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GoldenEye 007

Ren of Heavens

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I died in the kitchen bit and had to restart from the last check point. It was a silly death as I blew up a gas canister when I was far too close to it, haha. From the restart I spotted an alternate route (the Duke Nukem in me is showing here :wink:), through an air vent. It got me past a bit of shooting and made me feel like a genius. :awesome:
Oooh nice! :awesome:

I'll have to keep an eye out on my next play of the level.

I love it when you spot something like that! Found a vent on my second playthrough of The Dam that I hadn't used before (to take me a different way into the giant room under the dam where the water is gushing through)... t'is great! :D


Also, I'm using the custom control settings that were suggested in that post a while ago and they work a treat! (although occaionally I try turing a little to fast and get that red 'no' symbol come up... may have to look if I can change that in any way)

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I'm on Level 5 atm... 'Frigate'... which I'll term loosely because I'm glad it's quite a bit different as it was possibly my least favourite level in the original.

Dam and Facility are still my two clear favourites. I Loved them for their multiple routes and ways to play... where as Runway and The Nightclub are highly focused towards large scale fire-fights' date=' which I don't enjoy as much. With these levels there seems no choice but to engage in a mass shoot out, before moving on to the next 'room' and doing the same.



You may want to revisit the Runway again, there are multiple ways to cut through a lot of the firefights and go directly through a lot of buildings instead.


Oh, and my favourite thing at the moment is shooting lights/ceiling fans and having them drop on enemies. It makes for a smashing good time.

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You may want to revisit the Runway again, there are multiple ways to cut through a lot of the firefights and go directly through a lot of buildings instead.


Oh, and my favourite thing at the moment is shooting lights/ceiling fans and having them drop on enemies. It makes for a smashing good time.

Well I found the alternative way through the first part of the Runway... where you bust into the garage where two people are working on that car... but I couldn't really find a stealthy way through there either and a different mass fire-fight ensued! Thinking back I guess I should have just taken both those two guys out extra quickly, instead of taking one of them out and then the other... in the hope that it wouldn't have alerted anyone else! I had to do a similar thing on The Frigate level, in that place where the car is lowered down through from the roof (which does turn into a massive fire fight later!)


Is there a stealth way through the bit after that part of the Runway? The bit where either you come out on the top floor having gone through the garage workshop, or having gone round the corner at the bottom of the slope?




Level 6 - Severnaya FTW!! :D


That level is awesome!... and looks amazing!! with the swirling snow etc...

There were a couple of times where I made too much noise, or wasn't aware there was another guard in view of my actions, but was a great level, and I really enjoyed the Sniper section at the end, which I managed to fine a good stealth route through!

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Is there a stealth way through the bit after that part of the Runway? The bit where either you come out on the top floor having gone through the garage workshop, or having gone round the corner at the bottom of the slope?

Hmm, that's a really good question. I know most stages you can do stealth for the majority of the mission but I have no idea about those.



Level 6 - Severnaya FTW!! :D


That level is awesome!... and looks amazing!! with the swirling snow etc...

There were a couple of times where I made too much noise, or wasn't aware there was another guard in view of my actions, but was a great level, and I really enjoyed the Sniper section at the end, which I managed to fine a good stealth route through!

Oh yeah, that level is fantastic! I really love the one directly after it as well. Now that one is fun to try to do stealth at.

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Is there a technique to exiting the frigate? I've died copious times in what must be the end section where everything starts exploding. :blank:


Typically, I finished the frigate off first time after posting the above. :laughing:


I edited the controls to those posted. Question:


Set the deadzone to 15 above, 35 across.


Is this rectangular for widescreen TVs?


I didn't change the horizontal and vertical speeds to 30 and 9 cos it looked like thats roughly what it was. Should I change that? Seeing as there is no numerical feedback for those bars, does 30 and 9 mean the number of clicks to change it?



