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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I'm back.
What a weird night. An hour after we entered the club a lady came over and started to dance with me. But she came on to me very aggressively...she pushed away my company, pushed away another dude next to us...well, she was pretty but her behaviour was an immediate turn off.
30 minutes later another lady came to us. However, she started dancing with my company. It was a nice view [emoji3] That sadly didn't last long as my friend isn't interested in girls.
About 45 minutes later a dude came to me and started flirting with me. I told him I'm not interested and that was it.
Anyway. The music was great, but that's to be expected when you grow up in the 90's. I'm exhausted. Good night you wonderful people.
Were you two giving off some kind of pheromones or something?
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ASalutatiomns fellow alchohaallics! i am als odrunk. Blasting the tunes thereouth ma speakers woooo!


my motht inis is burbing inrtiur crocodile alaigator i driv a chevroule movbie theater. I want my ow nDMX bar k burrtttomn buttn bitch lplease bitch please please please... it's poppin offf!!! wooooooo!!!


Anyone else remember Steve SAustin s 23:16 speach after King of teht eRing 96? I fuck inbg do!!!! wooooooooo!!! remember to brush your teeth and put clothhds on! prove yo to your motyher that you're not a disgustingslob!!!!


Chris has scaecrets that he win;t share...maybe hes; probably gay!!!

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Son I am disappoint. 


St paddy’s come an gone on a Saturday and no posts in here?! 

At least I had an excuse of being at work from 7pm onwards (and no I can’t go to work drunk. I have to drive and they do random breathalyzers)


also, about to start supping sipping on some jameson black barrel. 

Edited by Nolan
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1 hour ago, bob said:

I don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day because I'm not Irish.

However, I did drink a single cider on Friday night with dinner, so I guess you could say it got a little raucous in my house.


Tut tut. 

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'Sup bitches? Some get drunk on Friday, some get drunk on the middle of the week, cuz we give no fucks.

I got invited into drinking some fine Portuguese winwe. Wine. Impressive, how that gets me way more than a night out drinking. Beer's for lightweights.

I gotta work in the morning. Watch me no-sell the influence, dawgs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pi oi I mean oi oi   Because Tyres js the best character jn Spaced. And Brian is secoda best. 

Lesfy work wearly. Like 11:15 instead of “only gor the only for the hardcore UK Raver” ( spaced quote) then went to a deadish bar drank a few great brews had some laughs with the bartender. Made freindsos with a buddies girl. Then we went to her house to keep drinking. For a kiddle school teacher she s pretty awesome. Non joking I dainf said if it don’t work out werebkeppkng her and gettinf rid of him. 

It was a good night. Got home bout 7. 

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Evenig fellows. I'kll be getting my ass to las vegas later in the year. Will be nice to get the fuck out of this country for a while and lose all the $3000 I have ro spend. Alyhough I might win a fucking oafd load. My mouth is numb N MY HEAD FEELS LIGHT AS FUCK HELP ME NOT REAKLY. Listening to some tunes. Drinking water...I'll be fine,,,,,,awwwwww yeah. See oiuyou lalls laters that ai'll be alright alright hooo. And your tear stain friend. Tyou have waited the end, your golden hour. Yu stand still there at my stupide beadroom.... alll that i wanted , was not there, but I dare,. Be watned, yeafh. In a corridor, and you call me, yeah. and i see you,. You, i know damn well......

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On 4/13/2018 at 7:51 AM, drahkon said:

I'm confused. Are you still drunk? Did you simply copy a text you wrote yesterday but didn't post in here? What is happening?

Yes, I believe I was still quite drunk. And was watching Spaced. Then fell asleep on my couch and had a hangover the rest the weekend. Which is expected when you drink hard from 11;30 to 5ish. 

Annnnd tonight its beer and bourbon. 120 proof single barrel bourbon. Good shit. Does the UK sell american bourbon in the same manner as the US sales Scottish or Irish Whiskey? Which I guess scottish whiskey js jjs scotch but eh. Question still stands. Cause bourbon is good and tall should try jt. Just like Irish Whiskey. Scotch is......moldy. Well blended ks. Single malt is freakin great. 

Watched Super Troopers today. Good fucmkng movie. Go see it, it lives up to the first but I dont think surpasses. Which thankfuck after the anchorman and joedirt sequel teavestyies or....travesties. I should find a movie thred to more choerently post that fact maybe. BACK TO GOD OF WAR INSTEAD THOUGH FUCK YEARH CAPSLOCK. 

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salutations fellow aclcohallics. When i awas in town yesterday I saw tswo seagulldson the roof of a building fucking. To be hghonest it awas kinda facinating. The male seagudll was kinda haldf fflapping his wibngs and cawing alowt. The femasle looked liske she didn't fgicve a flying fuck/; So i;ve havd about 4 glaasses of wine, 2 beers and a fuck load a whikskkey. Everythnig si nub and burning and i just wanna say that i loves you alls you guys. Even thought i canf't feel my dfuvcking hands.

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You love all us guys, gaaaaaaaaaay. (No offense indtedn to anyone of that persuasuin)

im sippin kn whiskey and playing god of war and Gould ramble ahout spoiler type stuff buuuut know better. But ahow about when kratos eats a entire buffalo eh?!

but no really whiskey is good. I recommend it. Wine is,....iunno juicy?

i think once i beat god of war, I should acually play acension. Cause I own it....just never played it. I also bever beeat god of war 2.....hmmmm

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