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The Walking Dead


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I actually do kind of agree with Daft, after having thought about it. I mean...the acting is shit, the setting is uninteresting, the characters are one dimensional and boring, it doesn't bring up any questions of morals or humanity and choices, there's no emotion, there's no action, the SFX are terrible, there are no unusual relationships or passion, the direction is boring, and I just...don't care at all what any of these people are going to do.

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Easy, there's Redneck, Black dude, Old dude, The two kids (Geppetto and Dorine...probably), Door mat wife...and I can't remember who else survived/died.


Edit: Chinese Pizza Guy...I think his name is Chung. Maybe.


The one who looks like Juliet from Lost. The guy who looks like C-Note from Prison Break. Sara from Prison Break.

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Don't be stupid.




Well I just like the horror/setting of the whole thing.


Characters can be improved.


I wouldn't have believed that was a serious question had you not had a picture from Stargate Universe as your avatar.


Actually, I've got that avatar because I'm a fan of Robert Karlyle.


If you remember, I also had an avatar of Begbie from Trainspotting.


And why are you two acting like cunts?

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While the acting isn't on par with AMC's Walter from Breaking Bad, I don't think it's that bad! They're not hamming it up, there's just a lacking in subtlety that is probably the fault of the direction more than anything. 'The complexity of Man' is, obv., going to be a recurring question posed by the show. My issue currently is that we're not being treated to mini-arcs that last a few episodes that really seem to go anywhere - however, they are clearly the signs of plotting, especially if you remember what the word actually means. We are seeing the Alpha state of these characters, and I'm holding back from judging their acting perhaps because I know tha the transition towards omega will be a far greater test.


I'll also reserve my judgement because, again, we've only had 6 episodes. It can take time for actors to become accustomed to each other. The show's started out above average, and the story it is based on is proof enough that the show can only get better.

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And why are you two acting like cunts?


Complicated question but in this context I was just joshing. Albeit, persistently. And I know it really annoys Rez.


Also, that was more of a dig at SGU. I watch it. I think there are massive problems with it (Ironically, Rush is the only character I think is remotely interesting).


Also, what Oxygen said.

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While the acting isn't on par with AMC's Walter from Breaking Bad, I don't think it's that bad! They're not hamming it up, there's just a lacking in subtlety that is probably the fault of the direction more than anything. 'The complexity of Man' is, obv., going to be a recurring question posed by the show. My issue currently is that we're not being treated to mini-arcs that last a few episodes that really seem to go anywhere - however, they are clearly the signs of plotting, especially if you remember what the word actually means. We are seeing the Alpha state of these characters, and I'm holding back from judging their acting perhaps because I know tha the transition towards omega will be a far greater test.


I'll also reserve my judgement because, again, we've only had 6 episodes. It can take time for actors to become accustomed to each other. The show's started out above average, and the story it is based on is proof enough that the show can only get better.


Coming in as a comic fan, I think the acting is good. The guy playing Dale has it absolutely nailed, and Rick aint bad either- though he's not portraying the Rick I know now. He's playing old Rick, who still has time for the trappings of the real world. I suspect he's doing quite well.

Glen has come out well too. He's always been a favourite of mine in the books and, again, it's a very faithful portrayal.


The weakest of the bunch are, generally, the new characters. Miscellaneous Minority Squad have all been pretty weak.

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I recently 'acquired' the comics and I'm loving them. It's slow to start but once the characters finally get somewhere, it's all go. I'm up to issue 29 at the moment.


Although completely different you should read Invincible (everyone's favourite comic/mine). Once you've made the jump into TWD its not too far of a jump to enjoy....well imagine what kind of fight happens to leave someone with Superman-type durability and strength in this condition;


(Very mild spoilers)




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Just to pitch in on the debate that arose about whether you can enjoy shows without being invested in the characters, I'd say sure you can, although personally I rarely do.


Look at Lost for example...There were fans who cared more about the lore of the island etc and the mysteries around that and who derided the slower character driven episodes that didn't add to the fiction of the situation. They are the same fans who weren't happy with the ending as it brought "closure" to the characters but not necessarily the islands story.


I'm not saying Walking Dead the series has reached that level of lore and mystery yet, as for me it really is character driven at this point despite the mystery of what Genner (sp?) whispered and where that will take the story. However it may well do and there may be people who enjoy it purely for that rather than caring so much about the relationships of the characters even if this is perhaps the focus of the show.


Also guess there is a third type of viewer the horror/gore fans who are watching it for that.


In other news...just read the 1st issue of the comic and now I have found the 3rd comic (after robocop vs terminator and scott pilgrim) I like!


Also loved the last episode, it was very much a self contained contained episode in a lot of respects, the conflict of the episode was revealed and resolved all within itself. This is something I think gives series longevity if they can space out the major events with great episodes that take things further.

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