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Sonic the Hedgehog


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:eer: Sorry but from the videos it doesn't seem like that. And don't take for granted that Revolution cant handle this, because I'm pretty sure that it'll handle the same thing as the other consoles (unless Nintendo is very stupid).

i'm pretty sure that nintendo ahve stated already that although revo will be more powerful than gc it won't quite match up to ps3 and 360.

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i'm pretty sure that nintendo ahve stated already that although revo will be more powerful than gc it won't quite match up to ps3 and 360.


I reckon it will match them judging from Nintendo's work with the GameCube.


Nintendo said the GameCube would only match the PS2 and look how it ended up.

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yea you are right

but it will make it much better and mature

no more stupid robots, this time the robots are stronger:D

I know they want to relaunch the series, but since when has Sonic been about launching robots through walls!


It's about SPEED!, Large multi-pathed levels, Great level design, oh and SPEED!!

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You can say all you want

about Revoultion is the best controller and graphics ect

Sonic 360 will never be on the Revo,

its official, they ain't releasing it on the revo


I think it's a bit narrow minded saying that. Thinking about it, i think more people are looking forward to Sonic Rush instead of this game. Me included.

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You can say all you want

about Revoultion is the best controller and graphics ect

Sonic 360 will never be on the Revo,

its official, they ain't releasing it on the revo


It has neither been confimed or denied, but it is probable that we could see this game in some form or the other on the Revolution. Maybe there will be an entirely new Sonic game for the Revolution altogether, but considering Sonic's success on Nintendo platforms it's likely that Sonic will be on the Revolution.

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First. Sonic Rush, not many people are looking forward to it, becuase i haven't seen that much post or topic about it not even in chat rooms


Second McMad, ITS OFFICIAL!, sonic remake is not coming on revolution! it has been comfrimed and it is official


Third there won't be any sonic game, becuase at AMS, they said Sega will release all info about there upcoming games, Linbergh and all sonic games

and look what we have only 3 4 games have been comfirmed and official!

Sonic The Hedeghog: ps3 and xbox360, all over the site, not showing Revolution

Shadow The Hedgehog: all consoles

Sonic Riders: All Consoles

Sonic Rush: DS


And Fifth, Everysite i go to, not many people have info on Revolution games, accept the people i work with, but they havn't comfired any Sonic Games on Revolution

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First. Sonic Rush, not many people are looking forward to it, becuase i haven't seen that much post or topic about it not even in chat rooms


Second McMad, ITS OFFICIAL!, sonic remake is not coming on revolution! it has been comfrimed and it is official


Third there won't be any sonic game, becuase at AMS, they said Sega will release all info about there upcoming games, Linbergh and all sonic games

and look what we have only 3 4 games have been comfirmed and official!

Sonic The Hedeghog: ps3 and xbox360, all over the site, not showing Revolution

Shadow The Hedgehog: all consoles

Sonic Riders: All Consoles

Sonic Rush: DS


And Fifth, Everysite i go to, not many people have info on Revolution games, accept the people i work with, but they havn't comfired any Sonic Games on Revolution


1.No-one has said that it is not coming to the Revolution.

2.Have you got any proof to back up your claims? :wink: Gotcha!

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1.No-one has said that it is not coming to the Revolution.

2.Have you got any proof to back up your claims? Gotcha!

First of all, yop no one said anything about it, becuase it is coming out

second here are my proof


here is the article i made, also with some other fellows



rest of my proof






as you can see, it only shows PS3 AND XBOX, if it is coming out on REVO it will say so

or say Coming soon on Nintendo Revolution



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I can't trust your Wikipedia source because it is unreliable since Wikipedia is all about submitting information this info could wrong a source like IGN would be more reliable.


And Your gamespot source says this:

"TOKYO--Last week, Sega thrilled millions of Sonic fans by announcing it was developing a game starring the blue hedgehog for both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360."

It does not say 'It will not be coming out for the revolution'.


And i can't access your SEGA source because it would take my computer ages to download the Japanese text.


Also Lego Star Wars was released this year for X-Box and PS2, it wasn't released for the gamecube or announced for it either but last month at the games developer conference eidos had a stand which had a playable version of Lego Star Wars for the gamecube which is due to be released in the next few months. So even though your sources say 'for X-Box 360 and Playstation 3' it doesn't mean it won't come out for the Revolution.


