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  lostmario said:
When this drops to £14.99, I'll consider buying it.


No team party option is.... hmm.. what would Zechs say.... A JOKE!!!


I'll stick with BlackOps for the time being, 15th prestige is just a week away.





But seriously, WTF? No way of going online as a team? What were they thinking?

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  LostOverThere said:
Good to hear, Beverage! How are the visuals compared to the first?


Also, are the AI any smarter?


Visuals - At times a bit better, some times quite equivalent and I think even a tad worse at parts. You prob' won't even be focusing on the visuals half the time, mainly just the gameplay and what'll be jumping/sneeking out at you!


AI - Again, at times noticably more intelligent. At times they're rather dumby, but also similar to how they were in The Conduit.

I must say though, when battle shoot-outs pop off it gets quite strategic, unlike the first game where you'd mostly be charging in like Rambo/Robocop and just blasting like a lunatic. This one's much more satisfying in that regards.


I'm having fun on this game, although there are room for improvements - like most of other games out thurr :bowdown::yay::bouncy::D:love:



Totally forgot, the main thing that's a slight hindrance towards both the gameplay + graphics = the choppy framerate at times : peace:

Posted (edited)

"Top 6 Wii Games of 2011" ..... LOL What?!! They're including this tagline!!


Not only does it not make the Top 5, but I'm not even sure I can name 6 Wii Games for 2011?!


I've just watched the GT Review, and I honestly think the game looks poor (sorry to be down on it). The visuals are unimpressive, the gameplay unspectacular, and the new voice actor is awful!

Edited by Retro_Link
  Retro_Link said:
"Top 6 Wii Games of 2011" ..... LOL What?!! They're including this tagline!!


Not only does it not make the Top 5, but I'm not even sure I can name 6 Wii Games for 2011?!


I've just watched the GT Review, and I honestly think the game looks poor (sorry to be down on it). The visuals are unimpressive, the gameplay unspectacular, and the new voice actor is awful!


I'm with you on this one. The IGN review was putting heaps of praise on the graphics with the only problem being the framerate, but the GT review, which I don't put too much faith in normally, was saying things that were clearly backed up by what I was watching.


The first game wasn't horrendous - it just had a long way to go before it was great. I'm sure this is a much more competent effort but it doesn't look any less generic and Ford's new voice and personality transplant don't change that.

  lostmario said:
Less than 2K sold in Europe first week apparently




Discarding the fact that that number comes from VGChartz and should be taken with a hefty pinch of salt, is it really any wonder. Portal 2 and Mortal Kombat on the same day and are better picks if you're a core gamer who owns a Wii and the other consoles.


I haven't picked it up. Not sure when or if I'll get round to it. The first was ok and nothing more. Controls were the major plus for it but other FPSs on the Wii have matched the customisation as well as providing better single player and multiplayer experiences, both of which I've heard don't quite stack up to other FPSs on the console.

  Ganepark32 said:

The first was ok and nothing more. Controls were the major plus for it but other FPSs on the Wii have matched the customisation as well as providing better single player and multiplayer experiences, both of which I've heard don't quite stack up to other FPSs on the console.


Yeah but none of the others have the voice of Duke Nukem do they? :D


I'm really enjoying this game.


The singleplayer has some Grinder-esque elements to it sometimes.

I believe there are these optional maps one can choose at the main hub, so before I went to China, I went to Oxford.


Died a few times there, because the enemies kept respawning and creeping up on you. One guy with massive armour and a shotgun will hunt you down when your eyes meet; no matter where you go on the map, he'll find you!


Got myself in some tight spots in Oxford, little did I know that I could pop back in the conduit which brought me there in the first place:laughing:


It seems like I still have a long way to go, but this is one franchise I'm willing to stick by for my FPS needs on a NINTENDO system.

Would look damn good in HD I tell you; 't has quite the Metroid vibe at times.


