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MGS: Snake Eater 3D (£9.95 @Zavvi)


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@Dcubed makes a good point about aiming down sight with only one eye, I do it myself with a rifle and if its scoped you have to use one eye!


that said it seems to be very odd turning the 3D off at any point!


Its my only complaint, 3D should be on at all times


I only tried it with the CPP but i think the other controls could be a little awkward.


that all said i hated the camera! i never had subsistence, i have the original MGS3 with the more fixed camera and to me that was far better than this free flowing stuff. Please tell me you can switch it off!

Thats more of a complaint with the version of game used for the port than of the 3DS version though.


as for those saying it feels less grand/underwhelming etc, the demo is of the intro of the game and not even all of that! when it get to the more grand segments of the game then i bet it will seem that much better

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I thought this game was coming out on the 9th (Friday)


It is... 09/03/12 same day as Mass Effect 3.


Why has something changed? would probably be for the best if they hadn't decided to release it on the same day as one of the biggest games of the year but nevermind.




Ah I see, thread title... derp :p well in that case it's wrong and should be changed.

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Edge's review is upsetting the apple cart


"Apart from Nintendo's own Super Mario 3D Land, no other game does as much with the console's headline feature... The environments could have been built for stereoscopic visuals... Many 3DS games have visuals that feel gimmicky and pop out, but here they reinvigorate a familiar world... Packed with detail, both in terms of its environments and mechanics, this is a game that pays back investment in spades. MGS3 is a modern classic - the tightest, smartest and most emotional journey in the series - and even its HD update doesn't look as good as this portable treatment."


Still might well get this - never played MGS3 other than PS2 and 3DS demos.

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I thought the demo handled itself quite well. The controls work fine and put the psp to shame. Well one caveat, making the camera aim the direction snake is facing, but that's a simple change in the options.


Graphics seem fine to me, certainly not better than ever like edge thinks, but a admirable effort.

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"Packed with detail"?


Sorry, are we playing the same game?


Oh, hello generic redshirt bad guy... Well hey there motionless crocodiles wagging your tails in sync, good job! Look!



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it was the e3 demo wasn't it? so its likely to be very different now
I haven't played the demo, but this is probably the case.


Both IGN's write-up a couple of weeks back and Edge's review are very complimentary about the game, and we've seen in that graphical comparison of the 3 versions of the game that the 3DS version looks to come out on top.


The positivity surrounding the game, and it's 3D visuals has certainly peaked my interest in the game, having previously thought that I definately wouldn't get it, I'm certainly at least considering it now.


Though if I did, I'd wait a while before doing so.

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Both IGN's write-up a couple of weeks back and Edge's review are very complimentary about the game, and we've seen in that graphical comparison of the 3 versions of the game that the 3DS version looks to come out on top.


No, it really doesn't. I've never been a big fan of the whole graphics comparison shit that goes around like wild fire this gen as it's mostly just a comparison of a still image.


And it just so happens than the still image in question comes from a cut scene which despite being actually rendered by the hardware, is not reflective of the game at all.


The game looks like absolute ass on the 3DS screen. All these 'improved' textures are essentially wasted (or only used during non-gameplay) because they all blur together in an absolute mess of brown and greys due to the resolution it's being displayed in.


I can't say much about the gameplay because it's the same game which works with a few 3DS exclusive inclusions, so I may be missing out by picking up the HD collection rather than this version, but I will always go for performance over graphics.

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Fine keep overlooking the rest I'm saying.


The textures may look good at brief moments, but consider the cost: performance. The demo is most likely like all demo's, a previous build so what you're saying may be right and I may be being a little unfair on the 3DS version.


But as a port that utilises these new textures and taking the demo as a basis, it's incredibly chuggy and the reduced resolution does not make the whole thing look very pleasant. I've actually noticed that by using 3D mode rather than 2D mode, it looks a lot better so I'll give it that, but the frame rate dips quite a bit so I'm not a fan.

