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How I Met Your Mother


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Since this is the top of a page, I'll post it here: Avoid Facebook because apparently a huge spoiler has been posted which will pop up if you have Liked the show. I haven't seen it because fortunately I barely like HIMYM in real life never mind on Facebook. That said even people talking about it without saying anything has given away enough. So stay away! Go on a blackout or something :heh: the ep aired yesterday.


Unrelated annoying opinions begin:


I know, broken record etc, but I don't think I have ever watched an entire episode of a comedy and not even chuckled a little bit, like... even on the inside, until that Bromitzvah episode :/


The following episode was much better (but not in terms of laughs) - I've realised the only thing I can really watch this show for now is the occasional moment when they hang up the absurd for a bit and have a moment of genuine, if a bit unlikely/forced, soppiness.

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That...was not the best way to finish that episode. The mother's face is not what I want to see from her.


I also feel this should've been the episode before the finale, since it raises a few issues and questions without actually giving them closure.


On to the final season, then!


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That...was not the best way to finish that episode. The mother's face is not what I want to see from her.

Well, they weren't going to show her breasts, Jonnas. :heh:



Man, I hope the final season just covers the last two days before the wedding. I'm sure I'd still hate the show, but at least it'd be nice with a change of pace!


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Decent episode but lacked that extra bit of "feeling like a finale" type feel to it...untill those last few moments :D


Before I talk about the end though few things before that....


...first why was the episode called "Something New"... unless it was just refering to introduction of The Mother as the "something new" I was expecting the title to refer to something more about Barney and Robins Wedding like what the previous episode was about.


2nd: HA, I was right about the ending of the previous episode, it was Ted regaining his feelings for Robin not realising he was over her (even though that should have made more sense)...also the significance of the rain only hit me now.... it was a reference to when "Ted made it rain for Robin" which when it rained made him think it was a sign he should be with Robin. Again fairly pissed that they would drag all this up again after they spent a fair few eps to show Ted was over Robin this season. Though thankfully with the end of the ep we can see it'll all "even itself out" I guess will be the way to put it.


3rd: The revelation of what happened to the locket from the previous ep....WHY? The theories that Barney had it all along and him knowing what Robins dad mean when he said "nah it's stupid" were gold. When Lilly started telling the story of how she knew where the locket was I was expecting her to be telling the story of how Barney found out about it and dug it up himself to surprise Robin with it at the wedding.

Now Ted has the locket and thinks it is the perfect wedding gift to give to Robin? I'm not sure what he is thinking this "gift" will say though.... is he being the good guy and thinking "look I found the locket for you, you have it at your Wedding like you dreamed and it shows this wedding was meant to be" or is he planning to ruin his best friends wedding by giving Robin the locket and thinking "look I found this for you, that means we are meant to be together"




But on the showing of the Mother, YAY :yay: Finally we have a face...and it pretty...though I always assumed she would be blonde for some reason :heh:

I was starting to think we wouldn't see her face for a moment... though it was gonna end when the yellow umbrella was revealed, thankfully they went with the reveal :D


Little disappointed though that the final ep wasn't the day of the wedding as we expected from the start of this season, was hoping the final shot of the season would be Ted seeing "the mother" for the first time... but the final shot we did get was pretty good still.


I'd say the first few eps of next season will be the lead up to and the day of Barney and Robins wedding with Ted seeing "the mother" who'll hopefully get a name soon, at the wedding he'll be trying to talk to her but for some reason be unable to. The band will finish playing and she'll be gone and he'll think he missed his chance and then they meet again at the train station which we already know about. Then the rest of the season will prolly be him trying to win her over as while he'll fall in love at first sight she prolly won't (or will still be with that boyfriend she was with in the strange "time traveller/all in Teds head" episode)


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Ted said she wasn't blonde after the failed wedding with stella, "no she's not the mother, else you kids would be blonde" blah blah :P get you shit together dude!


and yeah, not sure how this locket thing is going to end. Maybe his plan is to just leave it on the gifts table and bail.. and then runs into the mother at the station right? *shrug*



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The site I watch the series on had the mother's face as the front story picture. -_- Yeah, yeah, I know, serves me right for watching it online, but still, what the fuck, people? ¬_¬


Anyway, I loved this episode. Barney and Robin are perfect for each other. Which is why I'm a bit miffed they're STILL on Ted and her - and he has the locket. Still, I remain grotesquely optimistic that they'll wrap it up in a great way. The ending was appropriately exciting in its build-up (unfortunate as it was that I knew where it was heading); it's just a bit frustrating they left so much hanging! :heh: One thing's for certain, I'll definitely be looking forward to the final season!


