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Portal 2 Out Feb. 9th, 2011


Valve has revealed to us that Portal 2 will be released on February 9, 2011. In addition, they told us that the kindly British robot Wheatley, who has been featured in trailers for the game, will be voiced by Stephen Merchant. You may know him best as a writer for both the British and U.S. versions of The Office (as well as an actor in the former).


Edited by Dante
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Well the extent of the PS3 version's SteamWorks support has been revealed. It's pretty fantastic, to be honest:


Valve’s just confirmed that Portal 2 will feature cross-platform play between PS3 and both PC and Mac owners of the game when it releases in April.


Features also confirmed a “persistent cloud-based storage of PS3 saved games” as well as cross-platform chat on PS3, PC and Mac.


Valve’s also confirmed it’ll include a “Steam Play” of the game with every copy of the PS3 version, which means a Steam key for the PC and Mac version will be included.


“We made a promise to gamers at E3 that Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 would be the best console version of the product,” said Valve boss Gabe Newell.


“Working together with Sony we have identified a set of features we believe are very compelling to gamers. We hope to expand upon the foundation being laid in Portal 2 with more Steam features and functionality in DLC and future content releases.”


Portal 2 for PS3 was announced with full Steamworks support at E3 last June during Sony’s press conference by Newell.

Putting Steam Play in there really goes above and beyond the call of duty. It's also made me change my pre-order.

Posted (edited)

I don't want to imagine the total chaos that the announcement will cause on the Steam forums - the PC fanboys will absolutely hate it.


Still, all my friends have a 360 so that version will always win for me.


Edit: Actually, I wonder what the pricing will be like now. If there's only £10 between them then what would stop people buying the PS3 version, using the voucher and selling it/trading it in?

Edited by Cube
Posted (edited)

Nothing I suppose? As long as you'll find people who'll buy the PS3 version without the Steam code.


Edit: Unless the Steam code is required to activate the online portion of the PS3 game and connect your Steam account to your PSN account, of course. That should be a pretty safe method for preventing people to take advantage of this.


Not sure if this will result in an outcry from the PC crowd, although fans tend to find reasons to cry about anything. Portal 2 seems only to feature cooperative multiplayer, doesn't it? In that case the disparity between gamepad and keyboard+mouse controls won't have much of an impact.


It would be a bit different, if gamepad players got thrown in a competitive game like Counterstrike. You'd have console gamers complaining about being matched against PC gamers and PC gamers complaining about their teams being dragged down by console gamers.

Edited by Burny

I wonder, if it's a success could we see more Steam on the PS3? With it's impending piracy problems I guess that could be one solution. Steam isn't uncrackable, but it makes pirating games a pain in the arse.


It'll be interesting to see how this affects sales on the PS3/PC/360. I wonder if any of them will see a dip in sales - I'm thinking the PS3 version will probably do the better of that and the 360, but I still think the PC version will trump it.


Now if only Microsoft would pull their fingers out and jump in to bed with Valve and we'd all be happy. Though that would eventually mean crossplay between the 360 and PS3 and..




Steam on the 360 will never happen, Steam is a competitor to Games For Windows Live (though there ain't much competition, GFWL and it's Marketplace are aweful!) so there's pretty much zero chance of Microsoft endorsing it or helping Valve to gain more business.

Steam on the 360 will never happen, Steam is a competitor to Games For Windows Live (though there ain't much competition, GFWL and it's Marketplace are aweful!) so there's pretty much zero chance of Microsoft endorsing it or helping Valve to gain more business.


I didn't even know there was a Games for Windows Live marketplace. All my GfWL games were purchased through Steam.

Posted (edited)
I didn't even know there was a Games for Windows Live marketplace. All my GfWL games were purchased through Steam.


It even had a relaunch recently, to make it less rubbish.

Edited by Burny

I've bought one thing off there, Batman: AA because it was going for a fiver. Really wish I hadn't. The download is so ridiculously slow and fails regularly, plus there's no way to back-up the game. It took me a week to get it last time. Not sure I can be arsed with this PC, though I would like to play the game...

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Good Listener (5) - Take GLaDOS' escape advice.

High Five (5) - Celebrate your cooperative calibration success.

Pturretdactyl (5) - Use an Aerial Faith Plate to launch a turret.

Scanned Alone (5) - Stand in a defective turret detector.

Wake Up Call (5) - Survive the manual override.

You Monster (5) - Reunite with GLaDOS.

Asking for Trouble (10) - Taunt GLaDOS in front of a camera in each of the five co-op courses.

