heroicjanitor Posted May 14, 2012 Posted May 14, 2012 Jesus christ... Better off just permanently roaming :p
Charlie Posted May 14, 2012 Posted May 14, 2012 flameboy said: Urgh here is the Canadian bundle I'm getting for the same phone... a 3 YEAR contract at $62.35 (plus tax) for 200 minutes, unlimited texts 1GB of Data, $169.99 payment for phone. It's exclusive to them and the only over tariff you can get is $52 which swaps an extra 100 minutes in at the expense of data as it comes with just 500MB.... So depressing the land of rip of phones I am about to enter. 3 year contracts, Jesus Christ... I remember when 12 month was the norm. I never want to sign one more than 18 months and even that is pushing it. I think when the new iPhone comes out (you heard it here first, 'new iPhone' ) I'll do the same as last year. Sell my 4s, unlocked on eBay and then buy the new one whilst making a tidy profit.
flameboy Posted May 14, 2012 Posted May 14, 2012 Yup it outright sucks.... so feel my pain people. The only saving grace is that there is some new regulations hopefully getting passed as law that will hopefully stop some of the practices that take place when you try to change your contract.
Platty Posted May 14, 2012 Posted May 14, 2012 Woah 3 year contract!! That is mental. I'm not happy with 18 months to be honest but the only 12 month contracts are the simplicity ones where you have to then buy the phone yourself at like £400-£500.... By the way I meant 500mb not 500gb... (edited original post) :P
Ten10 Posted May 15, 2012 Posted May 15, 2012 Didn't know if I should go to android thread or tales of something thread. Namco Bandai to release an Android exclusive RPG called Tales of the World: Tactics Union this July
Platty Posted May 15, 2012 Posted May 15, 2012 The One X has arrived. It is Beautiful. Currently on charge before I switch it on and whilst I get everything off my Desire I want to keep. I have question about battery charging as I've read conflicting views on this. 1) Running the phone until it completely dies for the first few charges which calibrates the battery and makes it last longer? 2) The above is a myth and for older battery technologies. You should never let it run dry and in fact if possible charging it when it is down to 30% - 40% is recommended to prolong battery life - "top up" charging. What is the right advice to follow eh?
James Posted May 15, 2012 Posted May 15, 2012 The chaps over at XDA forums recommend the first one when flashing a new rom so I would say they would know what they are talking about. Be good to hear your views on the phone and will probably be torn between this and a galaxy sIII
Cube Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 Lithium batteries don't have problems like that - you don't even need to fully charge it before first use.
Diageo Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 But you do. Many times I've bought batteries or phones with lithium batteries and not fully charged them. They would hardly last. Then if I charged it for several hours while off, as recommended by the manuals, it would last much longer.
Cube Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 Nope, it has no effect on it at all. In fact, most (if not all) lithium-ion batteries are charged to 40% before being shipped as it's the ideal charge for long-term storage. So we don't even have the chance to give the battery it's "first charge".
Diageo Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 Well my personal experience would disagree. Why would they put it on a manual if it was not true? I bought a new battery for my Nexus S. It specifically said in the manual, "charge with the phone turned off for 9 hours before first use".
Cube Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 I would guess they tell you to fully charge it first time so there's no chance of the phone turning off during set-up.
Diageo Posted May 16, 2012 Posted May 16, 2012 I bought the battery separate. There was no set up necessary for the phone. It was a second battery.
david.dakota Posted May 16, 2012 Author Posted May 16, 2012 Cube said: Lithium batteries don't have problems like that - you don't even need to fully charge it before first use. Cube said: Nope, it has no effect on it at all. In fact, most (if not all) lithium-ion batteries are charged to 40% before being shipped as it's the ideal charge for long-term storage. So we don't even have the chance to give the battery it's "first charge". Having just returned from a hotel seemingly cut off the power supply after a few minutes, in just a few days its managed to completely fuck my battery on the S2 - and I mean proper rape it, in the car park with no rubber. I can barely get an hours heavy use from it now, whereas previously I probably got 4-5 hours heavy use. I get 6 hours light use now, whereas (after the ICS update) it would last 12+ hours. Follow the instructions and take no notice of anyone else.
