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Football Season 2010/11


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That would explain it, did you see Tevez's? Shocker for the keeper...


Absolute disaster. Feel so sorry for Pepe, gets a chance for once and he goes and slips at the worst possible moment. The pitch looked shit though, when Alonso and Tevez slid into each other in the first few minutes, it looked like rain was spraying up. Even though it was bone dry.

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The only reason I stayed right til the death was to boo Scotland off the park. One of the worst performances in recent years, I'd put it up there with Faroe Islands 2-2.


I still booed Scotland off the park even though we won. They didn't deserve to win the match; we would've been lucky to get a point. There were more of us in the stadium than the population of Liechentstein. They have about 3 professional players.


And Liechenstein number 23 was definitely booked twice but didn't get sent off?!



I actually thought that during the game, sure he was booked twice. Can't believe there wasn't a red card after that tackle on Hutton. One good thing did come out of this, McCulloch picked up a booking an will now miss the next game.

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I actually thought that during the game, sure he was booked twice. Can't believe there wasn't a red card after that tackle on Hutton. One good thing did come out of this, McCulloch picked up a booking an will now miss the next game.


Yeah that was a leg breaker/potentially career threatening challenge. Absolutely shocking. Didn't even get a card when it should've been a straight red.

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Also isn't Steven Gerrard one of the footballers who currently has a super injuction against the newspapers printing a story about him having an affair?


Also just a side note...one of the alledged places rooney was meant to have sex with prostitute in a toilet of a casino is a place my dads manager at!


No, I remember a story a few days ago saying an England player wanted one. That's turned out to be Rooney.


Yeah it's Gerrard apparently. Cheated on his missus with a 17 year old and got her pregnant.....


No idea if it's true but it's all over the internet.

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Oh that.


It got confirmed that it was bullshit didn't it?


if it was confirmed as bullshit then why hasn't the 17 year old sold her story to the press. Or how has the process that it apparently became "common knowledge" when it wasn't true been reported on....oh wait thats because of the super injunction!

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if it was confirmed as bullshit then why hasn't the 17 year old sold her story to the press. Or how has the process that it apparently became "common knowledge" when it wasn't true been reported on....oh wait thats because of the super injunction!


I read that a because of the s-s-s-s-super injunction! As in c-c-c-c-combo breaker. No idea why :p


There was a rumour it was his missus's 17 year old sister, turns out she doesn't even have a sister haha! No idea if it was true, could be, everything goes on at Liverpool.


I missed the game, sounds like Arsene Wenger and Ramar won't be very happy with Van Persie and Walcott out.


OH! Forgot to add, I've been invited to go see Chelski v Arsenal October 3rd at Stamford Bridge :)

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Rooney picks up poor yellows because of his temper, but I can't knock the guy for that, when I'm crying out for some of our lads to have a bit of fire in their bellies.


I would actually be angry if the team didn't pick up any cards. A little aggression in the game or the fire in your belly (as you said) goes a long way. It reminds me of the United team of 94. They were a great team who could out-muscle or play anybody off the park. They had it all.


Fernando Torres isn't known as a guy with a bad temper. Gerrard is older so he's always going to have more reds. Rooney gets sent off for silly things though, he hardly gets booked for bad fouls. Mostly just dissent and generally disrespecting the officials.


He has been sent off for "silly things" but they are such rare occurances. In fact, I think his whole bad temper...thing that gets mentioned a fair bit is not entirely accurate. He's the type of player who will lose the ball at one end, chase back to the halfway line and make an attempt to get the ball back, maybe a card in the process. Yeah, some dissent over the years, but then every single team in that league has players guilty of that. All of them.


Anyway, tomorrow is Everton away. As long as it's not the same scoreline as last year. That was a battering. :(

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Rooney is going to get killed out there, can't begin to imagine how much stick he's going to get. Then again it probably won't affect him, will probably have the complete opposite effect that the Everton fans will hope it has.


He can take it, I reckon. Plus, if the focus is all on him, it might take the attention away from some of the other players and allow them to do something special.


It's going to be a good game, I think. I can feel it. Just really not sure about the scoreline. I had the same sort of feeling before the Fulham away game.

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Can understand leaving Rooney out and going for the more European formation but I can't understand the leaving Valencia and Hernadez out. Must be because of the international games they played in the week. Further away to travel and all that.


Neville at right back though....hmmmm can see him being owned today.


I have faith in Berba!

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That was a shocking end for us. We were walking it and thinking it was all ours and just switched off. Pretty angry but a draw away to Everton is still a good result. Just gutted we dropped 2 points in 2 minutes.


The ref was a bit of a joke at the end, I always thought the rule was you couldn't blow full time if a team are in a clear attacking situation. Moyles has every right to be furious. Imagine if Jagielka scored!


Good game all in all, lots of chances, lots of end to end and some great goalkeeping.

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Conceding 2 goals right at the end is absolutely unforgivable. Horrible.


Up until that point, I was surprised with how things were going. I was expecting the team to get over-run in midfield and Berba to get no service. I was wrong. The attacking end of our team were great today. But, defensively, we need sorting out. Jonny Evans was very poor again.


Just can't believe it. Really in the mood for an argument now.

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What angers me the most is that United looked like they could score almost every time they actually went forward with some purpose, yet at 2-1 we just sat back. Sure we got the third but I never understood that mentality - just go and score 4 or 5 and you'll be fine :heh:


But no, they didn't bother, thought they'd done enough and in the end lost 2 points.

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I've perked up a bit since the game this afternoon. Seriously, I hate football sometimes. I must have looked like somebody had just murdered all of my family.


It's quite a similar face to the one I pulled when Robben scored at Old Trafford last year.


Seeing City 1-0 down at home against Blackburn helped (before they equalised. I have a younger brother who is more inclined towards City than United, but he calls himself a neutral) so that shut him up after laughing all afternoon). I also had a Newcastle fan on my facebook gloating about the Everton result. So, it cheered me up when I posted "Still, a point away from home is a better result than a 2-0 home defeat. Wouldn't you agree, Steve? ;)" on his page.


The positives were that Berbatov and Nani looked great today. Both are showing a bit more consistency now.


The negatives: We just can't seem to defend properly at the moment. Where's the unity? I remember the run of clean sheets a while back. John O'shea as defensive midfield just did not work. It did however free up Darren Fletcher to allow him to get forward and into the box regularly. But, defensively, the team looked arse again. When the score was 3-2, I was shouting for us to give the ball to Berba and for the team to support him, and just keep the ball away from our goal.


Also, I've said this once and I'll say it again: I like Neville. I love Giggs. I cherish Scholes. But never, I mean never, unless its under an extreme injury crisis should all three of them play in the same team. All three were out of steam at the end. Notice how the second two goals came from Neville's side, as well.

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