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Space and the Universe


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  • 8 months later...

Humanity sometimes sucks, but other times how much we're capable of when we work together can make my jaw drop; I feel like these images come at a good time to give a refreshing and much-needed perspective on our place in the universe. 

I've been staring at the new photo of the Cosmic Cliffs of the Carina Nebula a lot since it came out; it's absolutely stunning! The older version was very wispy and dreamlike, beautiful to look at its own way, but the resolution here from just 12 hours of exposure for these images vs the two weeks the Hubble needed is remarkable. Really excited to see the new findings and discoveries made off the back of this :bouncy:

The highest resolution versions of these images (for wallpaper purposes, of course!) are available for viewing here

Edited by Julius
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