Any way why do you so strongly believe it won't be coming out for the Revolution, it seems like Nintendo deserve this title more than the other two console considering all the success the Gamecube has given Sonic.

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first..my wikipedia source, oh i see, you havn't heard about them, well my friend, if you need any info on anything, we have it and Wikipedia is always a right facts not wrong facts, 100% wikipedia is never wrong


Second...my gamespot source, ok that is becuase it isn't coming out for Revo, if it is, it will say Revo (date not yet comfired) or coming soon on Revo


Third... you can't access Seag source,? that is dumb, don't worry about the language, its the poster that explains it, it says, Sonic aninvary ect, coming on PS3 and XBOX360,


Fourth... Lego star wars was coming out for the Cube, but they canceled it, just like they did for Mace Grifftn Bounty Hunter

and your point is, you mean, a games comes out on console and later about a year it comes out on pc

i get your point,

that is what i also mean, the game isn't coming out on Revo, but later it will after they config the pad and revo system


Fifth...what do you mean, Nintendo deserves it, you got to be joking

Sonic is mario's enemy

it doesn't deserve it, and not all sonic games was release on Cube, accept for Sonic Battle 2 and DX

tell me why you think it deserve to be on the Nintendo Revolution?

to me why i think it suppose to be there is because, Nintendo doesn't have that much sweet good games, Sega are working for Nintendo and it should be on becuase sonic battle, dx and sonic advance was released for Nintendo


Sixth... Revolution isn't getting any exclusive for sonic, the game won't come out on it, but after the config of the Revo pad and Revo system, it may come on it, but it may be exclusive, with extra features:d

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Fifth...what do you mean, Nintendo deserves it, you got to be joking

Sonic is mario's enemy

it doesn't deserve it, and not all sonic games was release on Cube, accept for Sonic Battle 2 and DX



Apparently not anymore.


Now to show the amount of sonic games on 'cube.


Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

Sonic Adventure DX

Sonic Heroes

Sonic Mega Collection which has:

# Sonic The Hedgehog

# Sonic The Hedgehog 2

# Sonic The Hedgehog 3

# Sonic & Knuckles

# Sonic 3D Blast

# Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine

# Sonic Spinball


And Sonic Gems which has:

# Sonic CD

# Sonic the Fighters

# Sonic R

# Sonic The Hedgehog 2

# Sonic Spinball

# Sonic & Tails 2 (Triple Trouble US)

# Sonic Drift 2

# Tails Skypatrol

# Tails Adventures


Thats a pretty damn good amount of sonic games there.

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Sonic games has sold alot on Nintendos console, I have no doubt that this or another Sonic game will come for the Rev. I'm rather confident they will port this, then perhasp they'll make an exclusive, or add exclusive features that use the controller.

Almost no 3rd party games has been confirmed for the Rev, that's probably becouse they can't (they are under NDAs until Nintendo reveal more about the Rev to the public)

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like i always say

"it is useless posting with kids..."


you my freind is LOST, Nintendo has brain washed you with their ripp off


First of all.

Sonic Heroes is on all consoles, now its even on PC

Sonic DX is also on PC

Sonic Mega Collection which is in all console

(you flooded this topic by posting all games on Mega Collection, which you don't have to)

Sonic Gems is also on all console


The only game only on Gamecube is Sonic Battle 2


I think you must have gotten yourself confused with your own question:d

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how da f@k does GAmecube have all sonic titles

the only titles that Sonic was only release for the gamecube was Sonic Battle

and the rest of Sonic's games was on all console and even on pc


First it won't come out on Revolution becuase...

*of the remote controller

*Graphics Engine

*HD ect wat ever those stuff they are aruging about

*Nintendo will have to pay Sega a big moeny to make it exclusive, and Nintendo isn't all that rich


Second it will come out of Nintendo becuase...

*Sega are working for Nintendo

*All Sonic Games suppose to come only on Gamecube, but Sega needs money so they put the games on all console and pc

*Sonic is aim at kids, so kids games should go on Revolution


all i am saying is

all website, articles and my researches, prove the game isn't coming out on Revolution ( yet?!)

after it has finished been succesful on other next gen console, they might do a special edition or DX:D

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