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Has anyone got the secret achievement?

Not hitting any of the ash bodies? I completely forgot about it while playing the campaign, so didn't bother trying. for the people that have done it.... is it pretty tough? assume it would be difficult to avoid any of them.


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Has anyone got the secret achievement?

Not hitting any of the ash bodies? I completely forgot about it while playing the campaign, so didn't bother trying. for the people that have done it.... is it pretty tough? assume it would be difficult to avoid any of them.


Nope, Although I am sure I will be attempting it at some point!

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I shot/smashed pretty much every one I saw.


I had a look at my stats last night and was rather surprised 2.4 K/D ratio and I've won 33 out of 40 matches.


I've not actually checked mine, but I dread to think what my stat's look like:hmm:


shall have to take a gander tonight.

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If anyone's on later I'll be playing this. All day.


Had some good games with you there on Warzone! I need to get my headset out of the box really...


One game in particular stood out for me as I was the only one left and i managed to take out 3/4 of them I think and we went on to win! (that doesn't happen very often with me!) :D


I just checked my Rep status and someone has left me negative feedback for 'Unsporting' Would love to know what I did to deserve that...

Edited by Mike1988uk
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Probably the bit when you annihilated most of the team by yourself in the pistol spawn on Old Town. That was some spectacular shit!


I was all over the place. Had some good games getting 4 odd kills and kicking ass with frags then I'd have a game of no kills and a series of absolutely absurd deaths. Oh well.

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Probably the bit when you annihilated most of the team by yourself in the pistol spawn on Old Town. That was some spectacular shit!


I was all over the place. Had some good games getting 4 odd kills and kicking ass with frags then I'd have a game of no kills and a series of absolutely absurd deaths. Oh well.


Ah, we all have our shit games! There was a few when i died straight away.


I'm in work soon till midnight, you going to be online again tomorrow morning?

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So after completing most of the campaign on Insane 4-player co-op and then not having much luck with the last few bits, I decided to finish it solo...




... a good few hours later and I succeeded but now every time I close my eyes I keep seeing that blood-stained COG logo as if it's permanently burned into my soul. :p

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Reached rank 50 yesterday. :bouncy:


Having put alot of time into the multiplayer I have found a couple of issues on various maps.


Sandbar- The power weapon placement is all wrong on that map. The fort/ruins at the top of the map is the place everyone holds up and it's really difficult to break through due to the Digger and the Boomshot being placed there. The Hammer of Dawn and Oneshot are useless when trying to break through. It would be better to have a Mortar outside the ruined area so you could at least clear a few enemies out that way. Taking away the power weapon in the ruins would also be a step forward.


Overpass- Easily my most hated map due to height advantage. Again once a team gets to the top of the bridge it is very hard to get any kills. The Mortar is a little useful but the Hammer isn't really. The probelm is that once you reach the top you can pretty much take out anyone from anywhere. Epic had this problem with Thrashball in the beta and then they changed the map. Here it's the same problem and I would like them to alter it somehow.


A few of us got to wave 49 on Insane Horde last night. I was gutted as we had to end it due to me having to go to work. We will try and finish off that last wave tonight...hopefully. :D


Still hate the SOS. Just look at this.



Piece of junk weapon.

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I've started using the Gnasher in circumstances where i am fed-up of people camping with the sawn-off. My pet-hate of Gears 3. Camping is not how to play, and it ruins the experience for everyone.


On the plus side, at least i know where they are.


Had a blooming good session last night. Must have been playing against complete idiots, because for the first 30 minutes, me and a few mates were chasing them around the stages revving the chainsaw lancers. They didn't shoot us, just ran around. Flipping hilarious i thought. Hearing them shouting "leave us alone, we ain't doing anything wrong" whilst being chased with chainsaws revving was sweet as.

Edited by Jimbob
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Has anyone got the secret achievement?

Not hitting any of the ash bodies? I completely forgot about it while playing the campaign, so didn't bother trying. for the people that have done it.... is it pretty tough? assume it would be difficult to avoid any of them.


Btw I just tried to get then. And it didn't unlock for me when I know I did it! So i had a quick look on the net...


Once you get into Griffen Tower following the guy (before you meet Griffen) you need to hang right and look through a caged door and a women speaks to you and says something like "were not all bad) and lets you in for some weapons and then it unlocks!



So apart from not knowing that to finish it off then it's easy, i had no problems with that.

