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As someone who has only put one toe in the pool of hip-hop I have no issues saying that that was, possibly, my favorite song to rate on this thread. I never "liked" hip-hop or just never really got into it but I loved that! :D Maybe it's because it's slightly jazzy.

The beat and the chorus with the girls voice = heaven.

( I even pressed "repeat")



She's FINALLY BACK!! I know this was released in November or something...whatever. It's a strange tune but...it has charm...and I like it.

I've a feeling not many will "get" it or just think it's shite though :(


Glad you enjoyed it! I've got a friend who's family are really into jazz and pretty much have never listened to hip hop..I got him that album (Jazzmatazz Volume III if you're interested) for his birthday and his whole family pretty much fell in love with it. That's saying something because before that I think the only 'hip hop' they'd heard was the stuff that get's played on the radio, if that counts as actual hip hop anyway.


As for the Winehouse song, I quite liked it when I first heard it and I don't mind it now. I actually rate her as a musician, the problem I have with her is just her image and all the bad publicity she's had over the years has totally put me off listening to her. I do like that song though, but it's not something I would listen to again and again.



Think you might enjoy this one too nintendo master!!

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Urm, this is awkward, I think the point of the thread is to RATE the song ABOVE Slaggis.

I'm sure you just forgot :p


@Goron_3 Yes! I did like it :D It wasn't as good as the 1st one ;) but as far as hip-hop goes...I hate to admit that it was pretty good.

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I enjoyed that more than most (presumably) amateur mash-ups. Not STUNNING, but reasonably enjoyable. Though less enjoyable than any one of the included songs seperately.




Posted here by me before, but I'm still reeling. My favourite audio/visual thing ever.

Die Antwoord feat. Diplo and Wanga - Evil Boy

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Erm, it was good. I didn't feel like it was anything spectacular but I thought it was better than the original, if that means anything :D

I liked that the vocalist sounds like Fiona Apple too. I'm actually wondering if it really was her :confused:


I know I've posted one too many of her songs so sorry for those who don't like her :p

anyway, it's a song from her new album but it's just a remix so no chorus etc.

I really like it though :D it's pretty hard dance music and she speaks German...woo

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I can't be bothered listening fully since I've heard multiple clips already, and it's barely "the new Lady GaGa song" as it's clearly a catwalk show theme. Also that version omitted the intro I've heard where she says in an English accent "I don't speak German but I can if you'd like" which was my fave bit.


I hope her new album keeps the 90's house music vibe. One again trailing after the superior Roison

. *shakes head*




I've found myself returning all of a sudden to M.I.A's very divisive last album. I've enjoyed the singles obvs (Born Free, XXXO, It Takes A Muscle), but the album tracks like the above are much more confrontational affairs.

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MMMM...I was slightly annoyed that the version I chose didn't have that intro but I only use my iPod during the week sooo I couldn't be bothered changing it ^_^'


Pity though. I saw on the main page that you posted and was hoping to hear "O EM GEE. I'm stunned. Literally." or you know..something like that ;)


Oh well :p I quite like it.

Edited by Frank
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I KNEW NO ONE WOULD REVIEW MY ONE. Ugh. Can the rule be no posting without a review, unless you differentiate it? Like make it size 1 font or bracket it or something? ahsff j




I enjoyed that song. Feels like something I enjoy without committing to owning though. But entertaining.




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Can't really rate it properly. Sounds like it's a grower. Positive first impression, but I need some more time with it to give you a proper rating.




Mixed bag. literally.



really interesting juxtoposition. I rather liked that.


Reminded me of this for some reason


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really interesting juxtoposition. I rather liked that.


Reminded me of this for some reason


















And now I don't know which song to rate.


Surf Solar is a personal favourite. Fuck buttons in general is... 8.5/10.


Amish Paradise is probably my fav Weird Al Song, it's a glamorous 9/10.


Carryin on, for sumthin more conventional:

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I only Seal song I know I really like. I used to think I preferred the Alanis Morissette version. Then I got a life.





Off Erotica, the album everyone seems to forget Madonna did - the first one that felt like a REAL album by a REAL artist (as opposed to "a pop singer's newest shart-topper". Coincidentally her first non-huge success. Such brilliant production and vocal delivery throughout.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Again, I love how jazz-y it is...in a way. The drum beats and the overall sensual feel are beautiful to listen to. I like the comparison between this and the other stuff I've heard from Madonna which is like...4/5 songs :laughing: Basically just her "BIG" hits.


Good song :)



I couldn't find the actual song on Youtube anywhere :hmm: Only a crappy remix of it with Lyndsie Lohan...


Anyway, I think this is my favorite song from the album. It's just...lovely :blush:




Alls you gots to do is press the play button.

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  • 2 months later...

Thread bump.


The new Adele album is very nice, and Rumour Has It is a standout. I love the "..RUMAHASET!" bits.


This song is too epic for me. CRIME it was put on her album.



If you could you would get rid of me

Fuck you gonna do when a bitch try to go hard?


These birds all fly south for the winter

Fuck I look like chompin' on a chicken dinner?!

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Paj's contribution.



Normally, I wouldn't have given that a second thought to listen to. I'd immediately assume it to be offensive to my ears but that caught me off guard me by being surprisingly listenable - being this late and tired certainly helps to keep my mind open I guess.


Wasn't really paying too much attention to the lyrics (should I have been?) preferring to just consider the vocal work an instrument itself and not get bogged down looking for meanings I neither understand or care about.


So whilst it's certainly not something I'd ever put on myself, I wouldn't kick up a fuss or instantly change channel if it ever came on.


Do I have to give it a score?




I've been on a bit of New Order kick recently and so I thought I'd post this one. This is the song that really got me to sit up and pay attention to them. It was also the song that really got me into music too as I'd hardly pay any attention to it before - if it was on it was on, but it wasn't by my doing.


I don't remember the exact date, but I know the first time I heard this, it was a Tuesday afternoon... around half 3ish and I was in my room playing Majora's Mask. I was wandering around the woodland overworld area before you get into WoodFall. It was coming from my brother's room and yeah, instantly hooked, and one of, if not, my favorite song ever. I'd go on to say I think they are probably the best band I've ever listened to. Now to commence the slagging off of my musical taste :p



Above is the official video featuring The Killers ;) but unfortunately, I think the song took a bit of a hammering when trying to squeeze down the run time for the radio edit.


And so I've provided the proper album version which is just sublime - aren't I good folks


Broadcast Yourself


Please enjoy.

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