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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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The problem I had (and I think a lot of people said at the time) with wind waker was that it was just too easy. OoT and MM were very difficult games (MM more than OoT I think). I may just be that I was older and more experienced by the time WW came out but I thought it was a hell of a lot easier than the previous two installments.


OoT and MM were so great for me because you really feel the struggle. The atmosphere in MM is amazing, I've not seen it repeated in any other game (people who love MM will know what I'm on about here but I'm too lazy to go into it). WW was more 'oh no they took your sister' and then 3 hours later you beat the game.


I liked Twilight Princess a lot. Wind Waker was a really fun game but I think TP is better and I'm looking forward to Skyward Sword. The first Zelda game to be made with motion controls in mind from the start. It should be the most intuitive Zelda yet.

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I don't understand why the Wind Waker is rated to highly either.


For me, it's just that it has the best controls, the best graphics, the best overworld, the best camera angles, an unparalleled sense of exploration and the highest technical excellence seen in Zelda so far. ;)


It's just that, I honestly think that fans would prefer a remake of OOT than a brand new title for 3ds just going by the post-e3 reactions.


Ah well, I don't know about that. Bring on Zelda 3DS, that's what I say! I just think remakes and ports are good launch games because most of the donkey work is already done.


Personally, I was excited about Phantom Hourglass, but I find it hard to get excited about games that use a specific engine for the 2nd time, like Spirit Tracks and Majora's Mask, even if they turn out to be excellent.

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For me, it's just that it has the best controls, the best graphics, the best overworld, the best camera angles, an unparalleled sense of exploration and the highest technical excellence seen in Zelda so far. ;)




Ah well, I don't know about that. Bring on Zelda 3DS, that's what I say! I just think remakes and ports are good launch games because most of the donkey work is already done.


Personally, I was excited about Phantom Hourglass, but I find it hard to get excited about games that use a specific engine for the 2nd time, like Spirit Tracks and Majora's Mask, even if they turn out to be excellent.


Well I dunno, I like phantom hourglass but never get THAT far into it. Didn't hold my interest for long...


It's hard to explain why wind waker was so good. It just got everything spot on except the actual game design. It could have been longer, it could have been a tad bit more challenging but I think it was as close as a game got to being a magical experience.


Also still in this time of hi-res powerhouse graphics. I think wind waker holds up a LOT better than twilight princess which just looks blurry at times.

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If they hadn't rushed Wind Waker's release date, and been forced to ditch two temples, it would have been a masterpiece. As it is, in my opinion anyway, it's a spectacular game, filled with wit, life and magic and stunning visuals/audio... but not quite as good as it could be.


TP was quite good, more or less. Again, IMO.


The first Zelda game to be made with motion controls in mind from the start. It should be the most intuitive Zelda yet.


That's just it though, since when has Zelda been about motion controls? How are they going to make it an excellent game?


I just hope they're not dumbing Zelda down to appeal to the casual market who'll get turned on by the idea of 'rolling a bomb', or other seemingly gimmicky motion controls. As much as I loved the latter, PH and ST are dumbed down considerably, I just hope the same won't be true of SS.


I also get the feeling Nintendo weren't ready to show a demo of SS at E3, and only showed it because of all the hype and expectation. Could be wrong though. At the end of the day, we know practically nothing about SS, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop in the next 6-12 months.


If the game was so "awesome" in the first place then why do you feel the need for a remake?


This argument makes no sense. I don't feel the need for a remake, it would just be very cool to have one with updated graphics and a 3D effect. There's no necessity at all, but having the means to carry one of the greatest games of all time in your pocket, with improved visuals is rightly getting a lot of people excited.

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As in "it looks pretty, but thats it"?


Or, as in "wowwww, thats a stunning piece of art. It's sooo much more than a game."


Which is it, boyo?


A bit of both. Remember when it was first announced? (I do, oddly, I found out while looking on the internet at the library in my nan's town...not sure why that has stuck with me) Everyone was up in arms "OMG ITS AWFUL ITS FOR KIDZZ IT SUKZ!" but its still an enjoyable game. If you take it in isolation (i.e. ignoring other Zelda games) its still a fun little game and a true example of how art direction can really impact upon a game.

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  • 4 weeks later...


This argument makes no sense. I don't feel the need for a remake, it would just be very cool to have one with updated graphics and a 3D effect. There's no necessity at all, but having the means to carry one of the greatest games of all time in your pocket, with improved visuals is rightly getting a lot of people excited.


Oh I never saw this post before. Here's the thing though, OOT was the greatest game of all time when it was released and it is still a great experience, but there are a lot of things that dated about the game since then, Not just limited to the graphics....


When super mario 64 ds came out, the shit really hit the fan in terms of how much these n64 games dated. New and younger gamers get frustrated with these games very fast I've noticed. There is a mission in 64 called "blast the wall" or something for example where you had to fire the cannon at a specific part of the wall to collect a star... Not to mention those "5 things" missions throughout the game.


My point is. If all this shit has to be changed or if these problems can't be changed. Why not just make a NEW Zelda/mario title?


