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2-3 times more powerful than Gamecube, now basically confirmed

James McGeachie

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The difference in graphics between the PS3 and Revolution is the same as the difference between the PS2 and N64.


And where did you read this? Would you say the difference between the Xbox 360 and the GCN is more than the difference between N64 and PS2?


Also how do you know just how powerful the PS3 will be? Seen any real games yet?

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I belive that the Nintendo (CodeName: Revolution) will be a big hit, just think its so easy to get use to the controller and instead of playin a game ure in it swinging ure controller and stuff but then with PS3 and Xbox360 ther stuck in a time warp and not tryin 2 move on.

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The difference in graphics between the PS3 and Revolution is the same as the difference between the PS2 and N64.


I really doubt game companies will want to have to spend tonnes of cash porting their games down from Xbox 360 to Revolution - it'll cost them a lot just to port down from a PS3, however Microsoft have the advantage that if companies port down to Xbox 360, they also can retail the game on PC easily.


wow so i guess PS2 didnt get ports?? im also guessing PSP nd DS dont get ports ro at least their own version of the game??? The port argument is a load of rubbish if they want the game on the system then they will make it work, simple as.


Reading most of your comments Dilli Gee, you are very naive/in the dark about a lot of what your talk about.


The way people are reacting though you'd think nintendo were charging 300/ 400 for the console.


The machine is obviously going to be incredibly cheap, if this turns out to be true, they are tryign to create a new lower cost market and are leaving the high end stuff to their competitors.


You need to put everything into context, if you still try to measure them with the markers set by ms and sony then you are going to be very disappointed indeed.


Frankly they tried it MS and Sony's way, they even played the game better than their competitors but they still were as successful as they hoped. So now they are justified in trying something different

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Not to make absurd and completely rubbish posts? Cheers.


Thanks mate. I didn't see anyone else trying to inform Dilli that maybe he was over reacting and over posting. I thought I might just give him a chance to stop before he made a tit out of himself. It's a friendly thing to do rather than: "sHuT ^ n00B!"


Or would you rather me fill up posts with constructive comments such as your one about how to spell your magical new word "tought" as apposed to "teached".

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Thanks mate. I didn't see anyone else trying to inform Dilli that maybe he was over reacting and over posting. I thought I might just give him a chance to stop before he made a tit out of himself. It's a friendly thing to do rather than: "sHuT ^ n00B!"


Or would you rather me fill up posts with constructive comments such as your one about how to spell your magical new word "tought" as apposed to "teached".

Im going to tought you a lesson you'll never forget.

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Of course, don't forget that the Revo isn't supporting HD display, which could mean that we'll see some pretty nifty graphix out of what is a comparitively small amount of (rumoured) tech. I still want to wait and see a) some screenshots and b) some actually, real bonafied stats ideally arranged into a "broadway" and "hollywood" column, before passing judgement.

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Under 10MB of RAM is being taken up with the Xbox Guide/Dashboard. Still leaves 502>512 MB free.


It can't be that little. Hell, with all there graphics and transitions it must be using more, plus it loads up instantly.


This thread makes me laugh though, all these bollocks comparisons seem to be plucked from thin air. Rev's graphics compared to a PS2 and a 64. :heh:


And what's the big deal with HD. It's crappy, a PC game gives far better resolutions. This isn't new technology, it's old technology used a bit differently. The whole HD thing is blown out of proportion. Proper HDTV's need a decoder because in the future you will be able to encode media to only work on an HDTV. What's to say Nintendo aren't going to by-pass this whilst still allowing high resolution gaming like you get with a PC.


Except Killzone turned out to be real-time graphics.


Hahahaha. Come off it, it's quite obviously a pre-rendered video. :laughing:

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Also how do you know just how powerful the PS3 will be? Seen any real games yet?







While I'm at it, here are the officially confirmed specs:


CPU - "twice" as powerful as the latest nVidia 6800


Cell Processor PowerPC-base Core @3.2GHz 1 VMX vector unit per core 512KB L2 cache 7 x SPE @3.2GHz 7 x 128b 128 SIMD GPRs 7 x 256KB SRAM for SPE 1 of 8 SPEs reserved for redundancy Total floating point performance: 218 GFLOPS




RSX @550MHz 1.8 TFLOPS floating point performance Full HD (up to 1080p) x 2 channels Multi-way programmable parallel floating point shader pipelines




Dolby 5.1ch, DTS, LPCM, etc. (Cell- base processing)




256MB XDR Main RAM @3.2GHz 256MB GDDR3 VRAM @700MHz


System Bandwidth


Main RAM 25.6GB/s VRAM 22.4GB/s RSX 20GB/s (write) + 15GB/s (read) SB< 2.5GB/s (write) + 2.5GB/s (read)


