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Can you do another one for me? They added some rule that signatures can only 500 pixels and mine was more than that.

something cool with knuckles :heh:


Not new rules added. They've been the same ever since at least I joined the board (Jan 2004). 500x150 and 50kb for sig+avatar.

You should change yours Flameboy101 ... or someone else will. See Mundi's sig for an example of this.


50kb?!? thats tiny!


Edit : The current size if the smallest i can get it and ive tried .jpeg/.png/.gif/.bmp/.tif/.swf. None make it any smaller


ok i have managed to get the file sizes down to about 30kb but it doesnt look anywhere as good as it does as a .jpeg, and i HATE scaificeing space 4 quality. im going to have to have a think about flameboy sigs future on revo-europe if im going to have to keep lossing this quality just to save space.




I'd like a sig, but if you're taking time off i'll wait :)


Please could you make a sig for me, if you could I would like:-


The pull type, with a picture of the new Link from Twilight Princess, preferably like this one . The name I would like in the sig is ZeldaFreak.


And I would like the quote in as well, if its not too much hard work. "When the gates of light and darkness are open, chaos will be unleashed"


thank you in advance,




Sorry i havnt been able to update 4 a while ive had alot of work to do along with several computer problems meaning that i dont have acess to photoshop b;cos my computer bassically fried so im using a on-loan laptop, ill try and get it sorted asap.

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