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Big Brother : The Final Series


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Am I the only person who's sort of ok about Big Brother but doesn't love it? I used to hate it but then after the constant stream of talent shows and Simon Cowell's/ Piers Morgan's smug faces on the box, I have began to appreciate the artistic merits of Big Brother. The first few series were alright from what I can barely remember as well. Haven't watched it properly since about 2004.


It's the whole sensationalising that's ruined Big Brother in a sense. It became way too unrealistic that and it being on every year with near enough the same premise got on peoples nerves (Yet I wonder why shit like Britain's got talent and XFactor can keep going despite it's non stop repeating of its random funny act that will never pass, good act from unsuspecting person, person with sop story who will instantly make it to the final because they lived a 'terrible' life or some bollocks~).


I still love Big Brother as a guilty pleasure of sorts, you have all the fucking retards walk in, talking one tough game and you slowly watch them unravel and cave into their true personality rather than their sure fire plan television alter ego, providing the best of laughs, especially when they enter a mental break down.


Bring. It. On.

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I reckon Big Brother has the potential to be brilliant, it just never is. I love people watching and Big Brother does have some great moments like when some people were sent to a secret house and got to see what everyone else was saying or when they fuck up a task and have no food and are all livid - starting arguments etc...

But it's almost as though the producers just can't be arsed and so most of these things hardly ever happen and so you get people talking about boring shit and getting off with each other.

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Did anyone manage to grab one of the 1000 free online streaming passes earlier? I got one! :D Not sure how much I'll use it, but it's nice to know I can watch live feed whenever I want.


Isn't that what E4 is for? (serious question)

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Isn't that what E4 is for? (serious question)


It's not going to be on E4 all the time, though. Like I said, I probably won't use it loads, and if I ever want to see what's going on when it is on E4, I'd choose the TV over my laptop any day.

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I like to watch for the possible philosophical and psychological implications of removing people from the realm of normality and societies rule into a controlled world although largely void of law. Will they decend into a Hobbs style nightmare from which the only escape is building a self-imposed society and law or will they naturally gravitate towards society through preconceived morals. And what style of society will they create, utilitarian, authoritarian, democratic.


Well, it's that and the possibility of seeing some very very low grade porn while watching the late night live feed.

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This is the first time in years that I've actually quite liked the majority of the housemates (so far). That Steve's surely going to win, though, isn't he? Not that I'm complaining - he seems like a nice guy.

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