System Floating Point Performance






Detachable 2.5" HDD slot x 1




USB Front x 4, Rear x 2 (USB2.0) Memory Stick standard/Duo, PRO x 1 SD standard/mini x 1 CompactFlash (Type I, II) x 1




Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) x 3 (input x 1 + output x 2) Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)




Bluetooth (up to 7) USB 2.0 (wired) Wi-Fi (PSP) Network (over IP)


AV Output


Screen size: 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p HDMI: HDMI out x 2 Analog: AV MULTI OUT x 1 Digital audio: DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) x 1


Disc Media


CD PlayStation CD-ROM, PlayStation 2 CD-ROM, CD-DA, CD-DA (ROM), CD-R, CD-RW, SACD, SACD Hybrid (CD layer), SACD HD, DualDisc, DualDisc (audio side), DualDisc (DVD side) DVD: PlayStation 2 DVD-ROM, PlayStation 3 DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW Blu-ray Disc: PlayStation 3 BD-ROM, BD-Video, BD-ROM, BD-R, BD-RE

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Im waiting for any evidence to the contrary.

And I have seen an interview with a Sony rep where he admits it isn't real time.

Yeah, actually, I think you're right about this one.


If you actually want to see Revolution's FPS competition in action, here's ACTUAL GAME FOOTAGE for the PS3.




It's the second video (the bottom demo one).

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LOL OMFG!!!!!! oh I'm so glad that IGN released this article coz so many people have just gone absolutly nutz over it! and i did need a good laugh! ok now every1... lets play a game... its called the waiting game! (now i know alot of u may hate this game but all this speculating and comparisons is just a joke, pure and simple) I will not make or pass any judgements on the graphics on any system untill i see games running on it. This exact same thing happened at the start of the last console race, and all the speculating and specs in the end ment absolutly nothing.

Also Nintendo has been doing everything to rope in 3rd parties for the rev, so why oh why i ask you would they create a system that isnt capable of running the same games as 360/PS3? use your heads people! think before u just blurt out what ever pops in2 those naive heads of yours... time will show us after all

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Look, at the rate the current and future architecture of the Personal Computer exponentially evolves every year or so, the graphical aspect of any current next-gen console will be rendered irrelevant within three years. What then is to seperate the sheep from the wolf, keeping the games and their concepts fresh and innovative? The interface. And that's when Nintendo are going to laugh quite heartily.


For the umptieth time, comparison and derogation between any of the next-gen consoles is useless until we see a finished product. Of course, everyone's free to form their own opinion, but this whole thread is becoming contradictory to the very definition of a forum (which implies a constructive discussion rather than parliament-like rabble).


Good night :)

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I cant believe all these crybabies. When he said 2 - 3 X the quality, i bet he meant ACTUAL visable difference to the human brain. IE what is on the screen.


Besides the difference between the NES and SNES was about exactly the same.


Gameplay mates gameplay. I been playing the latest graphical 'masterpieces' on my suped up PC and i am not impressed at all. And most of us being nintendo fans i expected better.


You got to remember Nintendos whole strategy here is for developers to come up with UNIQUE gameplay ideas, THEN rap graphics around it. Not the other way around.


EDIT: i would also like to add that those screens above DO NOT floor me the same way that gamecube Rebel strike tech demo did. The era of bigger better graphix is over... its agiven sure but should not be a selling point.

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Btw isn't the xbox360 just a "souped up xbox"? If the Rev is too then you can be satisfied. Maybe they were referring to it's functions as a multimedia device? You never know, Matt could havetaken these comments a little out of context...

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god... some people believe in everything they hear/read.


first, since when are games all about graphics?


then again I could make a technical post with evidence for the "Revolution-is-gamecube-with-more-RAM" people, and proove them wrong(I already did one of those posts today, in another thread), but I won't because I'm exausted, and probably they'll continue to believe in what they want.


Gamecube with more RAM already exists, it's the "Triforce Arcade" with double GCN's memory (96MB)and expandable... Sega Naomi boards (based on Dreamcast can go as high as 128 MB).


Nintendo didn't finished the specs yet, the demos of the controller where made with GC graphics, not even enhanced, does that mean it's a gamecube with a new controller?


at least they aren't making Full Motion Video like Sony and saying it runs on hardware, on my standview someone who does that, has more to hide than one that doesn't show because it's simply not ready.


they probably just applied more RAM and some "controller-specific" optimizations and shiped modified gamecube dev kit's, for the studios to start programming, it's easy to up the graphics in a game, just apply more dinamic light, framerate, AA and AF at the cost of "almost" nothing, it's easier to do that than cut it doen't, because the console is not capable of doing it.


