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Do you want to give me the comic explanation?


Before the apocalypse started, Michonne runs on foot to her house and gets there. This attracts a street full of zombies to follow her. While at home, she meets her boyfriend Mike and his brave but idiotic best friend Terry. A zombie tries to break in but Mike kills it. In the process, Mike becomes bitten. At that time, Michonne bandages Mike, who is unaware that he is infected. That night, Michonne searches a next door neighbor's house for supplies and discovers her trademark sword. She gets pinned down in the house during the night and returns home the next day, finding that both Mike and Terry have become walkers. She manages to survive their attack and lock them away. Her noisy encounter causes her street to become overrun. Michonne becomes trapped and runs out of food. Then she notices walkers don't attack one another and hacks off the arms and lower jaws of Mike and Terry. She chains them up by their necks to use them as escorts for an escape that was successful. Michonne says her final words to the zombified Mike and Terry, to help remember who they are, and because she has no one to talk to.


Michonne first appeared on the road at an unknown distance away from The Prison. Clothed under a hood, she pulled the shackled zombies of her boyfriend and his best friend along by chain to act as a deterrent to the undead. She cut off their arms and lower jaws so that they wouldn't attack her.


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Before the apocalypse started, Michonne runs on foot to her house and gets there. This attracts a street full of zombies to follow her. While at home, she meets her boyfriend Mike and his brave but idiotic best friend Terry. A zombie tries to break in but Mike kills it. In the process, Mike becomes bitten. At that time, Michonne bandages Mike, who is unaware that he is infected. That night, Michonne searches a next door neighbor's house for supplies and discovers her trademark sword. She gets pinned down in the house during the night and returns home the next day, finding that both Mike and Terry have become walkers. She manages to survive their attack and lock them away. Her noisy encounter causes her street to become overrun. Michonne becomes trapped and runs out of food. Then she notices walkers don't attack one another and hacks off the arms and lower jaws of Mike and Terry. She chains them up by their necks to use them as escorts for an escape that was successful. Michonne says her final words to the zombified Mike and Terry, to help remember who they are, and because she has no one to talk to.


Michonne first appeared on the road at an unknown distance away from The Prison. Clothed under a hood, she pulled the shackled zombies of her boyfriend and his best friend along by chain to act as a deterrent to the undead. She cut off their arms and lower jaws so that they wouldn't attack her.


I haven't read the comics but that is pretty much what I figured she was doing


Obviously though I didn't guess that they were her boyfriend and friend...not sure if that makes it awesome or even more psycho


But I guess if you're gonna have 2 pet zombies might as well be people you once knew :heh:


I figured she was using them as a way to "mask her scent" and not draw attention while taking shelter.


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Well I just finished watching ep 2...it keeps getting better :D



Surprised they killed off the prision survivors so quickly (bar 2 of course)... thought they could have dragged out that "relationship" for an ep or two more.

But be interesting to see what happens to the remaining two.

Gotta say I was surprised when Rick just killed the "leader" guy of the prisoners straight off. I thought he might have lead him on a bit more and feed him to a zombie or something. Didn't think he'd just out and out kill him in front of everyone. He becoming a bit of a badass now..... might even be boardering on Shane-like?


Did was anyone else hoping Hershel had become a zombie when Laurie was giving mouth to mouth? I was thinking "dumb bitch are you really doing that on a guy who just died giving everything going on around you". When he grabbed her thought "woot she deserved that dumb bitch" but then he wasn't a zombie :mad:


Also looks like Merl will finally make his return, odds are good that was him we saw spying on Carroll.


Oh and Carl going to get supplies on his own....why didn't we get to see that? :mad:

I'm starting to like this new Carl....shame he didn't grow that pair of balls in season 2, Dale might still be alive now :cry:, I miss Dale.... would like to have seen if the cold winter gap between seasons would have hardened him a bit and how he might have dealt with the prisioners?





Damnit why are weeks so bloody long :heh:




Watched ep2 on Saturday.

agree with @Mokong X\-C & @ThePeeps that, that particular prisoner HAD to die, But I'm also surprised with just how early they got rid of him. I had expected them to clear the block, leave each other "alone" but that not actually being the case, and there being a few attacks on trying to get their own block back.