Bridge Over Troubling Water (10) - Complete the first Hard Light Bridge test.

Can't Touch This (10) - Dance in front of a turret blocked by a hard light bridge in co-op.

Confidence Building (10) - Complete all test chambers in the Mass and Velocity co-op course.

No Hard Feelings (10) - Save a turret from redemption.

Portrait of a Lady (10) - Find a hidden portrait.

SaBOTour (10) - Make a break for it.

Ship Overboard (10) - Discover the missing experiment.

Team Building (10) - Complete all test chambers in the Team Building co-op course.

Undiscouraged (10) - Complete the first Thermal Discouragement Beam test.

You Made Your Point (10) - Refuse to solve the first test in Chapter 8.

Bridge Building (15) - Complete all test chambers in the Hard-Light Surfaces co-op course.

Dual Pit Experiment (15) - Do the same test twice.

Gesticul-8 (15) - Perform all 8 gestures of your own volition in co-op.

Obstacle Building (15) - Complete all test chambers in the Excursion Funnels co-op course.

Stalemate Associate (15) - Press the button!

Still Alive (15) - Complete Course 4 with neither you nor your co-op partner dying.

Stranger Than Friction (15) - Master the Propulsion Gel.

Tater Tote (15) - Carry science forward.

Triple Crown (15) - Solve 3 co-op chambers in the Mass and Velocity course in under 60 seconds each.

Tunnel of Funnel (15) - Master the Excursion Funnel.

Vertically Unchallenged (15) - Master the Repulsion Gel.

White Out (15) - Complete the first Conversion Gel test.

Air Show (20) - Perform 2 aerial gestures before touching the ground in co-op.

Door Prize (20) - Examine all the vitrified test chamber doors.

Drop Box (20) - Place a cube on a button without touching the cube.

Final Transmission (20) - Find the hidden signal in one of the Rat Man's dens.

Iron Grip (20) - Never lose a cube in Chamber 6 of the Mass and Velocity co-op course.

Lunacy (20) - That just happened.

Portal Conservation Society (20) - Complete Chamber 3 in the Hard-Light Surfaces co-op course using only 5 total portal placements.

Preservation of Mass (20) - Break the rules in Test Chamber 07.

Rock Portal Scissors (20) - Win 3 co-op games of rock-paper-scissors in a row.

Schrodinger's Catch (20) - Catch a blue-painted box before it touches the ground.

The Part Where He Kills You (20) - This is that part.

Empty Gesture (25) - Drop your co-op partner in goo while they are gesturing by removing the bridge under them.

Four Ring Circus (25) - Enter 4 different portals without touching the ground in co-op.

Narbacular Drop (25) - Place a portal under your co-op partner while they are gesturing.

Party of Three (25) - Find the hidden companion cube in co-op test chamber.

Overclocker (30) - Complete Test Chamber 10 in 70 seconds.

Pit Boss (30) - Show that pit who's boss.

Friends List With Benefits (50) - While playing co-op, hug 3 different people on your friends list.

Professor Portal (75) - After completing co-op, complete Calibration Course online with a friend who hasn’t played before.

Smash TV (75) - Break 11 test chamber monitors.

You Saved Science (100) - Complete all test chambers in all courses of co-op.



Ship Overboard (10) - Discover the missing experiment.



Edited by Dante

How stupid is this one?


Professor Portal (75) - After completing co-op, complete Calibration Course online with a friend who hasn’t played before.



I hate achievements like this

This has gone from a maybe to a day 1.


L4D3 please!! With Steam. On the PS3. I'd be so happy.


We don't need L4D3... I say just give us more L4D2 campaigns. There's really nothing to improve upon with a third game.

I'd rather have more L4D1. Didn't think L4D2 was as good as. The characters had lame banter in 2.


Agreed. While the gameplay was betting in L4D2, there was just something missing. The characters and levels just weren't as good. Unfortunately, they've ruined all hopes of a third game with the original cast.


I don't mind if it's a new cast for three, just that they spend more time on it to get the quality level up. L4D2 came out so quickly after the first it's no surprise.


I for one think the cast of L4D2 is much better than that of the first. The first one was just too gloomy. The second one was fun as hell, and the campaings were better, imo. Which is why I sold the first. The second one is just better in everything. Setting, soundtrack, chars, the works! And gameplay, of course, but that's not a reasonable comparison.


You say there's something missing in 2, I never really clicked with L4D till the second one. The first one didn't click with me.


Lame banter? Ellis is king!


I don't think it's supposed to be scary, and if it is, they're doing it wrong, imo.

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