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The Walking Dead


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Currently rewatching the TV Show.


First time doing a rewatch too

Pretty odd watching Season 1 knowing what will happen to some characters...one in particular...


Sophia, poor kid. :cry:


The part that will always annoy me is we'll never find out what exactly happened to her :mad:



Watching ep 1 of Season 2 now :cry:

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Just watched the first ep of season 3


Good come back, WOOT


Didn't think they'd have such a gap in time between the seasons, thought it would pick up on the next day from when season 2 ended.


The opening scene was awesome, the total lack of speech too worked really well.


Carl seems to have grown a pair too...and I liked how later when they were in the prison and he seemed to be tryin to perv on Beth, haha.


Interesting the Lori seems to think she lost the baby, that would be interesting if she did. The idea that the baby might become a zombie still inside her and eat her from the inside, hahaha.


Shocked bout Hershel too. Could see it coming when he walked past the "body"...stupid old man :nono:

Wonder will he survive losing his leg....and would that really save him from turning?



If anything though getting new Walking Dead eps has hyped me even more for ZombiU :D

Damnit is it not Nov 30th yet?????

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Just watched the first ep of season 3



Shocked bout Hershel too. Could see it coming when he walked past the "body"...stupid old man :nono:

Wonder will he survive losing his leg....and would that really save him from turning?



The same thing happened to a character called Allen in the books and he later died from blood loss. However, I think Dale survived the same thing (for a while anyway until he was bitten again)


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Beware of sleeping zombies.


I was saving the second half of this episode for later, and as always happens when I don't finish watching something, I forget that I haven't finished it (which is always really confusing when I try to remember what happened and the storylines just end halfway through). So I came into this thread and read Mokong's spoiler even though I had half the episode left. Way to spoil it for me, Mokong! :cry:


Though as far as shocking moments go, that was pretty tame.

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Beware of sleeping zombies.


I was saving the second half of this episode for later, and as always happens when I don't finish watching something, I forget that I haven't finished it (which is always really confusing when I try to remember what happened and the storylines just end halfway through). So I came into this thread and read Mokong's spoiler even though I had half the episode left. Way to spoil it for me, Mokong! :cry:


Though as far as shocking moments go, that was pretty tame.


I didn't spoil it on you.... you're the one that opened it. :wink:

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Wow...watched season 3, episode 1 last night. What a comeback to the show. Really liked it. Seemed like the group got really close-nick in the winter months.


Carl's actually useful, T-Dog is still T-Dog just with a few more words per episode.


Really enjoyed the episode though..


When Hershall was saying that they could plant this and that in the prison grounds, it was all sounding too nice to be true.


Also reminded me of Zombieland... enjoying the little things.



seemed alot more gory too.

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Well I just finished watching ep 2...it keeps getting better :D



Surprised they killed off the prision survivors so quickly (bar 2 of course)... thought they could have dragged out that "relationship" for an ep or two more.

But be interesting to see what happens to the remaining two.

Gotta say I was surprised when Rick just killed the "leader" guy of the prisoners straight off. I thought he might have lead him on a bit more and feed him to a zombie or something. Didn't think he'd just out and out kill him in front of everyone. He becoming a bit of a badass now..... might even be boardering on Shane-like?


Did was anyone else hoping Hershel had become a zombie when Laurie was giving mouth to mouth? I was thinking "dumb bitch are you really doing that on a guy who just died giving everything going on around you". When he grabbed her thought "woot she deserved that dumb bitch" but then he wasn't a zombie :mad:


Also looks like Merl will finally make his return, odds are good that was him we saw spying on Carroll.


Oh and Carl going to get supplies on his own....why didn't we get to see that? :mad:

I'm starting to like this new Carl....shame he didn't grow that pair of balls in season 2, Dale might still be alive now :cry:, I miss Dale.... would like to have seen if the cold winter gap between seasons would have hardened him a bit and how he might have dealt with the prisioners?





Damnit why are weeks so bloody long :heh:

Edited by Mokong
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I have a hypothesis about what is going on.

Since everyone is infected, I was thinking about why being bitten got you killed. Then I made the connection to the Komodo Dragon, who has so many terrible bacteria in his mouth that a bite kills you, not from poison, but from infection. And I'm thinking that's the same with the zombies. Infections kill with a high fever, which makes sense with how they die in the show. So I'm thinking that that way, Herschel will stay alive because the infection was chopped off (Not zombie infection).


Regarding the new episodes. The first one was so very tense. I really enjoyed it. The second one was great too. I don't dislike any of the characters and I'm glad Carl is being a more productive member of the group. Getting Dale killed probably got him to realise that what is going on is very serious. Rick is turning into a bit of a cunt, like Shane. Will be interesting to see where that goes.

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Rick totally needed to kill that prisoner guy after what he did. There's no point endangering everyone by keeping someone like that around. He tried to kill Rick twice while they were clearing out the walkers. Rick did the right thing. The only questionable part was leaving that other prisoner to die when he ran off but again you could see it as self defence.


Maybe I'm used to a more assertive Rick because of reading the comics but I don't have any problems with what he did :p


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Rick totally needed to kill that prisoner guy after what he did. There's no point endangering everyone by keeping someone like that around. He tried to kill Rick twice while they were clearing out the walkers. Rick did the right thing. The only questionable part was leaving that other prisoner to die when he ran off but again you could see it as self defence.


Maybe I'm used to a more assertive Rick because of reading the comics but I don't have any problems with what he did :p


Oh I know he certianly needed to kill him, no doubt. Just didn't expect him to be so forward with it and in front of everyone.



And @Diageo thats a pretty good explanation there.

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I have a question about the end of the 1st episode and the start of the 2nd.


After Herschel was bitten, they were chased by a large number of zombies and that's how the found the prisoners. Yet at the start of the second episode, T-Dawg only had to kill one zombie and they were able to get Herschel back to the group. Am I remembering it wrong?

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I remember it that way too, Diageo.


When he opened the door and took his time killing that one zombie that came through, I thought it was a bit silly because I was expecting at least 10 more to come lumbering through. They can't have lost interest and wandered off, not sure what happened there.


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The thing that got me most about the second episode


During the 10 months of the prisoners waiting to be rescued, did one of them not think hang on a minute - I don't think help is coming and maybe try to venture outside? Just seemed a bit shoehorned in and it would have been more organic to find the prisoners well aware of the situation and holed up by choice like they were in the comics.


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Weren't they pretty much trapped? Like, every time they made any noise there'd be a ton of zombies clawing at the doors? Or were they locked in, even?


Though I suppose you could argue they'd try to find a way to escape after ten months.


Maybe they were just scared!


Letting the guy with the glorious mustache live is totally going to come back to bite them in the butt.


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