Yeah I noticed that too, but I wanted to unveil the conspiracies so badly that I just remained with the story :laughing:

I rtied to go back and go to the bonus levels (with the question marks) but I couldn't select them as they were not clickable. Do you have a suggestions...? I saved my backup file (just took precaustion.. never needed to really) every step of the way (so that file is completed too :heh: ) and besides, all my rivals are on my main file : peace:


  Fused King said:
... but this is one franchise I'm willing to stick by for my FPS needs on a NINTENDO system.

Would look damn good in HD I tell you; 't has quite the Metroid vibe at times.


Word to that!!! :bowdown:

Conduit Cafe' or Conduit Feel?.. Because I now doubt Conduit 3DS will happen now....


Also, that dude in armour who hunts you down is such a freakin predator. Just spam countless amounts of headshots as his helmet is the weakest protector he has. It can be quite difficult though as sometimes he approaches rather quickly (jogging? lol) in a zig-fucking-zag kind of way, while other enemies would be sniping and/or blasting at you!


As for entering the Conduits at anytime that pleases you, I thought you had to activate switches somewhere first to make that possible?

  Beverage said:
Conduit Cafe' or Conduit Feel?.. Because I now doubt Conduit 3DS will happen now....
Why do you doubt it will happen?


Also, I don't see why an HD console will all of a sudden make The Conduit series better? If it doesn't hold up to other shooters in Standard Def, surely it will fall just as far short in HD. I just don't think the dev team is talented/imaginative enough.

  Retro_Link said:
Why do you doubt it will happen?


Also, I don't see why an HD console will all of a sudden make The Conduit series better? If it doesn't hold up to other shooters in Standard Def, surely it will fall just as far short in HD. I just don't think the dev team is talented/imaginative enough.


Why I Now 'Doubt' That Conduit 3DS Will Happen

Because HVS are reacting rather... 'funny', when ever they are asked if we'll see any 3DS iterations of Conduit. They usually respond with something similar to: "An interesting machine that is. We indeed demonstrated Conduit on the 3DS to show how great the 3DS is and how excellent our Quantam engine runs on it. But we won't discuss anything about that for now, but we are working on bringing something over to the 3DS next year."

Now I just always personally over-think things and I believe that they want to keep the Conduit universe bound to NINTENDO's home consoles. Wii2 is releasing next year so I presume we'll maybe see a Conduit for that as "They have more stories to tell, it just depends how Conduit 2 does".

So I reckon they'll perhaps just make a random FPS (The Grinder?) or maybe also even an RPG for the 3DS. : peace:


Why I Believe An HD Console Will All-of-A-Sudden Make Conduit a Better Game

Hmmm. How should I put this?... I think Conduit is already a good game. I don't think a "HD console" will simply make it better. I believe that a console with capabilities like Project Cafe is rumoured to have will make Conduit better. Especially seeing a Project Cafe is a NINTENDO console. :bowdown:

Also, if I may add+, I believe a console like what Project Cafe is hinted to be like, would make any game better (I'm targetting Wii software). Sexy visuals? Ideal on-line? Probably new gameplay innovations / or sharpened Wii controls? Overall better tech than Wii?... Surely it'd make a game better. Do you think it'd make, say, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Zelda or Metroid better? Ain't this the reason you geeks speculate all and every day about it? :D


Hmm I wonder what's happened to The Grinder... both versions. I hope the 3DS doesn't get a port of the PS3/360 version, should that game ever find it's way on to the console. I think there's a good chance we'll see The Conduit 3DS.


Whilst the next Nintendo console may be capable of some very sexy games and ideas, if the developers are unable to exploit the Wii's potential when making The Conduit 1 & 2, why should it be any different for The Conduit 3 on Project Cafe? Metroid Prime/Goldeneye 007/Call of Duty Reflex/Black Ops, The Conduit series aint!

  Retro_Link said:
Hmm I wonder what's happened to The Grinder... both versions. I hope the 3DS doesn't get a port of the PS3/360 version, should that game ever find it's way on to the console.


Yeah same to be honest. PS360 versions had a dodgey birds-eye view when originally the Wii version was first-person. It looked much more interesting, even if a little typically arcadey (enemies crashing into your screen etc).

Am I mistaken in believing that HVS wanted a co-op mode for The Grinder where it was supposed to be upto 6 players (to show off each characters abilities and split up during a level). Could imagine 3DS doing that wth local multiplayer..