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I've started my third playthrough - this time on 007 classic which is brilliant fun! But I had a thought while replaying: are there ANY grenades in single player? I don't remember seeing a single one and there have been countless times I would have loved to mess about hurling grenades at groups of guards. Also, do you unlock anything when you complete a time trial? I've done a couple now but nothing has happened as far as I can tell. Would be a shame if not, seeing as the original had some great rewards for fast completion times.

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Seeing as there is no numerical feedback for those bars, does 30 and 9 mean the number of clicks to change it?



That's what I took it too mean.


Had no problems escaping the Frigate, but the fire fight in the 'garage' on the Frigate, before you make your escape is pretty insane and took a few goes!

I really love the one directly after it as well. Now that one is fun to try to do stealth at.
YES! I played Bunker this morning and really enjoyed it! The first part requires so much stealth, working out the correct order in which to clear the rooms or sometimes 6/7 guards! I did pretty well, though one room I blew my cover.


Also did Achives which again I was a massive fan of! I love what they've done with the level, it has a great look and feal to it! I didn't like the original archives, but this one with it's awesome design was brilliant fun!! :D

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So todays venture into Goldeneye took me through the levels Tank-Station-Statue Park... not the best collection of levels tbh, especially after the AWESOME combo, Severnaya-Bunker-Archives!!


Tank - What was that?!.. I won't be playing that level again apart from when I absolutely have to!


Station - Not a bad level, looked quite nice, but a bit short and nothing but firefights... though I was impressed by the number of routes/options you had for each one.


Statue Park - Again, not bad, but lacked a bit of charm. When the level started I thought it was gonna have real character, but it was a bit standard really. A decent mix of stealth and action, but the stealth options weren't particularly interesting (a lot of creeping round the edges) and the night vision drain fights got a bit repetitive.


Also Alec's return kinda looses all impact when you're expecting it! :p


Off to Nigeria next! :D

"Welcome to the Jungle, We got fun and games!"

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Unfortuntately, just like the original game, the Tank was the lamest level. I personally really enjoyed the Statue though! It's fantastic doing stealth through all the beginning parts of that. :)
I seem to remember always quite enjoying the Tank level on the original... And it was good that you could exit the tank and enter a few buildings.




I found Statue alright, better than Nightclub, perhaps less enjoyable than Frigate... though that firefight in the Frigate garage was a bitch!


Yeah the stealth was pretty good. I liked the section where there's a turret gun and you sneak right round the perimeter... though was it just the route I took, or by the time you get to the gun turret to hack it, I'd taken everybody else out! ::shrug:


How did you/anyone get past that first section un-noticed? I took the first few guys out but then there are 3 guys standing by the exit after their car. Two together facing away from you, but then one bastard a couple of meters looking towards them. I couldn't figure out a way through, unless you have to take out all 3 incredible quickly? But is that even possible?


I ballsed up the stealth section in the middle, where there's a hut you can get on the roof of and before it was too late, actually a tunnel you can use to go past them underground!


I need to play that level again really.

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I just did Bunker, Archives and the Streets myself there. Great stuff. The most annoying thing about the streets, imo, was that guy telling me constantly to "follow your objective marker, Bond." Yeah yeah, get over it.


The nightvision stuff was like... Splinter Cell the FPS. :yay:

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Just remembered I missed one of the photo objectives on Statue Park, meaning I'll have to play it again to progress on to the Nigeria chapter!... oh well!


Is anyone else slightly confused by the story in this?

I'm sure it's not at all complicated, but I can't seem to follow it very well. I think it's because I know the original so well.


I just did Bunker, Archives and the Streets myself there. Great stuff. The most annoying thing about the streets, imo, was that guy telling me constantly to "follow your objective marker, Bond." Yeah yeah, get over it.


The nightvision stuff was like... Splinter Cell the FPS. :yay:

Yeah Bunker and Archives are absolutely epic!! And yeah I loved the Night Vision in the Bunker... beautiful!


Tank/Streets to me seemed like it was from an entirely different game had hadn't had much attention payed to it, was very dissapointing!

But at least the game has so much awesomeness to make up for this!

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Is anyone else slightly confused by the story in this?