Removing the memory limits, even on old hardware like gamecube, can make the diference as the textures don't have to go down to Gamecube standards anymore and can stand right next to the ones this gen, or at least enough to look very good on 480p.


As for "PS3-does-1080p"... bullshit, when the games start pushing the resolution in both XBOX 360 and PS3 the resolution will go down, so most games will probably run at 720p, not higher.Look at XBOX it has lots of games pushing 720p, but some that push more of the console and thus have to run at 480p, it will happen in this gen, rather frequently from the second generation of graphics, does that bother me? no... I won't even have a freakin HD TV in my room, and honestly... I dont care... I have a "High Definition" computer, capable of running high-end graphics and still, prefer to play games in my consoles, why if the graphics are worse? maybe because of the games?

If HD was important I'd jump on the PC bandwagon, since the PC already beats a Xbox 360 in physics, AI and such, let alone five years from now.


damn... graphics whores.


Mind you, Microsoft said their Dev Packs were running at 30% last E3(april), X360 is out now, what makes you guys think the Rev Dev Packs push 100%? it's not even concievable... >_<


If you guy's want a PS3... go ahead, but don't trust everything you see (Revolution power, PS3 power and even Xbox 360 power), I could make a Xbox look 2 times more powerfull than a gamecube with marketing, where infact... it isnt.


Sorry if I was rude, but i kinda lack pacience today. (and had to reply to the blasphemy's).

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Btw isn't the xbox360 just a "souped up xbox"?

No, it's far more powerful. It's half as powerful as the PS3, which itself is 35 times more powerful than the PS2.


The reason why we haven't seen any next-gen type graphics on Xbox 360 is because the games are late Xbox games that were just simply transfered over (except for the few top quality games).

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The rest of the article is now online, you can read it here : http://revolution.ign.com/articles/673/673799p1.html


I'm more happy now, it seems that the revolution cpu will indeed have doubled power as well as for the gpu, wich is great imo. The price however its just awsome, I might even be able to buy 2 consoles this generation if the price comes out like this

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pedrocasilva, i agree. I typed out a huge post, but my browser crashed.


To Dilli Gee you're a fool. First off it's fully known that Killzone was all pre-rendered footage. Secondly all those games are appearing on other platforms. RE5 was done using so called "joint rendering", and one of those pictures is of UT2007... a PC game. Woowee, i'll just play that on my PC thanks... you know with a mouse and keyboard. They used the same video for the 360 and PS3. Thirdly, those specs are just bull shit. That graphics card you quoted doesn't even exist, you're probably mixed with the nVidia 6800... which isn't all that fast. Even 2 of them which is in current machines isn't even that fast. Also, the GFLOP's and TFLOP's you quoted are just raw data. Any machine can run that fast, but you don't actually have think about graphical texturing, FFAA and other features that they have to process.


Also, if you didn't know. IBM gave the specs of the Cell processors out a while ago. They aren't all that. Power PC core's still kick the living shit out of them. Hell, the amount Sony are putting into the PS3 is going to make the thing so hard to develop for, SO hard. Plus the system has rigid pipelines for ram, processes etc. This is going to annoy the fuck out of developers. Also, did you think about development costs for a 6 or so core system? You're gunna need a hell of alot of people to concentrate on different strand processes on each core.


Never believe Sony, remember what they said about PS2 being able to do Toy Story graphics? Hhahah yeah right, not even next gen could do that. My final point is, theres more shit coming from Sony than a field full of cows pumped up on laxatives.

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As for "PS3-does-1080p"... bullshit, when the games start pushing the resolution in both XBOX 360 and PS3 the resolution will go down, so most games will probably run at 720p, not higher.

First can I say 720p is still fucking fantastic. Second, the good thing about the PS3 is that it supports up to 1080p, but doesn't make it compulsory for all games - it's an option for developers to choose.


For example, EA Games develop games in 720p. So, their PS3 games can have the option of being HD, as well as SD.


Example 2, smaller game companies like Relentless Software (behind the game 'Buzz') may not have the finance to make their games in HD. So, they have the option of making their game in standard definition, to save money.


Another example is Sony themselves, where they will most likely develop all first party titles in 1080i, 720p, 480p AND SD. And because of this, they can offer all the different definitions in their game, having the player select from a menu when they load up.


At least Sony is providing developers flexability in how they want to produce games. Nintendo is restricting its developers, both through not allowing them to use game texturing to its full potential, and these statements from IGN that it's not that powerful.

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Another example is Sony themselves, where they will most likely develop all first party titles in 1080i, 720p, 480p AND SD. And because of this, they can offer all the different definitions in their game, having the player select from a menu when they load up.


Hahhaha, do you know how high this is going to push developement costs? :hmm:

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