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No cover spoiler for 145 yet, should be along this week I think. But, I want to put it out to watch out on Sunday August 23rd, the Walking Dead spin-off TV show is starting 'Fear The Walking Dead'. It tells of the time of the fall, whilst Rick is still in a coma, but from the perspective of LA, looking good.



And because of the freshness of the outbreak, the zombies look different;


Season 6 rotten old zombies




Compare that to the fresh dead of Fear




Handsome chap


Can't wait!


Any news on Series 6? I've not seen anything...

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Any news on Series 6? I've not seen anything...


There's a load of interviews over at the comic site, but nothing much at the AMC website except a trailer. Unfortunately it based in the US and we can't play their videos. A quick search on Youtube should bring them up though.


Why no cover spoiler for 145: Blood for Blood I postulated, well the issue is out and I need to get around to reading it




a couple reasons:


1) Every panel is pretty spoilericious, not just for this issue, but for the last one as well. If you haven’t read #144 you’ll know who made it out alive, which kind of sucks. Normally we wouldn’t worry too much about that but…

2) Volume 24 is ALMOST out (August 26th), and those volume holdouts will learn about issue #144 for themselves. It’s so close, why increase the risk that things will be spoiled for them?


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I've just started reading this from the beginning.




Interesting to see the differences between the tv show and the books/graphic novel/comic.


It only gets better. So many times have I been tempted to restart reading the whole damn thing again, but other books get in the way.

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Nice comedown issue after last month's shocker. Very interesting to see where they will go with it.


Will Rick retaliate? Should he? Will the group turn on him? Most likely. Issue 146's cover has Maggie and Rick bloodied and fighting. Usually they tend to be overly dramatic covers so I'm not going to read too much into it. But the real interest for me is where they go with Negan. I always thought keeping him alive and imprisoned was a masterstroke. And with him trying to gain Rick's trust a few issues back, maybe he could alter the dynamic a little? Perhaps he will rise up as an unlikely leader after Rick fails to retaliate against the Whisperers. Long shot I know, but who can tell?


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Nice comedown issue after last month's shocker. Very interesting to see where they will go with it.


Will Rick retaliate? Should he? Will the group turn on him? Most likely. Issue 146's cover has Maggie and Rick bloodied and fighting. Usually they tend to be overly dramatic covers so I'm not going to read too much into it. But the real interest for me is where they go with Negan. I always thought keeping him alive and imprisoned was a masterstroke. And with him trying to gain Rick's trust a few issues back, maybe he could alter the dynamic a little? Perhaps he will rise up as an unlikely leader after Rick fails to retaliate against the Whisperers. Long shot I know, but who can tell?


Amazing set-up for the inevitable fall-out between two opposed groups, pro and anti war. Rick on one side - Michonne on the other (maybe with Maggie supporting her). Can you imagine Negan escaping and assuming power of the Whisperers by murdering Alpha (she talked about the struggle for dominance and Negan would be a good candidate for that) or a reformed Negan working with Rick??? Too many good ideas to explore. Let's not forget the role that the new group might portray (forgot the lady's name), they haven't been seen for a number of issues now and Kirkman stated months ago in one of the Reader Letters that they will return in an important role (supporting rICK OR NOT?)


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I've just finished Compendium 1 of The Walking Dead, which takes you up to:


Where The Governor attacks the prison for the final time, killing Hershel and Tyrese in the process.


Tyrese is a fantastic character here and Dale is such a g'! I do like how he's portrayed in the tv show, but he's got a bit more to him here and doesn't seem quite as goofy as he does in the show.


Really enjoyed reading it though and am looking forward to getting Compendium 2. I blitzed through this in about three sittings as I couldn't put it down.


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  • 3 weeks later...

And here's the cover for 146: A Breaking Point Reached, just adding to my point of upcoming division in Rick's world, and 2 not so spoiling panels;






Anyone see the first 2 episodes of Fear The Walking Dead; Nick is looking an interesting character and it's been a nice slow build up, introducing the main characters and their concerns about the turn whilst many people bury their head in the sand, and the turn toward the fall of society (Nick is interesting at least). I'm really looking forward to episode 3 later today.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fear The Walking Dead seems to have slowed down its pace. It's taking a lot longer for the fall to happen than I first expected. I certainly didn't expect this concentration camp shit. It should start picking up when the army elements bite the dust and everyone is forced to move on.


And holy shit that 149 cover;




While it was nice to see the tension relieved between factions, i.e. Maggie and Rick's, it would have been far more interesting to create a split. Guess Kirkman is still slowly progressing us to some sort of massive climax.


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Fear The Walking Dead seems to have slowed down its pace. It's taking a lot longer for the fall to happen than I first expected. I certainly didn't expect this concentration camp shit. It should start picking up when the army elements bite the dust and everyone is forced to move on.


And holy shit that 149 cover;




While it was nice to see the tension relieved between factions, i.e. Maggie and Rick's, it would have been far more interesting to create a split. Guess Kirkman is still slowly progressing us to some sort of massive climax.


Cheers. Forgot to embed the image. Dur!


Just so you know, the last issue was 146, not 148. Just so you're not expecting 149 next!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's only been three episodes, and I'm already sooo tired of Morgan's Zen master routine. Now he's putting doubts in the head of one of the only capable characters on the show? Ugh.


I laughed at Carl telling Girl to keep a lookout. This is the same girl who apparently hasn't learned object permanence and doesn't realize that zombies can approach from any direction, not just the one she's looking in.