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Decent episode but lacked that extra bit of "feeling like a finale" type feel to it...untill those last few moments :D


Before I talk about the end though few things before that....


...first why was the episode called "Something New"... unless it was just refering to introduction of The Mother as the "something new" I was expecting the title to refer to something more about Barney and Robins Wedding like what the previous episode was about.


2nd: HA, I was right about the ending of the previous episode, it was Ted regaining his feelings for Robin not realising he was over her (even though that should have made more sense)...also the significance of the rain only hit me now.... it was a reference to when "Ted made it rain for Robin" which when it rained made him think it was a sign he should be with Robin. Again fairly pissed that they would drag all this up again after they spent a fair few eps to show Ted was over Robin this season. Though thankfully with the end of the ep we can see it'll all "even itself out" I guess will be the way to put it.


3rd: The revelation of what happened to the locket from the previous ep....WHY? The theories that Barney had it all along and him knowing what Robins dad mean when he said "nah it's stupid" were gold. When Lilly started telling the story of how she knew where the locket was I was expecting her to be telling the story of how Barney found out about it and dug it up himself to surprise Robin with it at the wedding.

Now Ted has the locket and thinks it is the perfect wedding gift to give to Robin? I'm not sure what he is thinking this "gift" will say though.... is he being the good guy and thinking "look I found the locket for you, you have it at your Wedding like you dreamed and it shows this wedding was meant to be" or is he planning to ruin his best friends wedding by giving Robin the locket and thinking "look I found this for you, that means we are meant to be together"




But on the showing of the Mother, YAY :yay: Finally we have a face...and it pretty...though I always assumed she would be blonde for some reason :heh:

I was starting to think we wouldn't see her face for a moment... though it was gonna end when the yellow umbrella was revealed, thankfully they went with the reveal :D


Little disappointed though that the final ep wasn't the day of the wedding as we expected from the start of this season, was hoping the final shot of the season would be Ted seeing "the mother" for the first time... but the final shot we did get was pretty good still.


I'd say the first few eps of next season will be the lead up to and the day of Barney and Robins wedding with Ted seeing "the mother" who'll hopefully get a name soon, at the wedding he'll be trying to talk to her but for some reason be unable to. The band will finish playing and she'll be gone and he'll think he missed his chance and then they meet again at the train station which we already know about. Then the rest of the season will prolly be him trying to win her over as while he'll fall in love at first sight she prolly won't (or will still be with that boyfriend she was with in the strange "time traveller/all in Teds head" episode)


The last episode was called Something Old...come on! :p


Donna Bowman did a pretty good summarisation of Ted had to have one last pang of feelings for Robin. You can read it here: http://www.avclub.com/articles/something-new,97540/


This is the problem with HIMYM fans, they theorise too much and then get mad when they don't come true :heh: For another example, see Nintendo fans pre-E3.


Ted won't meet her until the train station on the way home (I assume he'll see her, as she's in the band, and I think we did see a shot of him seeing her at some point). I would guess the first episode, if not the first two, will be the wedding itself and we may not even see her until the third (or at least their meeting). However, we will see Robin's ugly dress. I mean come on, they made Cobie Smulders look dowdy :heh:


I'd like it if Ted still moved to Chicago for a bit and then she came after him. Would be good to see him be chased, and to prove that his idea of romantic love can still exist even though he seems to have given up. I know he said to his kids he rang her straight away, but perhaps they just chat on the trian, don't exchange details and then the mother chases him down via Cindy.


And I wonder if they're going to have Lily go to Italy for a year and just do a time leap at some point. Would be a shame to have someone as independent as Lily to give up her dream (again).


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Marshall's job, Barney and Robin's enemies, Ted's plans to move to Chicago, the mother...you don't think at least one of those can be classed as "something new"? :heh:



Rumours/speculation that season 9 will take place in the 56 hours before the wedding. Helped by interviews such as this:




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First impressions, perfect for the part. I was worried she would be some bimbo or acted by a talentless pretty face but nope, Cristin Miloti can bring something more than wow factor to the table. Looking forward to them showing us what all the fuss is about. Maybe the episode was made less epic than it could've been for two reasons, one - most of knew the reveal was coming, even if you didn't have it spoiler outright with a photo, the reaction/backlash was enough to say 'yep, we're clearly seeing her in this ep'. Also it was a bit disconnected, a bit like it was just forced in at the last minute. Why was she just revealed there, in an almost irrelevant context?


