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Donkey Kong Country Returns


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And you then presented her with her 'Best Girlfriend Ever Award'?


Or did you do what any man would have done - sent her to the kitchen to make you cups of tea and sanwiches whilst you played your new game?


Well, after Twilight Princess, this has now become our project game; which means we play it together.

I would never send a woman who completed Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure off to the kitchen: peace:

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Having been pissed off earlier with Goldeneye 007 Classic difficulty (I no longer like Archives :p and it/I didn't save at the final checkpoint in the level having reached it)... it's time to move on to the next game in my back catalogue...


DKC Returns!!


Broadcast Yourself



Have just completed World 1,

Unlocked Sunset Shore... beautiful!

and Temple 1... OMG this is gonna be a challenge!... it's like Retro Studios own fecked up crazy version of the mine cart levels!!

Speaking of which, the mine cart level was awesome! :D

Boss fight was meh.


Some good levels so far, mine cart and sunset probably being the highlights. Though I enjoyed the one with quite a bit of barrel action.

Have found KONG in every level, but haven't completed any puzzles yet. Think I found 7/9 in level 1, and have been 1-2 short in most of the other levels aswell... though I think I know where the last one is on sunset.


Controls aren't particularly jelling atm. Pounding/Rolling is a tad strange on waggle... the Blow mechanic is a little odd because it seems to slow the game down... and jumping between those tilting platforms with Rambi felt a bit awkward/more difficult than it should be.

Also feels at times like there should be an aerial and ground pound attack of some kind, but hey... hopefully I'll get the hang on the controls soon though.


Just watched your first two video blogs Rez... haha good stuff! :D


Looking forward to seeing what World 2 has to offer... may go back and get a few puzzle pieces first though.

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Oh man World 4 was Awesome!! Love me some mine cart levels!! :D


Though that large Bat at the end of the last Cave level, who shoots the sonar was doing my head in! I was intent on getting the 'G' of KONG... and eventually figured out a nice pattern to line up with it each time... but seriously I was being so lame at time, it was like I was drawn to the sonars, I kept flying up into them so often!... 'ooooh shiny'... dead. :p


The Boss was ok, but nothing great... so far I've liked the Bird boss the best.


I'm also absolutely loving World 5!... and I didn't think I would... but it's awesome!!

Swinging through the canopy, hanging off of those swinging grass pendulems is such a great rush... you really feel like your King of the Jungle, having a blast!

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Well that's good! That first level is so bad, that from a game I was really enjoying, it's actually making me want to not turn the game on! Guess I'll just have to battle through it. Though I noticed it's got 9 Puzzle pieces!!... I want to complete it and never come back to it again dammit!

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Seriously though, I think the Mine Cart level in the Cliff's is one of my favourite in the game. Not sure why though, because it's not particularly unique. I think it just flows really well.


Either way, I made sure to get the SHINY GOLD time trial medal for that stage. Felt like a boss.

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Factory is Awesome!! :D


Loved every level. The Game&Watch cameo in the first level was neat!... as was that level, and I love how the World has drawn design inspiration from Donkey Kong Arcade.

The levels were just so fun! "Wah-hooooooooo" As you bounce 30feet in the air off a 'drum'! The robotic hand level was great, and the level turning the blocks red/blue. All brilliant!


Is there anything to the rocket level before the boss? Anything to collect in it?


Up to the boss now... which can wait til tomorrow!

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Would be great! DKCR 3DS/2... But think Retro have said they're busy working on a different game.


I wish Diddy Kong was playable in single player from the go, he's so wonderfully animated and looks so much fun!


Anyone think the end boss was really dissapointing gameplay wise? The Andross/Bongo Bongo design had been done SO many times in games by now!


Enjoyed the game a lot, but got a little bored with it towards the end.

The lava world looked amazing and all... but I wasn't really a fan of the levels, and became a bit tiresome.


I can't decide whether to trade the game in or not? It's SO full of charm, in a way I want to hold on to it, but I'm not sure how much I'll go back to it, and Amazon are currently offering £25 for it.

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