I'm not sure you'd be able to repair a severed artery without a blood transfusion, but I guess the doctor did work as a nurse on Nurse Jackie for seven years, so she probably knows more about saving lives than I do. Shrug-smiley_zpslsc9agrs.gif


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Great episode last night!


Carol was immense yesterday, but Morgan provides a good balance to that problem.


The attack started sooner than I thought it would. Judging by the start of this episode, I thought it would plod along with Enid and then the klaxon/horn sound would be revealed at the end of the episode. I did not expect shit to go down like it did. :D


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Lovely scenes between Rick and Michonne bonding over loss and guilt. Then, the cliff hanger didn't do it for me. Carl's girl is totally unhinged, but I suppose that's what happens when rape is allowed by your parent. Maybe Andrea goes down with a bullet, then Carl has a quandry over puppy love versus family. That'll fuck Rick up big time. Rick v Carl.



Two really good episodes. Wasn't taken by the black and white memories of the first episode, but it was the best way to hold the herding walker story line through to the end. This herding of walkers was used to great effect in the comics, but it all happened after the All Out War, it seems the TV show is taking elements of future comic books to fill it out, but what are they going to later?? Episode 2 was awesome, and Carol's showing her true metal. That scene where the cigarette smoking woman was attacked was terrific. Nearly terrific as this;









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I'm catching up on this, currently a few episodes into season three, but I do have one thing to say:


Do people on Facebook have no idea how to use Facebook chat any more, or do they just have no idea that posting on someone's wall can make it appear on the feeds of people who aren't even their friends?

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The internet seems divided over whether Glenn is dead or not. I think he's gone but I could see a possibility of it being Nicholas' body being eaten whilst on top of Glenn.


I can't see Glen getting away from that, if he does then it'll be a big load of bollocks. He is bereft of life. But, if you've read the comics he did have another major destination to reach before offing it.

So, who will get to be the lucky recipient of Lucille's attentions now?? It does throw that right up in the air, in a good way? Daryl?

And Rick in total beast mode at the end, hwarr!


Episode 4, however, was not what I wanted. Karate Kid the rebirth, at least the ending threw up a delightful conundrum for Morgan. Kill the Wolf, or possibly let him break out and kill the children?


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I can't see Glen getting away from that, if he does then it'll be a big load of bollocks. He is bereft of life. But, if you've read the comics he did have another major destination to reach before offing it.
So, who will get to be the lucky recipient of Lucille's attentions now?? It does throw that right up in the air, in a good way? Daryl?

And Rick in total beast mode at the end, hwarr!


Episode 4, however, was not what I wanted. Karate Kid the rebirth, at least the ending threw up a delightful conundrum for Morgan. Kill the Wolf, or possibly let him break out and kill the children?


There are a lot of anomalies to suggest he wasn't killed on screen. Nicholas' body falls on top of him (you can see this in midair as they are falling). It could be that Nicholas' body is the one getting eaten, since we see intestines being pulled out of what appears to be Glenn's upper chest. There's a conveniently placed dumpster just to our left/Glenn's right, so it could be that he manages to get underneath there. The general views of fans on the net seems to be that Glenn escapes.



Episode 4 was perfect. No complaints whatsoever and it's the type of episode that the show does well. A nice slowdown to the pace built up in Episodes 1,2 and 3.


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There are a lot of anomalies to suggest he wasn't killed on screen. Nicholas' body falls on top of him (you can see this in midair as they are falling). It could be that Nicholas' body is the one getting eaten, since we see intestines being pulled out of what appears to be Glenn's upper chest. There's a conveniently placed dumpster just to our left/Glenn's right, so it could be that he manages to get underneath there. The general views of fans on the net seems to be that Glenn escapes.



Episode 4 was perfect. No complaints whatsoever and it's the type of episode that the show does well. A nice slowdown to the pace built up in Episodes 1,2 and 3.


Not killed on screen in Episode 3, I agree, but how the hell is he going to get out of there? Even if he does get under the impossibly small gap of the underside of the garbage container, why wouldn't any of the hundreds of walkers just get under there too. He'd be trapped surrounded by zombies crawling in from all sides. A bit like Rick under the tank in Season 1, but with no escape hatch to use. Plus his face, arms and legs are open season for any walker, due to Nicholas falling across him, not on him, (which would account for the unusual placement of intestine rippage), I'm sure one of those walkers would be munching on his knee caps by now.


Anyway, it is TV show and anything can happen, including ...

a kung-fu Saviour arriving to spoil the undead appetite, or so it is speculated for the show.



My only problem with Episode 4 was that I wanted to follow what happened from the end of 3, not diverge. It was a good episode, but I'm raring to get back to Alexandria in 5


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Rick's gone and made the pact with the devil. This should be entertaining. It seems he's missing Andrea's soothing words. There are many ways he could deal with this, but do you think he'll send Negan out, or keep him as a right hand man to quell the riots with well timed violence and Lucille...speaking of which...




Dwight's got the queen.


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Well, Rick's gone and made the pact with the devil. This should be entertaining. It seems he's missing Andrea's soothing words. There are many ways he could deal with this, but do you think he'll send Negan out, or keep him as a right hand man to quell the riots with well timed violence and Lucille...speaking of which...




Dwight's got the queen.


It's intriguing for sure. Not certain how the character's appearance in the show will work as well. They're certainly not going to have him swear like he does in the comic.

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