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The Android Thread


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My contract runs out on the 25th but really don't know what I'm going to do next.

HTC One S and X's battery life worry me, and there's something about the S3 I don't like, that and they are very large for my little hands. And I don't know if I really want to pay loads more than I currently am (£15 a month thanks to cashback). Would only go to £25 if it was a phone I was desperate for.

Tempted to stick with my Desire for a bit and go SIM only until something really tempts me. Would kinda like an iPhone but I do love android and it would be a shame to lose all i've accumulated in the last two years.


I'm sure your hands are bigger than mine.


[/addressing the important point]




Galaxy Nexus banned in the US because of those patents.


These patents are worded in extremely complex ways simply to confuse judges but they essentially mean:


- Predictive Text.

- Automatically making URLs into links.

- Using a touch screen to unlock a device.

- A search engine that uses different sources.


Can Richard Allen Posner please reside over every one of these dumbass cases? Please.

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3G Watchdog, Dolphin Browser, are useful/musts apart from the obvious stuff like;



Instagram and such.


3g watchdog is actually not needed on the S3. ICS has data monitoring built in as part of the OS.

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Can Richard Allen Posner please reside over every one of these dumbass cases? Please.


The UK court system:


The High Court in London has ruled that HTC did not infringe four of Apple's patents, and that slide-to-unlock is so obvious Apple has no right to claim it.
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Yeah its ridiculous the way this is all going on. Just want to bang there heads together!


So Google has confirmed that the Nexus 7/Play won't have magazines, music or TV shows in the UK.



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Seems I've encountered another problem in the jolly workings of my phone. Just a few days ago, it's decided that whenever I make a call(and possibly take a call, haven't checked yet) that it will automatically decide to turn loudspeaker on every.single.bloody.time.! It's annoying, and I don't know how to fix it! I tried some googles, read about doing a battery pull(I had already tried taking the battery out whilst it was on, and then holding the power button for a bit, then replacing the battery and turning back on), it didn't work. I then read something about it possibly being related to the Docking feature for cars, I had a look, turned off the 'auto-launch; launce car panel in car kit automatically' option and...huzzah! It worked, no more auto-loudspeaker.


Until 10 minutes ago. The option's still off, and I can't find anything anywhere else to tell me why it would be doing this! It's a desire HD, no idea what version of android is on it though...is there an easy way to find out that too?



EDIT:Gaaaah! It's mysteriously fixed itself again now too! How very annoying.


EDITEDIT: AAAAAAAAND it's bloody back again! GAH!

Edited by Rummy
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I had that problem. It was something to do with it thinking something was in the USB slot on my phone and going into dock mode in the satnav thingy. I just plugged a cable in and out, and that sorted it.


That might be totally irrelevant and not even the problem you have. :p

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I had that problem. It was something to do with it thinking something was in the USB slot on my phone and going into dock mode in the satnav thingy. I just plugged a cable in and out, and that sorted it.


That might be totally irrelevant and not even the problem you have. :p


Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately I think I have ultimately concluded similar. I had tried battery pulls, turning off docking options, and even the penultimate solution(final being a reflesh of the ROM) of restoring 'factory default' to essentially conclude it must be a hardware/usb port issue, despite the fact I've blown the fuck out of it, and scraped lint out with a staple. Apparently it's fairly htc unique, and well, it doesn't seem like it'll fix and also there's no way to ultimately disable the loudspeaker feature; so I think I'll probably end up(as my thread suggests) buying a budget interim phone.

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Well my Nexus 7 arrived, thought it might not ship until next week :) Need to learn all the new stuff in Jelly Bean now. Thought the screen had a weird tint because they changed the colour of the keyboard, lol.


Google Now is pretty cool, although it'll be better on a phone or a table that isn't wifi only if you want to use it for traffic or transport information. That's if it even works in the UK.


One thing I love about Google is how everything just syncs.


Need to play around with it some more though.


Also I heard that the Nexus S should be getting Jelly Bean around now, but I haven't gotten the update yet :(

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Should be any time.


From the sounds of it, CM10 (Jelly Bean) will be fairly quick in terms of release. They have it running fairly well on some devices (such as the HP Touchpad - just the usual camera and mic issues, which don't affect me).


I'm starting to think that Jelly Bean will be available pretty shortly after ICS is released sometime this or next month - the only problem with ICS is the drivers (such as camera/camcorder) which is more of a problem than on a tablet.


Although I think I may go for the Galaxy Nexus for my next phone (way off in December) unless something really amazing comes out by then.

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I think I'm being teased. I was out last night and a notification showed up for an update to the firmware. I was excited as I thought it was Jelly Bean. But no, it was Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich, which my phone already had. I got it before on a normal update that came through the phone so I don't know why this came again. My firmware was already 4.0.4. I think they were teasing me really.

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Got it last night. Squealed in front of all my friends when I saw it. It appears to not have pictures when asking questions, unlike the US version. Also, it has a man responding instead of a woman.


It's very nice though.

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I can't really tell because I recently lost my good battery with my wallet, so I have been using a somewhat faulty battery. I'll be getting a new one soon but you will probably know the answer to your question by then.

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Was impressed Google Now knew I left for work this morning even though I just set it up last night. Directions didn't work exactly but never mind.


Doesn't seem to have improved the battery, down to 55% already. Was using Google Music for a bit though, but it had dropped to 73% overnight.

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I got a Nexus 7 a few days ago, but the headphone port doesn't seem to work. Should sound stop coming out of the tablet and start coming through my headphones as soon as they are plugged in? I assumed it would be like that, but nothing comes through the headphones and the tablet speakers keep playing.

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