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Also with the Hulk...

So did Bruce have control of the Hulk when he was the Hulk? I know he is now able to change at will (and what a lovely transformation that was too) now but when he is the Hulk does he have some control?


He seemed to have control in teh final fight but then if he does why did he go ape shit when he transformed eariler on the Hellicarrier? Was it cause he didn't transform by choice?



The way I saw that was Banner never controls the Hulk when he is him but possibly the situation in which he turns into the Hulk determines his mood. Like on the Helicarrier that was an involuntary transformation due to pain and anger so the Hulk was pissed off as soon as he came out. (By the way I love that the Hulk is the only thing that seems to truly rattle the Black Widow.) When he changes in New York Banner is calm.


Then again he could just simply be controlling it but I never really like it when they claim Banner has control so im probably looking for reasons that he wouldnt be. I prefer the Hulk as his own character.



Oh yeah one thing I wanted to mention was the music. I didnt think it was bad but when put up against the other movies it never really had its own feel. Captain America had very patriotic music (some of which you heard in this movie during his fight scenes), Thor had some amazing grand music which really added to the scope of what you were seeing and Iron Man of course had rock music. Avengers just never really felt it had music that was suited to itself which was a shame.

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@Mokong X\-C @Happenstance


I taken it that he learned to control Hulk, at least in the majority, and earlier was just the usual he transformed when he didn't want too affair.


I also fully expect to see him in Iron Man 3, it just makes sense as there is an obvious connection with them both, maybe not a main lead but at least some kind of part and would be odd if he doesn't appear at all, especially since they drove away together.



Yeah it's a shame on Spiderman but as you have said it's all down to film rights :(


I suspect we will see Red Skull in Thor 2. As I think for Thor they will explore a different realm with not as much focus on Earth and he may appear that way



Many parts of the actions scenes I loved have already been mentioned by others but one I haven't seen mentioned yet...


Was when Iron Man shot his beam into Capts shield and he moved he shield across several enemies reflecting it(like the mirror shield in Zelda!), to destroy them. It was just so fluid and awesome.


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I actually never noticed or thought about the music, hell for all I knew there was none I guess, haha. The dialogue and action just had me fully gripped on the edge of my seat.


Also I saw it in 3D, again for those wondering, the 3D didn't add much... in fact I barely noticed it at all.


The cinema I went to also didn't have the Avengers themed glasses :(

They were giving away character keyrings if you bought a Combo meal... the picks on teh posters of the keyrings looked awesome... the actual things...meh :heh:

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I'm so glad I didn't pay for 3D hearing all about how rubbish it was!


I did pay a bit extra for VIP tickets though, picked two smack bang in the middle of the cinema, perfect height.


Mine wasn't packed out though, which was odd considering it was one of the first showings, there was a good number in there though. I suppose people were going to the 3D showing instead.

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Did anyone else's cinema have the staff dressing up? Mine made me laugh as most of them were dressed up as DC heroes. Only Marvel one I saw was the Hulk.


Haha, that reminds me of this video, skip to 1min 40 secs




Also forgot to mention I almost had a problem collecting me tickets last night.


I ordered two tickets on my Credit Card last week for me and my mate, but then when my wife decided she wanted to join (and thankfully there was a seat next to us left, phew) I thought I'd use my Debit Card to order hers instead in case making two different orders on the same card messed things up :heh:


When I went to collect the tickets I couldn't use the self service cause my mates was a student ticket so had to collect at the till.


Handed him both cards and said "I got two tickets on this card and one on this card" He takes the credit card first prints the ticket I notice only one, then notice it was the seat I got for the wife...thought weird that was.


He then takes the debit card and says he can't find those tickets :heh:


Lucky I took note of the booking reference numbers, I give him those, he checks and he says "it says they were already printed"...I was like WTF at this point.


A manager comes over, explain it to him he looks at the computer and can't figure it out. Then after about 5 mins another guy comes over with a brown envelope...my tickets were inside it :heh:


Turned out they printed mine by mistake when someone else collected their tickets and when he printed my wifes ticket from the credit card instead of the debit card it was cause when he swiped the card he then just looked for teh name on the card and printed from teh name not the card number :heh:

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Many parts of the actions scenes I loved have already been mentioned by others but one I haven't seen mentioned yet...


Was when Iron Man shot his beam into Capts shield and he moved he shield across several enemies reflecting it(like the mirror shield in Zelda!), to destroy them. It was just so fluid and awesome.


I freaking loved that part. It happened so fast and like you said it was so fluid. I gave a silent nod of approval in the cinema. :D

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The Banner/Stark relationship was a complete and utter highlight. With no Hulk movie on the horizon, and the only natural fit being Iron Man (or Ant Man possibly, but he kind of needs to get on his own feet before cameos appear) I will be ABSOLUTELY GOD DAMN DISTRAUGHT if Mark Ruffalo is not in Iron Man 3.

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Does anyone know how many Marvel movies Ruffalo is contracted for? My googling skills are failing me as I can't find any extra info. You can find this info on pretty much every other actor involved except Ruffalo :heh: Surely he wouldn't be contracted for just The Avengers :heh:


Hell I was even able to find out that Tim Blake Nelson (played Dr. Sterns who would become The Leader) isstill contracted for more films... though he didn't say how many. Though I assume that would just be for a possible Hulk 2 (if ever made) as I doubt The Leader would make an appearence in any other Heros films and doubtful he would be in Avengers 2




Just remembered another great funny moment I forgot in my previous post and I don't think anyone else mentioned yet..


When Loki tries to take control of Tony Stark and starts tapping his staff on Tonys chest and nothing happens cuz he's touching his mini-arch reactor. And he just keeps tapping away and goes "this usually works". :D:laughing:


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Haha, that reminds me of this video, skip to 1min 40 secs





I love the "ripcurl" kid's reaction to no Ed Norton


I'm gonna ave to drop out of this thread till i see this NEXT WEEK!

