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Resident Evil Revelations 3DS


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I downloaded the demo of this on Ine's 3DS. Have to say that I really enjoyed it. Is the whole game like that? I found it suspenseful, whilst also having enough danger there to keep you on your toes.


I quite liked the design for the enemies. Graphically, the whole game looks very good. Just one question: With the controls, is it possible to use the ABXY buttons to move/strafe and the stylus to turn/aim? Or, are the Type ABC options the only ones available? I found it ok to control, but it feels like a massive step backwards controlling this after the brilliance of RE4: Wii Edition.

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That is correct. Those are the only 3 control schemes to choose from.


Hmm, ok. I find it slightly clunky when aiming to shoot an enemy. It makes the game a little more dramatic and less easy, I guess.


Rest of the game seems excellent. Music seemed very good from what I played.

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@Fierce_LiNk I cannot belive you of all people have not yet play RE:R... dude GET IT NOW, you will love it, it's how RE should be, suspensful and atmospheric, there's a few "actiony" sections but it's mostly like going back to proper Survival Horror of RE and RE2


I will get it. It's a definite purchase now. Problem is that I have a shit-tonne of Wii games that I'm still working through. The list keeps growing! I was very naughty and bought Umbrella Chronicles and House of the Dead 2/3 the other day.

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I will get it. It's a definite purchase now. Problem is that I have a shit-tonne of Wii games that I'm still working through. The list keeps growing! I was very naughty and bought Umbrella Chronicles and House of the Dead 2/3 the other day.


Wait... is Xenoblade still one of those?... if so why are you not playing that beauty RIGHT NOW :D


Finish Xenoblade and then get RE:R

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I will get it. It's a definite purchase now. Problem is that I have a shit-tonne of Wii games that I'm still working through. The list keeps growing! I was very naughty and bought Umbrella Chronicles and House of the Dead 2/3 the other day.


I think you mean very good. :D


I thought you had Umberella Chronicles? Cracking game that gets very hard done by and the sequel is even better.

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Wait... is Xenoblade still one of those?... if so why are you not playing that beauty RIGHT NOW :D


Finish Xenoblade and then get RE:R


Xenoblade is one of about 10 at the moment. :p

And then you need to factor in my casual play sessions of Pro Evo, which can last for a few hours...oh dear.


I think you mean very good. :D


I thought you had Umberella Chronicles? Cracking game that gets very hard done by and the sequel is even better.


I borrowed it one time and thought it was pretty good. Then, was given Dead Space: Extraction and never really looked at Umbrella again. They're both very different, so they should compliment each other well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn right! :p


I need to get back into this haven't played it for a week or so; although the episode structure of the game is really great for this! (although maybe it's also a reason I haven't just ploughed on with it).


Just reached the secret lab with Jill and Chris.


The episode previous was the one where you have to defend the air base and then it gets bombed in an air raid!


Have to say I really didn't like that 'level' where you have to run through the ship to... (ok I can't remember what I had to run to do)... but there are LOADS of enemies along the way, and Rachel makes a reappearance.


It felt REALLY cheap. Especially just re-using Rachel again like that with nothing to do with the story just an extra attempt to get in your way and take time away from you. It was like they'd just stuck a mercenaries level in the game. Only real bad thing about the game so far, but it really bothered me.


But then all the swimming and the boss that attacks you in the cleansing corridor made up for it!


Oh except for the fact that after I'd killed that boss I then found the Magnum!... which I could have used in the boss fight.


As it was it's still sat there because I didn't have a slot to carry it, and I don't like swapping out weapons and finding I can't go back for them. Stupid. Anyone else bothered by this/play like this?


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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I started playing this again yesterday. I hadn't touched it since the launch period and I was on chapter six. Luckily the feature which I didn't like ( the previously recap ) came in handy and got me caught back up with the story. :D


I've just started chapter 9 and i'm still struggling to like this Resi game. I've played every single Resident Evil game that has been released over here. Yes, even Resident Evil Gaiden and Resident Evil Survivor, but even those I managed to finish in a few sittings. I think it doesn't help that it's on a handheld with a dodgy screen. I mean I had to shut the blinds AND curtains yesterday just so I could see what was going on.


