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MGS: Snake Eater 3D (£9.95 @Zavvi)


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Just reached the point where the demo ended, I'm gradually getting used to the controls. They're far from perfect, but not as bad as they appear to be when you first start playing. :)

Also had a quick mess around with the photo camouflage system, which is a nice (albeit minor) feature. :hehe:


Framerate issues seem to be exclusive to cut-scenes (regardless of how much is going on) which is pretty weird. :hmm:


But yeah, definitely enjoying it. And the 3D effect is pretty damn spectacular in places. :awesome:

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How does the photo-camouflage work?... is it just for fun when you don't need to use it and completely pointless actually in-game, because it seemed pretty important in the demo, choosing the correct one at the correct time to keep the percentage high (although granted I stayed in the grass camo the whole time).

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How does the photo-camouflage work?... is it just for fun when you don't need to use it and completely pointless actually in-game, because it seemed pretty important in the demo, choosing the correct one at the correct time to keep the percentage high (although granted I stayed in the grass camo the whole time).


You can acquire plenty of other bits of camo in game to help make sure you're as difficult to spot as possible. In fact, one of the neat things you can do is instead of killing a boss by shooting them to death with bullets, you can use your tranq gun and CQC to reduce their stamina to zero instead. If you do that, you get a special outfit that offers certain benefits/abilities... though not necesarily a high percentage rating.


The EG review made it sound like a total novelty and I can't imagine it ever proving particularly useful since you normally have something to proves effective in your given environment. That you have to return to the home screen to use the camera also makes it sound more fiddly than is ideal - could they not have intergrated it directly into the game?

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How does the photo-camouflage work?... is it just for fun when you don't need to use it and completely pointless actually in-game, because it seemed pretty important in the demo, choosing the correct one at the correct time to keep the percentage high (although granted I stayed in the grass camo the whole time).
I think it's pretty much just for fun yeah, although you can create camouflage that is actually useful (and even better than the in-game ones) with it.


There are 12 available Photo-Camo slots. You basically load up any image saved on your SD card (my first one was made from a nintendogs + cats photo :laughing:), then choose an area of that image to crop and use for the texture. It can be 128x128 or 256x256, depending on the size of the original image.

The game then analyses the pattern/colours of the image and creates the new camouflage.

Based on those factors the camouflage you made will be effective (or not :heh:) against certain types of terrain.


So yeah, it doesn't seem to be something that you're forced to use, just a nice little extra for those that want to mess around with it. Having said that though, I was already able to create camouflage for the first area of the jungle with a superior camo index than any of the in-game ones, just by using a photo of a house plant. ;)


That you have to return to the home screen to use the camera also makes it sound more fiddly than is ideal - could they not have intergrated it directly into the game?
You don't need to close down the game though, just activate the camera with MGS running in the background. The game makes a point of telling you not to open up 3DS camera, and to use the L/R quick camera mode instead.


But because you're just using a section of an image anyway, chances are that most people will have a lot of suitable photos saved on their SD card already. :)

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I've never been a fan of stealth games, i think the only one i ever enjoyed was Chronicles of Riddick some years back. I tried the demo though to give it a chance, but it turns out my opinion hasn't changed. Fiddly, annoying gameplay and terribly old-fashioned sound effects was my first thought. Camera movement wasn't fun (i dont have CPP) and i found it all very misguided and amatuer. The map was shocking too - why no entry-point arrow for reference? I think the most fun part was shooting the bee hive by the bridge, but even that was a pain. The menu system is very confusing and user unfriendly i found. I'm sure i picked up a sniper scope for example, but it was nowhere to be selected. The phases also last too long. 90 seconds for alert, okay that's fine, another 90 odd seconds for evasion? Aaaand another 90 odd seconds to get back to normal? There's no need for that.


I think it is just me though. I get very impatient with these games and ultimately end up doing something stupid which gets me spotted and eventually killed. Not fun. I won't be buying.


Graphics were nice for the most part though. I did enjoy the 3D effect of the surrounding grass and trees coming out at me as I walked by.

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@Jav_NE, yeah I'm not a massive fan of the genre either, but I'm starting to really get into this game now. :)

It's pretty clear after a few hours play of the final retail version, that the eShop demo did not paint a good overall picture of this title, the amount of variety in the full game is seriously impressive. icon14.gif

There's just so much attention to detail, a crazy amount of attention to detail in fact! :o And while the menu system is confusing at first, you do get accustomed to it after a while.


Biggest annoyance by far remains the aiming controls, not so much during the stealth gameplay (not at all really as it's played at such a slow pace), but when the shit hits the fan/boss fights, you basically have no choice but to switch to auto-aim, which is disappointing. :hmm:


I've just reached the point after the battle with...