  Retro_Link said:

Whilst the next Nintendo console may be capable of some very sexy games and ideas, if the developers are unable to exploit the Wii's potential when making The Conduit 1 & 2, why should it be any different for The Conduit 3 on Project Cafe? Metroid Prime/Goldeneye 007/Call of Duty Reflex/Black Ops, The Conduit series aint!


Isn't it so that HVS went out of their way and created an engine to be used on Wii for quality visuals?

Regardless, I do think HVS has made excellent efforts when it comes to the Wii. They haven't made their Conduit series exclusively for Wii for nothing; it was probably done because it revolved around the Wii's tech and online capabilities.(along with the possible custom engine for it)

I also think that these guys are quite creative, though only looking at it from a Conduit perspective. Weapons, areas, enemies, and to a degree the story are, to me, very fun to interact with. This universe has untapped potential, and, without ever having played any HALO game, I often hear myself saying: 'This is the Wii's HALO':laughing:


In all honesty though, I'm not the best person for defending any FPS, for I hold no passion regarding this genre.

So Goldeneye or Black Ops for Wii might have better graphics or online here and there, but I know it isn't sci-fi, and I know it probably doesn't have an over-the-top conspiracy story.


Ah, what am I talking about.....


BOTTOM LINE: I very rarely buy an FPS game and I have a soft spot for franchises. Conduit got to me first :):bouncy:


  Retro_Link said:

Also, I don't see why an HD console will all of a sudden make The Conduit series better? If it doesn't hold up to other shooters in Standard Def, surely it will fall just as far short in HD. I just don't think the dev team is talented/imaginative enough.


I never said the game would be 'better'.

I meant that it would LOOK very good, for 't is a sci-fi game which begs for photo-realism.

  Fused King said:
Isn't it so that HVS went out of their way and created an engine to be used on Wii for quality visuals?
Yes they did... just not a very good one! Even from water/lighting tech demo's I didn't think it looked very good.

The graphics in the Conduit aren't any better than other FPS games out there, they're just more shiny.


The gun models don't look half as good as they do in CoD for example.

  Fused King said:
Isn't it so that HVS went out of their way and created an engine to be used on Wii for quality visuals?

Regardless, I do think HVS has made excellent efforts when it comes to the Wii. They haven't made their Conduit series exclusively for Wii for nothing; it was probably done because it revolved around the Wii's tech and online capabilities.(along with the possible custom engine for it)

I also think that these guys are quite creative, though only looking at it from a Conduit perspective. Weapons, areas, enemies, and to a degree the story are, to me, very fun to interact with. This universe has untapped potential, and, without ever having played any HALO game, I often hear myself saying: 'This is the Wii's HALO':laughing:


In all honesty though, I'm not the best person for defending any FPS, for I hold no passion regarding this genre.

So Goldeneye or Black Ops for Wii might have better graphics or online here and there, but I know it isn't sci-fi, and I know it probably doesn't have an over-the-top conspiracy story.


Ah, what am I talking about.....


BOTTOM LINE: I very rarely buy an FPS game and I have a soft spot for franchises. Conduit got to me first :):bouncy:




I never said the game would be 'better'.

I meant that it would LOOK very good, for 't is a sci-fi game which begs for photo-realism.


Pffft. *Rolls sleeves up* :mad:

I've played Halo ichi, ni and san - including R.E.A.C.H. And, similarly, Conduit 2 is a scifi and still yet 'I' personally don't think HALO blows Conduit out of the water. It's multiplayer on LIVE is hella fun I must admit, but again, doesn't exactly leave me jaw-dropped. Now I seriously am unable to determine which on I had more joy on out of HALO REACH & Black Ops (both 360 version, obviusly Halo but BO I'm talking).

Now if I'm enjoying Conduit 2 nearly as much as Halo (yeah add your fancy flying/driving vehicles etc) then.... ::shrug:Each to their own is all I be priiching


Also, mirroring F.K, I too have a soft spot for franchises and Conduit got there first :hug: (I say 'first' as I'm not a FPS fanatic. Still, put a good/unique one before my eyes [or just a super awesome ome] and I'm sold :D )


  kav82 said:
The graphics in the Conduit aren't any better than other FPS games out there, they're just more shiny.