I'm determined to finish it though, hopefully by the time the bank holiday weekend is over.

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Luckily the feature which I didn't like ( the previously recap ) came in handy and got me caught back up with the story. :D
Classic. :laughing:


I think it doesn't help that it's on a handheld with a dodgy screen. I mean I had to shut the blinds AND curtains yesterday just so I could see what was going on.
Yeah, this game is much easier to see on the XL, thanks to the anti-glare top screen. :cool:

On the original 3DS it's it's a glare fest, unless you're playing it in a pitch black room. Which is where everyone should play it anyway, and with headphones! ;)


I've played pretty much every Resi game too, but I really enjoyed Revelations. I think it got the balance of traditional horror/creepy Resi and new style/action Resi just right.

Plus, Raid Mode is superb. icon14.gif

If Capcom want to throw a sequel our way (and I really hope they do), then bring it on! I'm definitely up for more. :grin:

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All done! I didn't realise the game was that short as it only took 7 hours to finish.


Once again a Resident Evil end boss battle that had epic music.


Broadcast Yourself


There was a piece of music during chapter 11 I think it was which I found fantastic.


Broadcast Yourself


Overall the game was alright, but nothing special.


I kinda wish Parker had died. The Resident Evil series already has enough characters who don't get used without adding another one.


I also thought it was Wesker at the end when I seen sunglasses in the reflection of the mug. I was disappointed to find it was Conan O Brien.


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Agreed, there was some fantastic music at the end of the game.


I too very briefly thought it was Wesker but then I thought what with them having killed him off in 5 there was little incentive for them to use him here so quickly realised it wasn't.


And yeah, it was stupid how they kept every single one of the characters alive! As the game was being played out towards the end and all the characters were getting killed off, I actually thought wow this a really great effort by Capcom, confining these characters to just this one dramatic story! But who knew so many people could walk through fire! Also I forget, how did Jessica get off the ship?


I thought the Final Boss was pretty dissapointing tbh... largely because they hadn't really built that character up at all, I didn't really know or care about him. I also it was pretty stupid that all of a sudden there was this teleporting guy... I mean, wtf was that!


The game was a little bit dissapointing for me.

It started so fantastically well, really dramatic and really kept you on your toes in a state of tention. The occasional flash-back action section I was fine with as long as we would be going back to that gameplay; however the game kind of just reached a point where it stopped being scary and almost purely action focused.


Thankfully the huge Whale Boss wasn't the final boss, as it meant the game got to go out in style with the sunken ship level. The swimming throughout this game was a fantastic addition I thought, and when you climbed out into that ship, the game was right back where you started with a brilliantly dramatic closing.


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The game was a little bit dissapointing for me.

It started so fantastically well, really dramatic and really kept you on your toes in a state of tention. The occasional flash-back action section I was fine with as long as we would be going back to that gameplay; however the game kind of just reached a point where it stopped being scary and almost purely action focused.



Totally agree with this and it was also the biggest problem I had with the game.

I wouldn't have guessed that it would go in that direction judging from the beginning.

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I really struggled with


The MAAAAAYDAAAAAAY guy. Blew up all the barrels, shot him loads of times and it still took ages (yes I was shooting his weak spot) His insta-death attack was balls, you can't even dodge it.



Done it now though finally!

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I really struggled with


The MAAAAAYDAAAAAAY guy. Blew up all the barrels, shot him loads of times and it still took ages (yes I was shooting his weak spot) His insta-death attack was balls, you can't even dodge it.



Done it now though finally!


I think that was the only tricky boss for me in the game.


Looking back the game gave you far too much ammo and had far too many enemies kicking about at times. I remember when a Hunter was a thing to be feared in a Resident Evil game, but now they attack by the dozens and you can just stand there and mow them down. :(


It got to the point where I couldn't be bothered to actually kill enemies so I just ran past them. Sure, I got hit a lot, but the game is so generous when giving out herbs I wasn't bothered.

