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Thing is, it'd have to be classic Ash for people to get it. Hat is easy, but finding a suitable jacket is really tricky which is why I'm leaning towards mad scientist

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Right, so it's Halloween time! I might be going to a little Halloween gathering shindiggy, and apparently need a costume. I have no costume ideas though! I was a vampire last year, and so I cannot really do that again as it's essentially the same party with the same people.


So, for the egotistical part of this thread, suggest some awesome haloween costume ideas for that won't look too silly, and preferably also be cheap and easy to pull off.


For the rest of the thread, what are your plans for halloween if you have any and what costumes are you wearing if you have those too. General halloween discussion gogogo!


I was thinking of going as Ash Ketchum this year, plush Pikachu and all. However, I couldn't find a workable jacket for it so I decided to go as a mad scientist


I might just look to get some face makeup stuff and get someone to make my face look more hideous than normal. Surely though there exists specific ash ketchup type jackets/outfits out there, for occasions just like this?


Since the image topic might be closed due to ReZ overload. I'll repost these here:

Ryu and Ken give Mario and Yoshi the death they've been dreaming of...


For some reason Lego Spiderman wanted to watch.





Ryu and Ken settle their differences the old fashioned way... Table football.



With Hellboy and Wesker as scorekeepers.


Can't remember what's happening here.



I'll upload some others from that night later.

  Serebii said:
Trying to figure out what to go as to Halloween...I want to pull at this party so I can't go too insane


Was thinking either a Mad Scientist or cutting the middleman of my friends saying "This is Joe, he owns the biggest Pokémon site in the world" and go as Ash Ketchum


I'd be sold! :yay:


Crap I didn't see the topic had been made, apologies.


Man, the costumes in here are awesome. I'd seriously consider a Ken/Ryu knockup, looks pretty cheap and easy, however I haven't the time and money for another Gi and whatnot atm. I gotta say, that Mario/Yoshi combo is an amazing effort though.

  Serebii said:
Scary is relative


I think it's due to us having a holiday in Denmark called Fastelavn, which is quite like Halloween, except not scary-themed. Kids dress up, go from door to door and sing a little song about making trouble if they don't get treats. The main difference is that the holiday is not scary-themed at all. We dress up as what we want to. I think that's the reason why I feel you should dress up as something scary for Halloween. You gotta stick to the theme, y'know?

  Rummy said:
Man, the costumes in here are awesome. I'd seriously consider a Ken/Ryu knockup, looks pretty cheap and easy, however I haven't the time and money for another Gi and whatnot atm. I gotta say, that Mario/Yoshi combo is an amazing effort though.

The Ryu/Ken combo was a massive fluke, but a welcome one. As we suspected many people shouted Haduken at us and we tried hitting the shit out of car. It didn't work.


The Gi I got was around a tenner off Ebay, dye £4. Works well.

  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
So wait, you guys actually don't dress up as something scary for Halloween? What's wrong with you?!

The supply of Freddy Kruger & assorted bullshit wears thin around that time of year. As such, we must get creative. The blokes that is. The girls just wear skimpy black clothes [the cleave on show] with a pointy hat and call themselves a witch. Not that I'm complaining.

  Serebii said:
Things like Werewolves, Vampires, Zombies etc. have been done to death

Awful... awful.

The supply of Freddy Kruger & assorted bullshit wears thin around that time of year. As such, we must get creative. The blokes that is. The girls just wear skimpy black clothes [the cleave on show] with a pointy hat and call themselves a witch. Not that I'm complaining.


Oh, I certainly encourage creativity ... and skimpiness for the girls. But I think it's better if you can stick to the Halloween theme.

  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
Oh, I certainly encourage creativity ... and skimpiness for the girls. But I think it's better if you can stick to the Halloween theme.

Of scaryness I assume? I have no doubt that Ryu and Ken scare the shit out of someone. Especially if they're about to kill Mario and Yoshi.

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