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Makes a change for me to ''win'' an argument on here.


My ex found a good solution to smoking - those e-cigarettes, unfortunately I believe you have to buy them on-line as the UK government is trying to ban them here (I personally think that's due to not being able to tax them, but who knows.)


They are very good, water vapours comes out rather than smoke and apparently they give quite a good nicotine hit, they do price about the same as having regular cigarettes, but he smoked it around me quite often and every so often all I could smell happened to be whatever he had put into it - such as almonds.

Anything like the inhalators they have out there?

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Yeah those.


He mentioned that they were ''a sack of shit'', nothing alike apparently, the e-cigarette is the same as a cigarette, but doesn't have the tar in it, you basically put nicotine into part of the e-cigarette (it goes into a sponge if I remember) then when smoked the light at the end comes on and water vapour is the end product.


They seemed very handy, specially for those who need cigarette breaks, as you can use them indoors without any issues.

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  • 1 year later...

Having been a smoker for oooh about 27 years. I decided to give the e-cigarettes a go. Since using them I've not smoked a proper fag in 2 weeks!.


If anybody is interested in trying them I'd recommend visiting this site jacvapour.com - they make excellent products and am currently enjoying the menthol and the cherry e-liquids.


The site has tons of info on e-cigarettes and video reviews etc. I hope some you lot find it as useful as I did!


: peace:


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