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FAST (F-Zero for WiiWare)


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There's a demo of this in the shop. Pretty tight. The ahead/behind yells are hilarious!:heh:


If by "hilarious" you mean "infuriatingly annoying", then yes I agree.







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Haha, only played a couple of races, guess it hasn't gotten to that stage yet:heh:

What I found especially funny was the intensity/excitement in which he was saying it. "You are 2 seconds ahead" sounded like a "hyper-combo" in KI, whereas "You are 5 seconds ahead" was more like a "monster-combo"....if I recall correctly:heh:

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I downloaded the demo the other night and just tried it. Turns out its only the tutorial and one race. :( The game seems pretty cool - I didn't know about the Ikaruga style switching between black and white shenanigans, that certainly adds something different to the F-Zero/ Wipeout mould that FAST draws from.


What I found especially funny was the intensity/excitement in which he was saying it. "You are 2 seconds ahead" sounded like a "hyper-combo" in KI, whereas "You are 5 seconds ahead" was more like a "monster-combo"....if I recall correctly:heh:


Haha, Killer Instinct is so good. :grin: Kiiing combo!

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I tried the Demo. Looks fun, but the Wiimote controls aren't fit for my hand, it seems :(


It does seem to be more accessible than F-Zero, which is good for when I have guests. Then again, I already have ExciteTruck...


I don't think I'll be buying this, due to already having games that compare. If it had online, I'd buy it in a heartbeat, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah I've also downloaded this demo quite recent. While I'd agree it's accessible and a nice (quite solid, even) attempt especially for Wiiiware, it's just too soft for me. If anything it just makes me yearn an all-new F zer0 that much more.


I gave it one quick spin (the tests then the one race) and I didn't do too greatly lol but I was really just testing in out (3 races) and I was like "meh, even if it had online, .. meehhh!" I appreciate it's efforts of trying to be original - taking into account what they were working with.

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  • 11 months later...

I was browsing the Virtual Console/WiiShop today and saw that there was a demo for this. Just gave that a go and I love it. Probably will download the whole thing at some point.


But, all this does is make me want a more fleshed out retail version. F-ZERO, why have you forsaken us?

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Strangely, I too played the demo today, @Fierce_LiNk. I was curious to see what else might be worth spending my Nintendo Points on.


It certainly wasn't bad but I think I'd rather stick F-Zero on when I feel like playing something like this..


I dunno, I'm craving a racer at the moment. Aside from ExciteTruck, there's nothing else on the system worth playing. So, this grabs my interest.


Also, un-related, where is your sig from?

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I dunno, I'm craving a racer at the moment. Aside from ExciteTruck, there's nothing else on the system worth playing. So, this grabs my interest.


Also, un-related, where is your sig from?


It's from Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon on Wii.. I'd highly recommend hunting that one down :smile:


As for craving a racer, I sympathize with your desire. There were moments when I considered things like Dirt 2 and even Cruis'n USA on the VC just for another racing experience on the Wii.. but I quickly realised neither of those would come close to filling the void.


Having not playing Excite Truck in so long since clearing everything, it may well be worth dipping my toe into it again! I could even get some music on the SD card to give the game a different vibe this time :hehe:

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I dunno, I'm craving a racer at the moment. Aside from ExciteTruck, there's nothing else on the system worth playing. So, this grabs my interest.


Need For Speed Nitro gets my vote for 1 of the best (arcade style) racers - highly recommended if you haven't tried it yet.

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