The gun models don't look half as good as they do in CoD for example.


Do you have a 360/PS3, Kav82? Because Wii graphics in general are shit really. So for example, a Wii CoD visually doesn't stack up to a 360 CoD basically... Same with the online to be honest. So CoD lovin I'd do on my bro's 360 :wink:

There isn't an 360/PS3 version of Conduit, so that's where Wii come in :yay:

  Beverage said:
Pffft. *Rolls sleeves up* :mad:

I've played Halo ichi, ni and san - including R.E.A.C.H. And, similarly, Conduit 2 is a scifi and still yet 'I' personally don't think HALO blows Conduit out of the water. It's multiplayer on LIVE is hella fun I must admit, but again, doesn't exactly leave me jaw-dropped. Now I seriously am unable to determine which on I had more joy on out of HALO REACH & Black Ops (both 360 version, obviusly Halo but BO I'm talking).

Now if I'm enjoying Conduit 2 nearly as much as Halo (yeah add your fancy flying/driving vehicles etc) then.... ::shrug:Each to their own is all I be priiching


Also, mirroring F.K, I too have a soft spot for franchises and Conduit got there first :hug: (I say 'first' as I'm not a FPS fanatic. Still, put a good/unique one before my eyes [or just a super awesome ome] and I'm sold :D )




Do you have a 360/PS3, Kav82? Because Wii graphics in general are shit really. So for example, a Wii CoD visually doesn't stack up to a 360 CoD basically... Same with the online to be honest. So CoD lovin I'd do on my bro's 360 :wink:

There isn't an 360/PS3 version of Conduit, so that's where Wii come in :yay:


Yes, there isn't a 360/PS3 version of the Conduit or Conduit 2, and I'm pretty sure 360/PS3 owners don't give a toss either. There are far better looking FPS games on the Wii, including the COD games, MOH, Goldeneye and Red Steel 2.


And yeah, Wii COD doesn't look as good as 360 COD, but it looks better than the Conduit!


Zechs, I'm sure they'd not give a tossed toast which is why they'd have a PS3/360 in the first place :D

Equivalently, I give a tossed.... burger, if CoD looks bettter than Conduit :kiss:


The reason for my dick accidentally poking you through your knickers is because I actually meant that as there are better versions of CoD (which is on the inferior Wii - graphics + online :laughing: ), I may aswell get full pleasure with having fun on it on the more ideal consoles for that (360 :bouncy: ). As Conduit isn't on 360 (or PS3) then, regardless if HD-Twin fanboys give a "toss", I'll capture it for me Wii and my 'joy' to devour it :love: *Licks Lips With Wet Slimey Tongue* :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:


And I so happen to be swept of my smooth feet for Conduit so I'll have sex with it no matter how ugly others think of it :nono:

Fuck it, I.m gonna play it now *Dresses in horny outfit for maximum pleasure* :geek:

Posted (edited)
  Beverage said:
...Do you have a 360/PS3, Kav82? Because Wii graphics in general are shit really. So for example, a Wii CoD visually doesn't stack up to a 360 CoD basically... Same with the online to be honest. So CoD lovin I'd do on my bro's 360 :wink:

There isn't an 360/PS3 version of Conduit, so that's where Wii come in :yay:


Yeah I have a 360 too. Sure compared to the HD versions CoD doesn't stack up visually, but online it does. It only lacks a few things, Ground War I'm not too fussed over, Valkyrie Missiles and the Camera Spike; I don't mind them not being there, Chopper Gunner and Gunship; thank God they're not in the Wii version as they're just too overpowered (by that I don't mean I get killed by them a lot, because when I play on the 360 version it's me doing the killing).


I understand why people prefer the HD versions but for me it simply comes down to one thing; the Wiimote is better for FPS than dual analogue... which again isn't to say I'm bad with dual analogue because I still kick plenty of ass with dual analogue pad too!

Edited by Kav

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