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I think that was the only tricky boss for me in the game.


Looking back the game gave you far too much ammo and had far too many enemies kicking about at times. I remember when a Hunter was a thing to be feared in a Resident Evil game, but now they attack by the dozens and you can just stand there and mow them down. :(


It got to the point where I couldn't be bothered to actually kill enemies so I just ran past them. Sure, I got hit a lot, but the game is so generous when giving out herbs I wasn't bothered.


Try the game again on either Hell mode or attempt a No Herb Run on any mode (I did that on Easy :heh:) and tell me then how generous the game is with ammo :wink:


Plus on any mode there is one flashback level (Chapter 11 I think, with Parker) where you have near enough Zero ammo and have to take down 3 hunters at the start of it. That is tense which ever mode you're on.

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I thought the ammo you had was enough for that section; just a combo of shooting and knifing.


I agree the Hunters are almost like joke enemies now; they look really awkward now too and don't/didn't fit in that well.


The part where as Jill you have to run to the Control Room or something for that Drone Missile thing you launch; and you have to run along the side of the ship and then into that hanger style room with just enemies littered everywhere was the low point of the game I felt... it just felt stupid with all the random enemy placements all of a sudden... and Rachel (she was dead FFS... and you even fight her a third time)!

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Try the game again on either Hell mode or attempt a No Herb Run on any mode (I did that on Easy :heh:) and tell me then how generous the game is with ammo :wink:


Thing is though you shouldn't have to play on the hardest mode to get something out of it. I hate to see what Casual difficulty is like.


I thought the ammo you had was enough for that section; just a combo of shooting and knifing.


I agree the Hunters are almost like joke enemies now; they look really awkward now too and don't/didn't fit in that well.


The part where as Jill you have to run to the Control Room or something for that Drone Missile thing you launch; and you have to run along the side of the ship and then into that hanger style room with just enemies littered everywhere was the low point of the game I felt... it just felt stupid with all the random enemy placements all of a sudden... and Rachel (she was dead FFS... and you even fight her a third time)!


I was sick of her jumping around all over the place. At least in R Evil when MR. X chased you around he actually burst through a wall or came through a door. On this I ran though a corridor and she was behind me. I then opened the door only to be greeted by her right in front of me.

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Thing is though you shouldn't have to play on the hardest mode to get something out of it. I hate to see what Casual difficulty is like.



I'm just saying might aswell give it a go.

Casual I would only use if you want to try a No Herb Run, it would obviously be piss poor easy normally....unless you want to try a No Herb Run on Hell mode in which case I tip my hat to you brave sir :wink:



I was sick of her jumping around all over the place. At least in R Evil when MR. X chased you around he actually burst through a wall or came through a door. On this I ran though a corridor and she was behind me. I then opened the door only to be greeted by her right in front of me.



Well she does use the Air ducts to get around. If (on later encounters after the first) you "kill" her she'll stop chasing you...though I only remember her appearing one other time after the first (on the way to get the drone remote when you are being timed? She appeared when you get out of the elevator, I just filled her with Rifle ammo and gernades and took her down quick enough.


But yeah I felt Rachel was very much under used in this game. She had lots of potential to be another Lisa from REmake or Mr. X from RE2 as you mentioned...hell she could have even been on par with Nemisis had she been used right.


After your first encounter and you "kill" her. Then when you get back to the elevator you can hear her get up (or was it her saying something?). Very much like seeing that little cutscene of Lisa, Mr. X or Nemisis get back up after you "killed" them. I was expecting Rachel to play a much bigger part than she did and be part of the bigger story arc, only to see her relegated to one or two moments when their just trying to throw waves of enemies at you.


Still though I do love the build up to when you first meet her. The "sound" work is brilliant and really made me nervous, especially with headphones on.


That stage on RAID mode it's even creepier somehow

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