...crazy hornet guy.


Have found around 4 or 5 Yoshi dolls so far, it's great fun spotting/shooting those. :D

I'm also loving all the movie references going on in this game, the James Bond-esque intro was cool too. :awesome:


Classic. :laughing:

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Ladder of doom ey?... Interesting. :hehe:


You playing this, H-o-T? Or you got the PS2 version?


I haven't picked it up. I played it on the PS2 back in the day and then again at the end of last year, when I imported the PS3 HD collection. I love the game to bits, it's one of my favourite games of all time.

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So my Accessory pack turned up


Now i really wanted it for the case, i didn't have a decent one and want one with a bit of a novelty


Overall the case is great, fits the 3DS nicely and has a fairly decent space in the main section to fit something else (fits a phone easily if you want a size idea), there are two small pockets on the side designed to fit game cards. In practice i wouldn't keep a game in them if i was transporting the case somewhere as i can see any impact their damaging them.


Now in addition to that you get some "Armour" shells to cover the 3DS, they come in the same Kahaki - There are fairly nice and would certainly prevent some damage, but look odd on the Aqua 3DS i have. you also get A stylus branded with MGS that comes on a springy cord thingy your meant to attach to a wrist strap slot........(err no) and decals


I'll let pictures speak for the rest of the accessories








Now up to here it hasn't been too bad, the case is good and the Armour isn't terrible


Prepare to barf




I knew they'd look bad on an Aqua 3DS but good lord i never expected them to look this bad


I wish they had sold just the case on its own :shakehead


It could look good on a black 3DS?

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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I just defeated...


The Fury.

Major slowdown on that fight! I swear it was running at like 5fps at one point. :o

@Hero\-of\-Time, did the PS2 version suffer from framerate issues too?


While that boss fight was cool, I much preferred the one against...


The End.

That was so damn awesome. :awesome: I took out his parrot right at the start of the battle, which he didn't seem to like. :laughing: Was wondering though, what happens if you don't shoot it? I'm guessing it just makes him able to spot you better... will probably try that next time. :hehe:

I can already see myself re-playing this game quite a bit, there seems to be just too much stuff to see/achieve in a single playthrough. :)


It could look good on a black 3DS?
I reckon so, yeah. The part around the top screen definitely looks better against black.


Nice mouse mat BTW, I have a similar one. :awesome:

*cute cat mouse mat high five!* :heh:

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I reckon so, yeah. The part around the top screen definitely looks better against black.


Nice mouse mat BTW, I have a similar one. :awesome:

*cute cat mouse mat high five!* :heh:


I imagined you like "The Todd" from scrubs saying that to me lol


I wonder how long i can stomach those decals before i remove them :hmmm:


black would have been better (i keep wishing i'd bought a black one now)

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I just defeated...


The Fury.

Major slowdown on that fight! I swear it was running at like 5fps at one point. :o

@Hero\-of\-Time, did the PS2 version suffer from framerate issues too?


While that boss fight was cool, I much preferred the one against...


The End.

That was so damn awesome. :awesome: I took out his parrot right at the start of the battle, which he didn't seem to like. :laughing: Was wondering though, what happens if you don't shoot it? I'm guessing it just makes him able to spot you better... will probably try that next time. :hehe:

I can already see myself re-playing this game quite a bit, there seems to be just too much stuff to see/achieve in a single playthrough. :)


I don't remember any framerate issues on the PS2 version, but then that was many moons ago. The PS3 version certainly didn't and that was just a HD PS2 port.


Glad to see you're enjoying it, Red. It's such a marvelous game and it has one of the best boss fights ( The End ) in a videogame ever.


If you leave his parrot alone he can heal himself. Also there is a very cheeky way of killing him. It's very cheap but it's just pure genius. I'll put it in another spoiler for you.



On the other version of the game if you save while fighting The End you can then got back to your systems settings, change the date forward by a week or so and load the game back up. When you do The End will have died of old age while waiting for you! Absolute gem of a way to fight an old man! :D



I can't wait to read your final impressions, Red. If you do not cry manly tears or at least get choked up at the end, then you officially have no soul!

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So my Accessory pack turned up


How does the camouflage effect the 3D? (seeing Nintendo are obsessed with the inside of every colour of 3DS being black...)


That's the second time someone on here has said something like that to me. :blank:

Guess I really should start watching scrubs... ::shrug:


Nah. *goes back to playing Metal Gear* :heh:


I really wouldn't waste your time with Scrubs... tis woeful!