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IGN's thoughts...




Ten Quick Thoughts on Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D


We're still playing for review, but here are some quick impressions.


I'm still playing Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D. Konami failed to send a copy of the game prior to launch, and as a result I'm firing through the game as fast as possible to bring you a thorough review.


While I'm a ways off from delivering my full thoughts, I do have some quick impressions that might provide some guidance.



The Characters and Story: Metal Gear can sometimes be a victim of its eagerness to be intellectual. MGS 4 often wandered off into bizarre tangents about the nature of war, and as a result the entire game suffered. MGS 3 still displays a remarkable amount of restraint, never straying too far from Snake's mission.


The story, set in the past of the entire franchise, is not only focused, but surprisingly well-told, coming off as the best of Metal Gear mixed with a darker James Bond adventure. By far the most impressive element of this 3DS game is what can't be changed in a port - its story and characters.



Too Much Talking: True to Metal Gear tradition, Snake and his friends have a tendency to not shut up once they start talking. Even saving your game can result in baffling tangents that, while mildly interesting from a character perspective, really don't suit a portable adventure. They can also pull you out of the game as they often veer far from being relevant.



That's Some Great 3D: Despite being a port, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D is one of the better looking 3DS games out there. Environments and character models are both solid, and the 3D effect in the game is very, very effective. In fact adding those layers of depth can actually help strategy, as you'll get a better notion of where enemies and objects are in relation to your position. Though Snake Eater doesn't rival the visuals of something like Resident Evil: Revelations, or even Super Mario 3D Land, it's still... ahem, solid.



Snake in Slow Motion: One of Snake Eater 3D's biggest faults, and this isn't necessarily new to this version, is its frame rate. The game struggles to keep a consistent visual consistency, and things can get pretty bad when the number of characters are increased or more complex graphical environments are introduced. At times Snake almost appears to be running in some sort of bizarre slow motion. Definitely a shame.



The Controls Aged Poorly: Manuevering Snake through the jungle can be a very frustrating ordeal at times. Bizarre decisions on crawling, for example, are not only confusing but can cost you dearly if you don't recognize how Konami intended the game to function. Also, play the game with the Circle Pad Pro. Attempting to move the camera with the ABXY buttons and execute actions with the D-Pad is a terrifying ordeal. Even though the Pro accessory isn't always the most comfortable device over long play periods, it's worth the investment for this game.



Sneaking is Still Fun: At its core, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D still features addictive gameplay that MGS purists will love. The game shifts its stealth mechanics to a numerical system that is based around camoflauge, forcing players to assess their environments and use outfits that blend in. It can be thrilling, but the fact that your success or failure is, to a large degree, based on a number in the corner of the screen, can be a bit disappointing. In some ways I miss the vision cones and on-screen radar.



The Camera... SIGH: When Snake Eater was first introduced, it featured no camera controls. The result was something incredibly aggravating. Konami recognized this flaw, and implemented a system to maneuver the game's perspective a year later in the "Subsistence" veresion. That remains in the 3DS port, but the fact remains that the game's camera can be terribly irritating. It can sometimes be very difficult to fully assess an environment, and more often than not an enemy is just out of the camera's site - while still being very close. Fighting any camera in any game is never fun. This is no different.



The HD Collection: Despite existing on different platforms, the fact is that Snake Eater 3D must compete with the HD MGS collection released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Both games are the same price, but the HD collection, which contains MGS 3, also collects MGS 2 and Peace Walker. That you can take Snake Eater 3D on the go with you will only be so much consolation. While this comparison doesn't technically affect the 3DS port's quality, it will certainly weigh on the minds of those contemplating a purchase.