I have my dissertation in Wednesday so can't spare the time in good conscience

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In the cinema now waiting for the trailers. Words cannot express my excitement.


Was saying to significant other that I wish I'd bought a captain America shield and Thor hammer... I'd bring both with me.


Oh well sat here in my iron man 2 t-shirt... VIP seats...



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Okay... Wow... Where to begin.


Banner & Stark relationship was brilliant. The first gathering of all the cast, and the conversation turns technical, Banner contributes to Starks explanation, then when Stark replies along the lines of "finally someone speaks English"


And while they're working in the lab, Starks practically flirting when inviting Banner to Stark labs saying he has so many floors for research ands Banner should check it out.



And the last scene where they drive off together, it's like the happy ending to. Rom-com.


But i love that relationship, and I really hope that if we don't get a new Hulk film, that Banner (still played by ruffalo) is in it in some way.



Speaking of Hulk... Ruffalo was awesome in this, as people pointed out his whole uncomfortableness is well displayed, the fact he only wants to find the cube and leave.



The MK7 suit kinda reminds me of the Extremis suit from the comic. Okay I know in Extremis it's organic and just grows on him so to speak, but the way the suit tracked points on his wrist in this film could kinda be a lead onto how the Extremis idea comes into play in IM3. like along the lines of stark talking to Jarvis about the close call in new York, and that the suit wasn't quick enough to come on... Is there anyway to always have it available but quicker than the carry suit from IM2 and quicker again than MK7 in Avengers.



As @Daft said he came across as useless in this film. Which I didn't really like. The fight in the woods between Thor and Iron man... That demonstrated why these guys are important. Captain America would of had his shield handed to him in a 1 on 1 against Hulk, Thor, Iron man. But again as mentioned it was portrayed that he was a weaker Avenger as he didn't really have any one on ones with anyone really, just his little spell when telling the cop where the civis should go.



Not much to say, I really like Thor and feel that his show time in this film was brilliant. He for me was my cave character. The he's adopted scene, his confusion over the monkeys comment, him being punched by the hulk, and his fight scenes against and with the Avengers was awesome.


Glad Jane Foster got a nod in the film too, woulda been stupid had they just ignored her



I'm not a huge comic book buff so don't know which new Heros people were expecting to see, just pissed off that Red Skull was no where, not even a comment from Rodgers about it when discovering Thor and Lokis background.


And what a shitter about coulsen. "I thought his first and was agent!" very touching moment when fury radios he's down, the emotion of the teams face. I was thinking like... Let's fucking do this for coulsen!



So yeah... My thoughts, did this post on my iPhone and it took me ages. So if there are bad typos... It's the iPhone!

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I felt

there was far too much emphasis put on Coulson's death. There were like 3 scenes where mourning him was the main point. But worse is that ~50 other SHIELD agents had also died, as well as Loki's agents which were actually friendlies, and no one seemed to care about them. No one cared that Captain America threw a man off the heli-carrier, not even a hint of like "Oh that was really bad, but possibly necessary" / no one saw.


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As @Daft said he came across as useless in this film. Which I didn't really like. The fight in the woods between Thor and Iron man... That demonstrated why these guys are important. Captain America would of had his shield handed to him in a 1 on 1 against Hulk, Thor, Iron man. But again as mentioned it was portrayed that he was a weaker Avenger as he didn't really have any one on ones with anyone really, just his little spell when telling the cop where the civis should go.




The thing about Cap though (in my mind anyway)


... he's not meant to appear to be on the same level (power wise) as the others. And I don't think he tries to be, he knows his place in relation to the other Avengers powerwise but I think his main role on the team is that of the tactitian and leader role.


I think that's what those scene when he gives orders to the cops and later the other Avengers were trying to convey. None of the others (k, Black Widow and Hawkeye exceptions) ever worked as part of a military unit or team of any kind. They would have been pretty much inclined to do their own thing in the final battle and help out someone else if they saw they needed it. But Cap takes charge, solidifies the team, gives everyone tasks best suited to their skills and coordinates everyone.


Not sure if I explained that right at all :heh:


I also think with Cap it's not just about him having superhuman abilities that make him a hero, it's also about his heart, his resolve and willingness to put it all on the line. As he tried to say to Tony, it's not about being flashy and showing off.


Yeah again, typin this quick as gotta run out the door, might not have explained myself right but I think you'll get where I'm trying to go. :D



I felt

there was far too much emphasis put on Coulson's death. There were like 3 scenes where mourning him was the main point. But worse is that ~50 other SHIELD agents had also died, as well as Loki's agents which were actually friendlies, and no one seemed to care about them. No one cared that Captain America threw a man off the heli-carrier, not even a hint of like "Oh that was really bad, but possibly necessary" / no one saw.


Good point actually, never thought of that.




In terms of Coulson I think the point was that he was more than just another Agent to all the "heroes" as he was more personally known to them all (expect Bruce...don't think they ever had any interaction)...especially Tony and Thor and they tried to make him mean something to Cap with his fanboy hero worship of him


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I really liked Cap in it. He did what you expect from the character. The fighting from him looked a lot better as well, in his own movie there were some obviously sped up moment that didn't look right but none of that here.


As I said though before, Black Widow was my stand out character which I was surprised about.

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Forgot to post this here last night, was online with some of our N-E peeps on MW3 Wii last night, we started talking about the Avengers and then realised that there was only 4 of us online..... quick change of names later and.... (sorry for the blurryness...stupid camera)






I was just about to come in and NERD RAGE about the crazy Captain America comments, but Mokong has my back.



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