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Had a bit more done today.


Really pleased with how the Broken Vessel came out particularly. I don’t want too much colour everywhere, but the odd bits here and there really make it stand out.

Got another appointment at the end of the month, obviously going to finish the Mantis Lords and hopefully complete the rest of my forearm and we’ll be hopefully halfway done. 

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On 18/04/2021 at 10:14 AM, EEVILMURRAY said:

Got this done yesterday. Sadly just the outline as the plan was to have it all done 1-8, but she took over 45 minutes fapping around getting ready, and at half 6ish said we should do the colour in another session (and pay an extra hundred quid for the pleasure), plus she also dropped the bombshell that she ran out of white the day before, which was was nice

Following on from this, I was originally offered 23rd May, which I had to turn down because it was the wife's birthday, so tattooist offered me this Sunday (13th June). As I hadn't heard anything from her since mid-April I thought I would send a confirmation email, just as a courtesy. She comes back saying that I was booked in for 23rd May, she can't fit me this Sunday and earliest she can fit me in is 28th August? THE FUCK?! 

I responded saying that I *did* have it booked, but we changed it, to a date she offered (with email subject changed by her) and I accepted, on 17th April! I sent a screenshot of the earlier part of the email where that actually happened, had she scrolled down she could've seen it herself. Awaiting a reply.


What I don't get is that even if it was booked for 23rd May, that no confirmation email was sent to check if I was attending, or at the least one afterwards asking me where the fuck I was.


EDIT: she was suddenly able to pull 27th June from somewhere. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bit more done today.



Mantis Lords finished and made a start on the top of my forearm. I was unsure about having so much pink on Hornet, but I think once it’s blended in to the rest, it’ll be fine, just wanted the off splash of brighter colours here and there. And I’ve picked out a background for it which should fit nicely.  

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  • 1 month later...

Man, that is some proper talented work going on with your arm there, @Dog-amoto!

If it wasn't for the fact that my pain threshold is painfully low and my phobia of needles, I'd probably get a tattoo myself.

I always liked the idea of getting a big massive back tattoo of a Groudon doing the famous Steve-o thumbs up pose.

I think it'd be just the right mixture of goofy and cool. I'd never be able to handle it though.

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  • 1 month later...

Aaaand done…maybe one or two tweaks needed, perhaps some shading at the very top, but I’ll sort those next time I’m in with him. Really pleased with how it came out as I wasn’t sure exactly how it was all going to come together. I don’t even want to think about how many hours it took 😣😆


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On 7/30/2023 at 6:23 PM, Josh64 said:

Those new balls are fantastic!

Many thanks!

Looking at the comparison, it feels weird that I felt really proud about the first set. Probably because it was my first tattoo and it did look a little better. With a lack of outline the red/oranges/yellows blended into a mess. Hopefully now it'll get a bit more recognition!

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