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I had an issue last night when playing Horde / Beast mode.


So shooting the enemy down, that's all fine, and the enemy is 'downed' well on occasions rather than run up to them to execute them I'd just shoot at them to finish them off. Well on numerous occasions I'd shoot at them while they were downed and it's as if my bullets were going through them. they weren't dying.


this is particularly annoying on beast mode, when the survivors have barbed or razor wire fences up. so i'd get them downed, try to finish them by shooting them, and they weren't dying, so try to go to execute them, but they're secure in their fenced off areas.


a slight frustration!

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That's a bit stupid, in my case I just didn't have the internet. So what, if you play the game for a few months without the internet, then go online and download a 2 meg update you lose everything?


I have read it was a 'compliance update' to allow beta unlocks etc but apparantly it shouldn't delete all your data just the checkpoint you were up too. (not that it makes it any less silly).

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I had an issue last night when playing Horde / Beast mode.


I've been avoiding these modes, as per Rod's instructions. Don't want the game spoiled for me, so need to play up until Act III before attempting Horde.


Can't wait really. Planning some Deathmatch tonight at some point, along with some campaign.

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I had an issue last night when playing Horde / Beast mode.


So shooting the enemy down, that's all fine, and the enemy is 'downed' well on occasions rather than run up to them to execute them I'd just shoot at them to finish them off. Well on numerous occasions I'd shoot at them while they were downed and it's as if my bullets were going through them. they weren't dying.


this is particularly annoying on beast mode, when the survivors have barbed or razor wire fences up. so i'd get them downed, try to finish them by shooting them, and they weren't dying, so try to go to execute them, but they're secure in their fenced off areas.


a slight frustration!


I have yet to play Horde or Beast so i can't really comment but could there be execution rules on?

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I had an issue last night when playing Horde / Beast mode.


So shooting the enemy down, that's all fine, and the enemy is 'downed' well on occasions rather than run up to them to execute them I'd just shoot at them to finish them off. Well on numerous occasions I'd shoot at them while they were downed and it's as if my bullets were going through them. they weren't dying.


this is particularly annoying on beast mode, when the survivors have barbed or razor wire fences up. so i'd get them downed, try to finish them by shooting them, and they weren't dying, so try to go to execute them, but they're secure in their fenced off areas.


a slight frustration!


You sure they weren't Heroes? (Marcus, Dizzy etc) You can't kill them when down unless you execute them. You can kill regular Stranded like that though.

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Glad to see everyone is enjoy the game.


Me and a few mates went through Horde waves 1-50 in one sitting yesterday. We tried it the day before but we foolishly chose Checkout as our map as we were familiar with it...big mistake. We got to the later rounds and we just got pinned in and couldn't do anything, so yesterday we chose Sandbar and it was so much easier due to the size of the map.


I had a fair few games of Beast mode, which I love. It's just a shame there aren't more rounds to it as it doesn't last very long. Getting the final units makes things very easy but fun.


I started co-op last night, just running around getting the collectables. Some of them give nods to the books, such as Dr. Hayman's report on Dom and Sam's fathers medals. Awesome. :D


Looking at the ribbons and medals, this game is going to last me a LOOOOOOOOONG time.

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Completed the campaign today, loved it! :D


Is anyone planning on an insane difficulty playthrough as a 4 but lacking numbers? As i really want in on some of that action if so!


Also how about arranging some horde/beast sessions as a team?


Let alone kicking ass online!? (or not depending if I am having one of my good games or not! lol)

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I was going to post this yesterday but the forums were knackered for me ( for everyone? ). Anyway, i've noticed that while playing Horde/Beast Multiplayer on Gridlock map Madworld plays randomly. :bowdown:


I spent most of yesterday doing various chapters on campaign, just getting ribbons and medals. I then hopped online for some multiplayer fun where me, my nephew and my mate made a fantastic comeback in one of our matches.


We were playing Team Deathmatch on Drydocks and we spawned into the game when our team was getting a pasting. By the end of the match we only had 1 life left each while the other team had 9. We backed off into our spawn and waited...A few minutes later we picked off all of their team one by one to get the win. We then went on to destroy them in the next round. :D


I'm still not a fan of SOS users, especially when on a small, confined map. At close range it takes zero skill to use, you just press the trigger and you explode your opponent. If you have a full team of SOS users it gets very annoying. At that point we usually all change to the SOS and beat them at their own game.

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I've had another issue with multi player, I got to level 10, played it again the next day but was at level 6. Very frustraiting.


Completed the campaign. Wow... Fantastic.

The whole cut scene where Dom takes his own life to save the team is just... Well goosebumps, lump in throat, eyes welling up. Such an emotional scene. To have madworld playing all that time, and Anya screaming at Marcus that he had gone.


Only other game to get me feeling like that is FFX the end cut scene.


That Dom scene is something that'll I remember when it comes to gaming memories for a long ass time.




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I'm still not a fan of SOS users, especially when on a small, confined map. At close range it takes zero skill to use, you just press the trigger and you explode your opponent. If you have a full team of SOS users it gets very annoying. At that point we usually all change to the SOS and beat them at their own game.


But if you're slightly off with the aiming, then you're likely utterly screwed. Considering the amount of times I've been joint-killed (we both die at the same time) by someone with a Gnasher when I've had the Sawed-Off, I'd say they're well balanced.

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Had a good stab at campaign earlier, made it to Act III, Chapter III. Nearly at the mark needed for Horde, and i say that when i mean i am nearly through Act III and i can begin Horde within a few hours/days perhaps.


That Lambent boss in the fortress was one s.o.a.b. So was the Corpser war in the previous chapter. All them Corpsers, at least Epic are making this one heck of a game to end the series with. Can't fault them with that.


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