Actually glad he's gone so early, he was a douche.


Meryl's back? cool. Guessing he doesn't have a hand then? And assume that was him watching Carol in the yard.




Loving season 3 so far!

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Just finished ep 3....WOOT


So Meryl is at the town with the Governor then? Wonder then who it'll be that was spying on Carrol in ep 2?


Pretty cool to see him back too. But wondering will the two groups ever meet back up? Or are they gonna jump between the two stories alternating each ep?


You guys who read the comics prolly saw it all coming with mr Governor being an evil SOB. I had a good feeling but for a moment there I thought I might be wrong and he was gonna bring all those army guys back to the town with him and get them to help.


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What's with all the floating heads in aquaria. Is he trying to see how long they survive underwater or just having the lolz with his spoils of evil?


In the comics, he kept them just for his own amusement. He also organised "entertainment" for the survivors at Woodbury involving cage fights surrounded by shackled zombies.


He's far more insane when you first meet him in the comics than he is in the TV show. He also keeps his zombified daughter, Penny (actually his niece, but that's a story from Rise of The Governor) locked up, which may or may not end up happening in the show.


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meh, didnt really enjoy ep3 to be honest. guessing that this guvnor and his band of merry men are a major plot for the rest of season 3. Id hoped more would of come about with the prisoners, although i did see the teaser for next week and it looks like we're back to Rick and the prison area.


kinda hoping Rick and co dont bump into the guvnor and his group.




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Well holy FRAK :o


First half of the ep seemed like it was gonna be a decent "bring the pace down a bit" ep and let every one have a breather.


Then BANG, all hell breaks loose!!!!!


Can't believe we lost T-Dog too.....also is anyone else thinking perhaps characters should never say "maybe we shouldn't kill/leave those/that guy", Dale did it in season 2...straight away...dead.... now T-Dog does it, shows a bit of compassion for his fellow man and then DEAD.


Laurie...well while I had hoped she would die this season I actually ended up feeling very sorry for her (which I didn't expect). They did her death very well I though, lots of emotion especially with Carl there and him being the one who stopped her turning.....bloody gorey too that was. Was also expecting the baby to not make it and turn zombie in Maggies arms....didn;t happen though :heh:


And what of Carrol? We didn't see her get bit or die? But I had to rewind to when she got seperated from T-Dog, she went through the door with her head scarf on.... so how did it end up on the ground near T-Dog? And if she did survive how didn't Rick and co find her when they passed that same way? They better not do to her what they did to Sophia and not show what happened! (if she is dead)


Damnit....bring on next week :D


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ONly just realised this bout ep 4


They just replaced one black guy (T-Dog) with another (Oscar) :heh:


Also odd that I didn't think of this before but how did the Andrew guy survive after Rick leaving him to a bnch of walkers in ep 2.... I thought we saw him get eaten?

I guess that was him who was spying on Carol so when she was practicing doing a C section on a walker.



Also not sure where they are gonna go with having a baby on the show...didn't expect the baby to be born alive at all :heh:

Bad enough they got Hershel slowing them down with his one leg, they now have an audio walker magnet in a baby that will almost certainly cry non-stop at the worst possible time




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This episode was so tense. I could feel it even when it cut back to the governor sections so I never felt like I had a break because I was still thinking back to the prison. Looks like Rick should have killed that prisoner instead of letting him run and fend for himself. It really is, make sure everyone who you don't trust is dead.


I was sad for Laurie, I know everyone else hated her but I didn't want her to die. It was very sad in the end.

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I bet Peeps has read the comic book and his 'predictions' are just things that happen there. I'm onto you, Peeps!



Not T-Dawg!




I'm just kidding, nobody cares.


And no one seemed to care enough to make sure he couldn't turn into a zombie, either. Actually, they only really seem to care about a select few. It's like, "welp, Carol would never go anywhere without her scarf, she must be dead." Serves her right for saying she saw Andrea die, I guess.


I hope Maggie and Glenn are using protection.


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T-Dog died... Didn't care, it wasn't as if he ever did anything.

Lawrie died, woohoo!


Really enjoyed the episode though. Interested to see what's going on with Andrea and Michonne.


Certainly makes a 42 minute cycle go quicker!




Did you cycle while watching this?

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