I'm hearing People suggesting a final fantasy VII remake I mean FFS. This doesn't happen in the movie or music world? Do you really hear people calling for a back to the future remake with all the latest cgi and 3d technology?


ON-topic: Well it looks.... more colourful anyway. At least Link looks a lot better.

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When super mario 64 ds came out, the shit really hit the fan in terms of how much these n64 games dated. New and younger gamers get frustrated with these games very fast I've noticed. There is a mission in 64 called "blast the wall" or something for example where you had to fire the cannon at a specific part of the wall to collect a star... Not to mention those "5 things" missions throughout the game.


I'd agree with that just by playing it on the Virtual Console, but Super Mario 64 has aged a lot worse than Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask, what with its sometimes-dull, cryptic missions. Then again, everyone knew at the time it wasn't actually as much fun as Super Mario World. Impressive spectacle, yes, but it was never as good as the SNES game.


My point is. If all this shit has to be changed or if these problems can't be changed. Why not just make a NEW Zelda/mario title?


Presumably, a remake would take far fewer resources than having to think up and design a brand new game. I'd agree that it shouldn't take resources away from that, but the game design's all in place - it just needed cleaner graphics.


I'm hearing People suggesting a final fantasy VII remake I mean FFS. This doesn't happen in the movie or music world? Do you really hear people calling for a back to the future remake with all the latest cgi and 3d technology?


Films don't age anything like as badly, and CGI isn't plain "better" than optical anyway, it's just different. Back to the Future was still filmed with high-resolution film. It looked good at the time and still does.


Ocarina of Time, though, always looked muddy and low-res. I vividly remember that was my first impression of it, not being able to see the Kokiri village very well. Games benefit massively from being remade, assuming the technology is at least one generation ahead of the original, such as in Metal Gear Solid: the Twin Snakes, as they're still being built with the same method (polygons), just with much higher capability.

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I'd agree with that just by playing it on the Virtual Console, but Super Mario 64 has aged a lot worse than Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask, what with its sometimes-dull, cryptic missions. Then again, everyone knew at the time it wasn't actually as much fun as Super Mario World. Impressive spectacle, yes, but it was never as good as the SNES game.


What if I told you I strongly dislike Super Mario World? I can play Super Mario Bros. 1-3 and the Super Mario Lands anytime I want, and I'll have fun. Super Mario World is the black sheep of the series as far as I'm concerned.


I also think that SM64 is one of the best games ever made, and I played that near the end of the N64's lifespan. I recently replayed it on the VC, and it still holds up as incredible fun.

The "nostalgia goggles" argument doesn't work on me, it certainly wasn't the first 3D platformer I played (And not the first good one, either)


Both you and mcj point out the cryptic missions as flaws, but had SM64 been done today, those would be considered "hidden stars" like the ones in SMS and SMG, which means SM64 actually gives you more clues about those "hard-to-get" stars than recent games do.



On-topic: I actually haven't played Ocarina of Time in a long time. I have been meaning to replay it for the longest time, but I think I will wait for the 3DS version (since I distinctly remember the Gamecube version having choppier, less fluid movement than the N64 version).

I have no idea if it how well it has aged, I wonder how it holds in comparison to Majora's Mask and Wind Waker?

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What if I told you I strongly dislike Super Mario World? I can play Super Mario Bros. 1-3 and the Super Mario Lands anytime I want, and I'll have fun. Super Mario World is the black sheep of the series as far as I'm concerned.


I also think that SM64 is one of the best games ever made, and I played that near the end of the N64's lifespan. I recently replayed it on the VC, and it still holds up as incredible fun.

The "nostalgia goggles" argument doesn't work on me, it certainly wasn't the first 3D platformer I played (And not the first good one, either)


Both you and mcj point out the cryptic missions as flaws, but had SM64 been done today, those would be considered "hidden stars" like the ones in SMS and SMG, which means SM64 actually gives you more clues about those "hard-to-get" stars than recent games do.



On-topic: I actually haven't played Ocarina of Time in a long time. I have been meaning to replay it for the longest time, but I think I will wait for the 3DS version (since I distinctly remember the Gamecube version having choppier, less fluid movement than the N64 version).

I have no idea if it how well it has aged, I wonder how it holds in comparison to Majora's Mask and Wind Waker?


I do believe the crytic missions in sm64 are still flaws. I mean grand there are hidden extras in some games, but these missions were necessary to complete the game fully


We all don't mind the green stars in super mario galaxy 2 because that is AFTER the game had been completed fully


but I LOVE super mario 64 for the sheer amount of easter eggs and random shit that happens in the castle. Unflooding the castle, finding the different caps, losing your cap and finding it in another level, the picture morphing from peach to bowser, entering the clock speeds up a level.


Off the top of my head I can't think of such incidents in OOT, There are quite a lot in MM so i'm sure OOT has more.


BUT on the flip side,oot gives you freedom like few games do anymore, OOT FORCES you to search for the answer by looking everywhere! Rather like a real exploration. So hmm maybe it does hold up in this way.

