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Hmm, hot weather isn't exactly my favourite, and when I also have to revise it becomes pretty awful. I'll no doubt be wishing for more heat when my exams are over though.


How do I feel about the summer? Well...

Broadcast Yourself


I adore summer. I look forward to it when it comes around. I love nothing more than very hot weather with a gorgeous breeze cooling me down. I like sitting out in the sun and having a little sunbathe (and making myself darker in the process, haha). Also, my birthday is in June which I'm looking forward to. The nights are the worst for me because I'm seriously hot at night which causes me not to sleep properly. Also, my hayfever plays up too but I haven't sneezed yet which is a good sign. Other than that, BRING ON THE SUMMER SUN! :awesome:




I would! :D

I'm seriously hot at night which causes me not to sleep properly.


Only at night? I'm hot allllllll the time.


Yeah baby!




During the Summer I am like some ancient Paraguayan prince who lounges gracefully in his royal bean chair with the EPIC fan on, the ones so fierce you are glad that they are caged so no part of your body can accidently get caught up in the mechanism but still fun to pretend you have a robotic voice.


my parents are on a rotation for who has to climb the wooden mountain to enter my chamber and feed me lavishly with various rare delicacy's such as Japanese rice crackers and Tortilla's. :D


When the sun is at its highest I take a siesta so that I am refreshed for the evening and able to carry out the arduous task of watching the entertainment before having to dine at the family banquet.


At night I change into my finely made pyjama's which are of course placed upon me by various animals that roam around my area, pigeons, foxes, stray cats, that oldman that always appears outside my window at night.


then I wake up and start it all again. :)


Went to college today, sans hoodie, ready to embrace the sun in my shirt and shorts, loving life, only for it to go grey and cold within the 15 minutes it takes to walk from home. :(


Last week was waaaay to hot for spring, around 30º I pity the fool without AC. Now it seems it will cool down and maybe even a bit of rain. Currently its 22º with a nice breeze.

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