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How does the camouflage effect the 3D? (seeing Nintendo are obsessed with the inside of every colour of 3DS being black...) !


It doesn't seem to effect it at all which did surprise me given nintendo's insistence to keep it black at all times.

Makes you wonder if they just need to be dark colours


@Agent Gibbs I'm really liking that case! BTW after attaching the "Armour" to the 3DS, you can't use the CPP without taking it off by the looks of things. so how easy/hard is to De-attach/attach.


It's actually really easy to clip the case off, I thought it might be like the zelda one I bought that had a hinge too-that is a pain to remove

So overal it's easily off for the cpp

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I've put around three hours into the game and it's still not clicking with me. Gonna put some more time into it, but if things don't improve I'll sell asap so I can have the majority of my money back. Guess I haven't got the required taste or patience for the MGS series.

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Good to hear Gibbs!


hopefully you'll start to enjoy the game soon welsh, as I honestly can't stop playing this! always knew this was awesome but not this much. I'm currently playing in Hard difficulty and have played 6hrs+.

I've been waiting to play this game properly for so long and I can happily say that its delivering. so far it's the best MGS game that I have played (excluding 4).

the story is superb, and the historical references makes the story all the more real even though I hate history and can't stand the dull, black + white media from yesteryear, I can't help but read, listen and understand each word in every cut-scene, this is only helped by the awesome characters as well. the fact that I look forward to listening to para-medics movie experiences after saving the game every time only reinforces my point.


The stealth in this game is top-notch, the guards/enemies are very intelligent and are more difficult to evade compared to the previous games, but using what in your bag or surroundings can help especially the animals! its always fun to watch their reactions after throwing animals (that you've captured alive) at them.


speaking about animals I've already eaten;

  1. Crocodile
  2. Snake
  3. Rat
  4. Frog
  5. Fruits
  6. Fish
  7. Crab
  8. Noodles
  9. Squirrel
  10. Bat
  11. Hornet nest
  12. Ration

...but there's still an entire jungle out there to feast upon!


the controls with the CPP make it MUCH easier to play so far I have had no issues with the controls. the atmosphere that the game creates through the stunning visuals and the crisp audio are one of the main reasons why this game is so good considering this title was released almost a decade ago proves this point.

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Sorry if this has been mentioned...


On the other version of the game if you save while fighting The End you can then got back to your systems settings, change the date forward by a week or so and load the game back up. When you do The End will have died of old age while waiting for you! Absolute gem of a way to fight an old man!


Did you know there is apparently another way? I read about it on CVG a while ago:



Possibly the best thing about this boss fight though is that it didn't have to take place at all. It was possible to snipe him at an earlier point in the game and have his boss fight replaced by a load of guards in the battle area.





I haven't played this game, but I thought that was quite remarkable.

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AH! so that's why I saw his life guage and stamina bar for a few moments, I actually considered popping him from distance, but there were two sentries with him aswell. so while I was figuring out the best way to take em out, he disappeared ::shrug:

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Completed this last night. @Hero\-of\-Time, the ending didn't make me cry, (it is something I can never do :heh:) but it was very cool indeed and definitely got me thinking. Put me down as having half a soul. :laughing:


Great game though, gets better and better the more you play. icon14.gif

Although towards the very end it got a little bit frustrating...


due to the controls being so awkward during action gameplay. The part with the bike chase was a right mess!

:shakehead I also thought that the fight against Volgin/Shagohod dragged on a bit too much.

It went on for ages! You think you've won... nope, back again... and again... and again! :heh:

It was like one of those magic birthday cake candles. :laughing:

Even so, I really enjoyed it. :) It's games like this that make me wish I had the money/time to own other consoles, as I reckon this would have been much better to play on a big screen.

Mind you, the 3DS version does have some advantages over the home console ones, no HUD for a start. Having all of that stuff on the touch screen is great, I hope developers make a lot of use of that feature on Wii U games.


Anyway, can't wait to start my second playthrough. The last time I tried to be as stealthy as possible/not get many kills, this time I think I'm going to go nuts and try to kill everything that moves. :heh:


But yeah, I definitely recommend Snake Eater 3D to anyone that hasn't played the original. The controls and framerate issues are annoying, but it's definitely worth putting up with them in order to experience the great story and unique gameplay ideas that are also present in this game.


BTW, does anyone else find the amount of times Hideo Kojima's name appears amusing? You could do a lethal drinking game with that. :D



*enters Kojima mode*


This has been a RedShell post.

In association with RedShell Productions.

Planning by RedShell.

Written by RedShell.

Smilies added by RedShell.

Spelling/grammatical errors by RedShell.

© 2012 RedShell.



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