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Tell you what I fucking love about this game: Frags. Specifically that frag grenades feel really, really dangerous. Lob an explosive in to a confined space and it should kill everything in range. In so many games nades are a bit weedy, but in this the way you can clear machine gun nests and stuff with these big weighty explosives is incredible. Feels like an action movie every time :D

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Tell you what I fucking love about this game: Frags. Specifically that frag grenades feel really, really dangerous. Lob an explosive in to a confined space and it should kill everything in range. In so many games nades are a bit weedy, but in this the way you can clear machine gun nests and stuff with these big weighty explosives is incredible. Feels like an action movie every time :D


Indeed the frags are most definitely satisfying, I find them to be the icing on the cake however as almost all of the weapons have a somewhat substantial feel to them from the realistic feel of the chainsaw bayonet on the Lancer to the precision and power of the Boltok Pistol making it all feel worthwhile. :)

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One awesome thing I did with Frag Grenades. I was playing execution, someone was downed and I saw their teammate run towards them. So I threw a frag grenade right under the downed person. Their would-be saviour had no time to run away.


The reason they work so well in Gears is because they aren't a standard item.

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Just completed Act III, which means i can finally begin Horde mode.


Chapter V of Act III, wow. Epic sure know how to make you go "omg". I can see why they said don't go on Horde until at least Act IV. What Dom did was seriously shocking. But i suppose he had nothing left in life anymore, seeing how he lost his entire family to Locust. Like the homage to "Mad World" at the end of the chapter/act as well. Nice touch Epic



As i can now go on Horde, i will be doing so over the weekend. Feel free to join me.


Oh, and just earned the "secret achievement" as well.

Edited by Jimbob
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I had a good session on this yesterday. I helped Mike get an achievement which took longer than I thought. What started off as a few rounds of Horde ended up as a 50 wave marathon. :D I did enjoy it immensly though.


At first it was just the two of us and then my mate hopped in to give us a hand. I put on the infinite ammo and super reload mutators for maximum fun, although Mike was using the Retro which made things a little difficult when on Overpass. :grin:


One of the boss waves was fantastic. At one point 3 beserkers were following all of us. I managed to get out of there but poor Mike and Dan were left to fend for themselves. Dan died while Mike got downed but not before taking care of a few enemies. I managed to lure them away from Mike and then pegged it towards him. A Grinder stood inbetween Mike's crawling body and myself so I had to roadie run, get a super reload and then fire a quick shot to drop him instantly and get to Mike, all the while a beserker was on my tail. It was very frantic, but awesome.


Later in the day I finished off campaign on Insane with 3 of my mates. Again the super reload and infinite ammo made things alot more fun and easy. I was surprised how easy the last boss was aswell. I read many horror stories on various sites about the boss being a nightmare on Insane. It does last far too long though.


Before we called it a day we attempted doing Beast mode, on Insane difficulty without failing, to net us the onyx medal. We failed on wave 12 the first time we did it, but on the second attempt we got the units just right and butchered it.


All in all a very fun day, filled with a variety of things of all things Gears.

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I had a good session on this yesterday. I helped Mike get an achievement which took longer than I thought. What started off as a few rounds of Horde ended up as a 50 wave marathon. :D I did enjoy it immensly though.


Lol I know! It turn out to be a lot more fun than the method for another medal and just sitting on my bed pressing X!


At first it was just the two of us and then my mate hopped in to give us a hand. I put on the infinite ammo and super reload mutators for maximum fun, although Mike was using the Retro which made things a little difficult when on Overpass. :grin:


Lol yeah... I regretted that decision quite quickly and when I died I realised I could change to a lancer! (When we were way into it though, lol).


One of the boss waves was fantastic. At one point 3 beserkers were following all of us. I managed to get out of there but poor Mike and Dan were left to fend for themselves. Dan died while Mike got downed but not before taking care of a few enemies. I managed to lure them away from Mike and then pegged it towards him. A Grinder stood inbetween Mike's crawling body and myself so I had to roadie run, get a super reload and then fire a quick shot to drop him instantly and get to Mike, all the while a beserker was on my tail. It was very frantic, but awesome.


That was awesome! And very tense!! Being my first experience of Horde properly I was like wtf! With all the Beserkers!


In a seperate experience I played though Beast yesterday with my sister, was really fun but did feel it was over too soon once we did the 12 waves. I LOVED ramming into everyone with the Beserker! I loved how they made it challenging using them with lack of sight!

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