Bethesda have only just gotten the rights recently to sell Fallout IP merch.

I'm guessing you don't go on Redbubble much.

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21.1 Megapixels of pure fury. Now I play the waiting game while the battery charges.

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