I'm sure it's not at all complicated, but I can't seem to follow it very well. I think it's because I know the original so well.


I feel like the only reason I can keep track of the story is because I know the original so well. Everything seems to jump around and not be explained so I've been joining the dots from my pre-existing knowledge.

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I feel like the only reason I can keep track of the story is because I know the original so well. Everything seems to jump around and not be explained so I've been joining the dots from my pre-existing knowledge.


Knowing the film well does help. Trevelyan's speech at the end of Statue was awful.

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I feel like the only reason I can keep track of the story is because I know the original so well. Everything seems to jump around and not be explained so I've been joining the dots from my pre-existing knowledge.
OK good, I'm glad others see it as quite non-explanitory!


What's Zukovsky's involvement in the plot again?

Knowing the film well does help. Trevelyan's speech at the end of Statue was awful.
Yeah, I was totally lost on that speech! When he started talking about Bankers Bonuses, I was just like "Whaaaaaaaaa?"
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  • 2 weeks later...

So I got this game last week.


Started the single player on 00 Agent or whatever the highest difficulty non classic mode is called.


And so far, really really enjoying it. I'm up to the control level where you have to defend Natalya. If they really wanted to prevent her from stopping the satellite, surely it would be easier to shoot her than the computers... just a thought :p


Using the experienced 3 control settings with the Wii Remote and finding perfectly fine. not too sure why people find it difficult. Do you prefer it more sensitive?


Clearly a lot of work went into the game and it's really surprised me how much fun it is. Looks and sounds great even if the frame rate is a little suspect at times. The snow level looked amazing in parts (and was a good level in general) and I though the Archives was a good level also... apart from that part in the circle room waiting for the elevator.


The changes to the story make a lot more sense. I never really thought much of the original films story, nor the 64 versions take on the it and it's padding of the story.


Online isn't too bad either and the levels seem ok. Some seem a touch large if you haven't got the full compliment but then ones like the Docks and Archives are fine with fewer players.


Leveling up might look as if it's going to take a while though playing the Man with the Golden Gun seemed like an easy way to rack up points early on - I think I went up 3 levels in one game. If you have the gun, it helps to negate the perks of higher leveled players so I'm sure killing a few of them, I was by far the lowest ranked guy in the room, helped me score a lot.

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Using the experienced 3 control settings with the Wii Remote and finding perfectly fine. not too sure why people find it difficult. Do you prefer it more sensitive?


Some people want almost mouse-like controls, with virtually no bounding box. Personally, I like a massive bounding box with a very fast turn speed.

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I'm at the Archives-level now, just completed it. It was awesome as well! I really enjoy this game, even though I play it on a too hard difficulty for my skills (007, I think). I die a lot especially one levels with big, open spaces where enemies hide. It took me ages completing the Russian outdoors stage, the bit before going into the bunker. After several tries I discovered a silenced sniper which helped me A LOT! Finally did that level then. Bunker was hard too in the beginning but sneaking around is nearly always the better option. And it's fun!


I haven't really played any multiplayer on this game but I like the little online I've played. The local is rather boring, though. I've played it against a friend and we were heavily disappointed with the "no bots"-thing. Going 1vs1 is rather boring after 5 minutes.

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I use a high turn speed but with as small a bounding box as possible on GoldenEye this is 10x10 (as small as it goes) but I would like it even smaller... on Call of Duty my bounding box is only a few pixels by a few pixels (1x1).


Both a small and large bounding box have their own advantages/disadvantages, it's just a case of trying each and seeing which best suits your style of play.

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Savor it while it still goes so quickly ;) soon enough it will take hours and hours to level up even one level.


Oohhh I'm looking forward to that... I left my Wii at home when I came back to uni so I'll probably only get to play it a once a month now so i guess I'm going to be around the low levels for quite some time. I will post my friend code when I remember.. not that I'll be around to play but occasionally I will.


As for the aiming, I like how you can hold A to stop the camera from moving and just use the pointer almost light gun-esque. I find it helps making certain shots a lot easier such as a head shots when guards are bunched together.

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