Cube Posted May 17, 2012 Posted May 17, 2012 Mine has been charged to various different degrees (and wasn't charged when I first used it) with absolutely no effect. Even if you follow the instructions, you only have to fully charge it for the first time - you can charge it to any level you want after that. The only thing (regarding battery levels) that can damage it is draining it completely, which is why phones turn off before it gets to that point.
EEVILMURRAY Posted May 20, 2012 Posted May 20, 2012 Platty said: Cheers guys. Went for the HTC One X. The more I read and watched reviews on the S3 the more I disliked the look of it and the Samsung TouchWiz software. I'm used to Sense and I think the One X looks better in my opinion. Yes S3 has a removable battery which is bigger than the One X and it also has SD card support but those were the only things swaying it over the One X for me. To be honest I can live without SD card support. 32 Gig plus cloud space is more than enough and I can transfer stuff with a cable happily. The Battery was the concern but I've been reading a lot on the One X and I think with my general use it will get through the day and I'm happy to charge every night (do that now anyway). The final decider was the cost. The S3 was being priced up with an iPhone 4S and to get a good deal I would have needed to be tied down to a 2 year contract which I wasn't happy about. In the end got the One X on £27 per month 18 month contract with 300 minutes, unlimited texts, 500MB data, £79.99 payment for the phone. (O2 customer). Happy with that. I've been looking at this also and since I'm getting impatient I may go for this handset. What's the browsing quality like?
Cube Posted May 20, 2012 Posted May 20, 2012 EEVILMURRAY said: I've been looking at this also and since I'm getting impatient I may go for this handset. What's the browsing quality like? It has ICS, so you can install Chrome.
EEVILMURRAY Posted May 20, 2012 Posted May 20, 2012 And you can do all that zooming thing where you pull your fingers apart?
Cube Posted May 20, 2012 Posted May 20, 2012 The standard HTC browser, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Dolphin, Skyfire and others all have that basic function. Double-tapping usually zooms in to an appropriate level and when you zoom in the columns of text usually re-size so the paragraph is the width of the screen (so you only have to scroll up/down to read an article). Interestingly, Chrome is also coming to iOS, although it's fairly pointless due to iOS limitations. Actually, Google should pull an Opera - the situation for browsers on iOS is actually much, much worse than Internet Explorer on Windows (which forced Microsoft to ask everyone in the EU which browser they want). Then again, Google would have to weigh the cost gained through ads on Chrome with the disadvantage of forcing Apple to improve their phones.
Platty Posted May 20, 2012 Posted May 20, 2012 (edited) So far I'm happy with the One X. The battery isn't actually that bad. I get around 16 hours out of it with moderate use. If I hammer it with playing games etc then yes it does run out quicker in like 6-8 hours. But that was no different to my Desire. Although, I have noticed a little Orange/Yellow spot in the bottom right corner that seems to be LCD related. If I push down it goes away. Not overly annoying and can only be seen on white background. I remember the iPhone 4 having something similar, something to do with the glue. Tempted to get it replaced but not sure I can be bothered with the hassle of it all as apart from that the phone works perfectly. Edited May 20, 2012 by Platty
flameboy Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 So I got a nice shiny new android tablet can anyone recommend good apps for news and such? Already got bbc news, sky news,pulse and google currents and love them but want more lol.
Cube Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 I've used News Republic before now, it has a decent tablet view. Also, Mass Effect Infiltrator has just appeared on the Play Store. Just given it a quick go and the touch controls are actually a bajillion times better than I expected.
flameboy Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 Yeah I already have Mass Effect Infiltrator on my ipod touch. I never really had a problem with the controls before but they did patch it to tweak them slightly assuming the android one is this version. Would be curious to see how it runs on my android but not enough to pay twice for it. Cheers for the news republic tip.
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