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I do believe the crytic missions in sm64 are still flaws. I mean grand there are hidden extras in some games, but these missions were necessary to complete the game fully


We all don't mind the green stars in super mario galaxy 2 because that is AFTER the game had been completed fully


You only needed 70 stars to face Bowser, you didn't need to complete the cryptic missions in order to do that (well, except to obtain the Wing Cap. How was I supposed to figure out that?)


but I LOVE super mario 64 for the sheer amount of easter eggs and random shit that happens in the castle. Unflooding the castle, finding the different caps, losing your cap and finding it in another level, the picture morphing from peach to bowser, entering the clock speeds up a level.


The main thing I love about SM64 is how much it rewards exploration. You can find almost any star just by exploring the levels, it's awesome.


Off the top of my head I can't think of such incidents in OOT, There are quite a lot in MM so i'm sure OOT has more.


BUT on the flip side,oot gives you freedom like few games do anymore, OOT FORCES you to search for the answer by looking everywhere! Rather like a real exploration. So hmm maybe it does hold up in this way.


OoT has the strength that SM64 has: exploration is rewarded. Majora's Mask also had much of this, I noticed.


The only major thing they could add to the remake is Master Quest, really. Though if they do add an extra optional dungeon (unlikely) it has to be the Temple of Light.

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Oh I never saw this post before. Here's the thing though, OOT was the greatest game of all time when it was released and it is still a great experience, but there are a lot of things that dated about the game since then, Not just limited to the graphics....


When super mario 64 ds came out, the shit really hit the fan in terms of how much these n64 games dated. New and younger gamers get frustrated with these games very fast I've noticed. There is a mission in 64 called "blast the wall" or something for example where you had to fire the cannon at a specific part of the wall to collect a star... Not to mention those "5 things" missions throughout the game.


My point is. If all this shit has to be changed or if these problems can't be changed. Why not just make a NEW Zelda/mario title?


I'm hearing People suggesting a final fantasy VII remake I mean FFS. This doesn't happen in the movie or music world? Do you really hear people calling for a back to the future remake with all the latest cgi and 3d technology?


Either you need to work on explaining things better, or I need to get smarter. Maybe a bit of both, because I don't understand that and what you're trying to say.


What problems need to be changed? Why not just make a new Zelda/Mario? Because that takes 20x the resources, budget etc? maybe? Maybe a new Zelda and Mario ARE in the works as well?


Strange reasoning you have :wink:

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Either you need to work on explaining things better, or I need to get smarter. Maybe a bit of both, because I don't understand that and what you're trying to say.


What problems need to be changed? Why not just make a new Zelda/Mario? Because that takes 20x the resources, budget etc? maybe? Maybe a new Zelda and Mario ARE in the works as well?


Strange reasoning you have :wink:


I do agree a new zelda built from the ground up for 3D and for the device would be better.

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This doesn't happen in the movie or music world? Do you really hear people calling for a back to the future remake with all the latest cgi and 3d technology?


ON-topic: Well it looks.... more colourful anyway. At least Link looks a lot better.


Star Wars is going to be re-released with 3D added to it. So is Titanic. Piranha 3D is a remake. Probably loads more. As for music, you get covers all the time and re-releases.


For people saying what will 3D add to this game... what will it add to any? A new depth of vision, more immersion and realistic feeling game worlds. Pretty pictures. This update is all about the graphics. Hopefully it will add a new depth to gaming but I doubt we'll see too many innovations coming from it. It's just another step towards holographic games :laughing:

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What if I told you I strongly dislike Super Mario World?


Each to his own. :heh:


Personally, Super Mario Bros 3 is one I don't much like.


I have no idea if it how well it has aged, I wonder how it holds in comparison to Majora's Mask and Wind Waker?


Very well. I played the GameCube version of Ocarina of Time after I'd played Wind Waker, and the only drawbacks were things I'd noticed back in the N64 days - blurry, low-res graphics and the fact Hyrule Town has static backgrounds. I'm pleased to hear they're fixing all of that.


It's not as technically advanced as MM or WW, and actually, OOT is my 3rd favourite after those two, but the brilliance of its design is still plain to see - the bare Hyrule Field with a ranch in the middle, the claustrophobia of the Fire Temple, the intimidating feel of the Gerudos' territory. Above all, the bosses and gameplay are all top notch.

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Very well. I played the GameCube version of Ocarina of Time after I'd played Wind Waker, and the only drawbacks were things I'd noticed back in the N64 days - blurry, low-res graphics and the fact Hyrule Town has static backgrounds. I'm pleased to hear they're fixing all of that.


It's not as technically advanced as MM or WW, and actually, OOT is my 3rd favourite after those two, but the brilliance of its design is still plain to see - the bare Hyrule Field with a ranch in the middle, the claustrophobia of the Fire Temple, the intimidating feel of the Gerudos' territory. Above all, the bosses and gameplay are all top notch.


QFT. I loved everything you just mentioned.


Except I never minded the blurry textures, I always thought those were normal for the time.

Fixed-camera Hyrule Market was a flaw though, I can agree on that.


Each to his own. :heh:


Personally, Super Mario Bros 3 is one I don't much like.


Well, now we must find a middle ground!


Super Mario Land 2?

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