Console vs. No Console: Despite some of its flaws, Snake Eater 3D remains a good game some 8 years after its original release. Time will only erode so much of its quality design. However, what makes a good console game and a good portable game are a bit different. Snake Eater 3D's save system isn't necessarily ideal for a portable setting, not allowing you to save incremental progress. Shut off your system and you might find some critical sneaking undone. Die and you'll have to deal with the same. A number of other problems (like the aforementioned chatty characters) contribute to this feeling that the game isn't meant for the 3DS.


Snake Eater 3D is a port. It doesn't entirely take its platform into account. Sure the game features 3D, some limited gyroscope support and the ability to take photos to create not-so-necessary camoflauge, but what is most critical, that it is a game that will be played away from a television, isn't considered. This is perhaps the game's biggest flaw - in some ways more important than the framerate or control issues.



Yoshi: In place of the Kerotans are Yoshis. In the original game, or even the PS3 version, you could shoot them all to acquire trophies or special suits. Now they are Yoshis. Good luck finding all 64.



Though I'm still playing through Snake Eater 3D, my thoughts are constantly being reinforced the further I get into the game. A port of a great game, this latest Metal Gear release is good, but carries over some flaws while having some new ones courtesy of the nature of its platform.


All said, if you have no preference what platform you play Metal Gear Solid 3 on, picking up the HD collection is probably a wise choice. If you really want something on the go, and have the time to endure some lengthy exposition between saves, think about this latest 3DS release.

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Following their impressions (thanks Retro) Here are some of IGN's words:


"If the chance to play one of the better action-adventure games of the past 10 years appeals to you, there's just one more question to ask yourself - portable or console. On the PlayStation 3, you can get three MGS games, including this one, for roughly the same price as Snake Eater 3D. There are certainly some differences (mainly in control), but the fact that MGS 3 is better suited for a home experience should not go unnoticed. That said, what is on the 3DS is still a great game - one worthy of your attention, particularly if you've never played it."


Full Review: http://uk.ds.ign.com/articles/121/1219426p1.html




Nintendolife's Review http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/3ds/metal_gear_solid_snake_eater_3d

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Well I just played through the demo... without the CPP... and have to say I quite enjoyed it!


Thought the visuals looked really nice!

Have they remade all the cutscenes, do we know (or at least the character models)?


Didn't notice any slow down outside of the title screen... although in other 'slow down' news, Snake walking through mud/up some slopes is stupid!


I had to switch the left/right aiming/camera stuff around, but I did get into it. Wasn't great though, so I'll try it again with the CPP.


It's the stealth gameplay itself I'm not sure I like, same with Twin Snakes, but I made it as actiony as I could by shooting/kicking down all the guards.

Hate the Codec sections aswell, though obviously it was ok in just this.


Was quite a fun demo overall... and its at least made me think I may well get it at some point, though if I do it'll be after a price drop, as I've too much else to play.

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did anyone order the accessory pack for the 3DS? with the pouch etc?

everywhere i looked had it as 28th release date, and i've had nothing posted from play


their website says 1-2 weeks for dispatch

Amazon says its to be released in 2014.... :hmm:


i don't mind too much but if it releases on the 9th, with MGS AND ME3 i'm gonna have a very unhappy bank manager lol

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Gametrailers Review - 6.8




However, the majority of that comes from the standard 3DS controls... and is not based on the CPP support.


Based on the fact they say the CPP does greatly improve the experience, bring on the price drop and I think I might give this a try.


The music sounds really nice and they say the 3D is good.

I have no problem with the visuals... Mind you... I'll be playing RE:Revelations as my next 3DS game, so I might have something to say after that, but either way they're still some of the best on the system.

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I got my copy from ShopTo this morning also. Spent over an hour with the game, my first play of a MGS title. Graphics are very nice and the CPP is very comfortable to use (never tried it with Revelations) however Snake is still a bit clunky to control and I'm finding the mapping of the controls and what does what on the touchscreen a bit confusing. Getting the feeling that this game should of stayed on consolse due to the length of most (every even?!) cut scene and phone call :heh: but we'll see how it goes from here.

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