Despite that, it's cool they're progressing things a little for the first time in 8 years. Here's hoping they tighten up on the writing in S9 and rely a little less on the absurd and endlessly repeating cut based jokes and the like.


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Why was she just revealed there, in an almost irrelevant context?



I thought it was very relevant and in context :heh:

All the main characters are on their way to Farhampton for Barney and Robins wedding, some with some extra emotional baggage (Marshall having accepted the Judge job, Ted planning to move to Chicago....and whatever he plans/thinks the locket will do for him?) all converging on this one area for this one event.


Then we have this new face who dispite being a "new" character is probably the most "main" main character there is given she is the title character. We know she is in the band that will play at the wedding, we know she goes to get a train after the wedding so makes sense we would meet her getting a ticket to Farhampton unaware this one trip will impact her life in a massive way.



Also the 56 hours thing for next season...it's a good idea but that would imply it would end with Ted and the mother (can they give her a name already) at the trainstation....we've seen that scene already. I know the show is called "How I Met Your Mother" but why does it have to end with the meeting? We;ve seen Ted try his best to win over many different women over the course of the show but we won't see how he wins over the woman that he will marry and have kids with? And a quick montage at the end would seem a bit cheap.


Ah well either way just hope next season is a good send off


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Also it was a bit disconnected, a bit like it was just forced in at the last minute. Why was she just revealed there, in an almost irrelevant context?


This is why I think she's going to be involved a decent amount in season 9 - perhaps some flash forwards (or flash less-backs or whatever). If they do some scenes with her it's going to be found out.


Like this - the last scene, one with none of the other actors in it, makes it very easy for them to keep it a secret.


Then post it on Facebook.


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The last episode was called Something Old...come on! :p


Donna Bowman did a pretty good summarisation of Ted had to have one last pang of feelings for Robin. You can read it here: http://www.avclub.com/articles/something-new,97540/


This is the problem with HIMYM fans, they theorise too much and then get mad when they don't come true :heh: For another example, see Nintendo fans pre-E3.


That was a really good article. Excellent points all around. It actually struck me as well later that it's silly to be disappointed about fan theories not coming through; I honestly haven't been disappointed in the way they've handled things so far, so I see no reason to become prematurely disappointed: I'm convinced they'll finish the series in a satisfying way. :)


Still miffed that the mother was spoiled so carelessly. What was everyone thinking?!


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That was a really good article. Excellent points all around. It actually struck me as well later that it's silly to be disappointed about fan theories not coming through; I honestly haven't been disappointed in the way they've handled things so far, so I see no reason to become prematurely disappointed: I'm convinced they'll finish the series in a satisfying way.


Still miffed that the mother was spoiled so carelessly. What was everyone thinking?!


I was wondering about that too and read through some of the comments on Facebook. Appearently the Facebook page is tailored towards the American viewers. They didn't post the picture until after it aired in the USA.


I hope the finale season is not just about the 56 hours. Credit to 24 for making every second of a day interesting, but I'm not sure if HYMIM can do it. Won't it just restrict what they can write about?

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I was wondering about that too and read through some of the comments on Facebook. Appearently the Facebook page is tailored towards the American viewers. They didn't post the picture until after it aired in the USA.


And then people posting it all over the internet, even as the headline story ... on a video streaming site. -_- I cannot get over how completely ridiculous that is.

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I hope Ted gets attacked by a cougar.


I still want him to get trapped under a boulder at the mall.


Also suggestions that perhaps next year they'll just have the mother telling her side of the story. Not sure how they'd handle it with the kids footage being old (unless they awkwardly green screen the switch over), but Carter/Thomas have said that season nine will be distinctly different.




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I still want him to get trapped under a boulder at the mall.


Also suggestions that perhaps next year they'll just have the mother telling her side of the story. Not sure how they'd handle it with the kids footage being old (unless they awkwardly green screen the switch over), but Carter/Thomas have said that season nine will be distinctly different.




That is interesting.


The first episode would start with future Ted talking to the kids then the mothers voice comes in as if she just walked in


Mother: "Are you telling the story of how we met? Where are you?"

Ted: "Just got to the start of RObin and Barneys wedding"

Mother: "Bet you kids have been sitting there a LONG time huh?.. Well let me take it from here"


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Mother: "Are you telling the story of how we met? Where are you?"

Ted: "Just got to the start of RObin and Barneys wedding"

Mother: "Bet you kids have been sitting there a LONG time huh?.. Well let me take it from here"

So the final season, after all this, wouldn't be "how I met your Mother", but "how I met your Father"? Idontthinkso.


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